Chapter 194: Just In Time

Name:Reincarnated User Manual Author:
Chapter 194: Just In Time

Although Varian was kidnapped, unfortunately, no useful information could be extracted.

Who was the sponsor?

Why research teleportation?

Perhaps to etch his name in history? Or maybe just out of pure curiosity about magic?

Varian couldn’t possibly know what Lucia was thinking; all she could do was speculate.

Interrogation, threats, even torture... there was nothing they hadn’t tried to extract information.

Even showing a mountain of gold coins or casting mind control magic to extract information, Varian remained uninterested, like a dead-end wall.

No, if one must draw a comparison, Varian seemed more like a doll with a frightened expression.

Though baseless, Lucia felt that Varian was not frightened at all but was merely acting.

However, even amidst this, it wasn’t entirely fruitless.

It all started from a small question about whether he would teach his life’s work, teleportation.

-“Oh, what’s with this kid?”

-“Why are you looking at me? I didn’t do anything?”

The moment Seira performed the teleportation spell right before his eyes, Varian fainted with his eyes wide open.

For a moment, she worried if the torture had broken him, but luckily, or not, Varian soon regained consciousness.


As if a thread had snapped, when Varian regained consciousness, something unbelievable happened.

He couldn’t remember anything from the moment he was kidnapped up to now. Even the non-superstitious Seira was screaming in fear at that time; something truly inexplicable by magic.

The oddities didn’t end there.

Was it the day after Varian, the assistant, was kidnapped? Suddenly, tens of presences appeared all at once at midnight, and how startled Lucia was.

Who knew where those assassins came from, but a shocked Lucia killed them all.

The regret of not torturing them lasted only a short while, for the next attack came just a few days later.

The second were abominations wrapped in black flames, as bright and loud as meteors even in broad daylight; it was impossible not to know where they came from.

Lucia killed them all, having caught onto the clue.

The third were magicians constantly shooting magic imbued with sinister mana.

Lucia, having waited at the location where they would appear, killed them all.

And the fourth. Lucia gave a cold glance to the group that fell from the sky. She didn’t count precisely, but there seemed to be at least thirty.

But regardless of the number, it was of no concern to a girl with a sword. Lucia resolved to kill them all again, flicking her hands and slanting her sword.

“Cry, Sirius.”

The white sword aura swallowed the star’s sword. If Shiron had seen it, he might have cringed at the cheesy naming, but soon, all the enemies would be dead anyway. Lucia felt embarrassed by her own appearance, yet she thought the naming was genuinely cool.

A chilling smile hung on Lucia’s lips.

The knights in blue armor felt an unknown emotion as they drew their swords.


The knights didn’t shout their moves. Black flames climbed up their blades and took the shape of a sword aura.

But that wasn’t really a sword aura.

The tingling sensation on her skin and the sharpness in her nostrils were magical energy. Lucia, someone who knew what true sword aura was, a master who could distinguish truth from falsehood, was certain of it.

And she knew too well that no human could emit such magical energy. Reassured that they were not human, Lucia increased the size of her sword aura.

“I mean, I heard he was supposed to get engaged last week. Surely our prospective son-in-law isn’t lying, and at least after ten days, it should be possible, right?”

“Uh... Well, that’s...”

Shiron struggled to face the venomous gaze directly.

“As you know, Eldrina, our family has a special power handed down through generations, and there’s this really bad god... We’re given the power of foresight to stop that bastard... Personal matters can’t be predicted, you see?”


“Yes. And with such ominous dangers approaching, it would be better to do it after this event is over. There’s something called timing. The right atmosphere for a proposal.”

Shiron hurriedly spoke and then pulled out a rather luxurious-looking box from his pocket. Click—the box opened, and a beautiful glow caught Eldrina’s eyes.

That’ll do, a dowry worthy of her precious daughter’s slender fingers. Eldrina bit her tongue to suppress a pleased smile.

“...I also know you’re not delaying just because you want to. You’ve prepared a ring like this, so if the situation is right, you can propose anytime.”

“Then why are you rushing me?”

“The problem isn’t me, it’s Siriel.”


Ignoring the roar coming from behind, Eldrina rubbed her temples again.

“You know the girl’s busy with the knight’s order duties, right?”

“I heard she will be with her great-uncle on the next expedition.”

Shiron nodded briefly in response.

Recently, according to Lucia, Siriel spends most of her time outside the academy preparing to take over the knight’s order.

The so-called successor lessons. Siriel was preparing to lead the Sky Knights in place of Hugo.

“Siriel can’t fully focus on the successor lessons. Do you know how much she throws a fit wanting to help you every morning?”

“...Is that so?”

Was that happening? Having been cooped up in the basement lately, Shiron was utterly unaware of this.

“I agree we should wait for the right time, but Siriel is my daughter. She’s not the type to just sit and suck her thumb waiting for the man she loves...”

Eldrina rubbed her temples again as if it hurt.

“Siriel, the more she takes the successor lessons, the more she feels the future apart from you becoming real.”


“And, if she inherits the knight’s order, she will eventually leave the house often and for long periods, just like her father. It’s natural to worry about another ‘cat’ stealing her bowl while apart.”

“...What can we do? With all this chaos going on.”

Shiron stroked his chin and gazed out the window.

Hundreds of meters of sword aura were decimating the golden giant.

“Siriel won’t mind the time or place if it’s you.”

Eldrina sighed at the same scene.

“Why not just get engaged today?”

“It’s a once-in-a-lifetime proposal, isn’t it? You know that, which is why you’re keeping the engagement plans a secret from Siriel, aren’t you?”

Shiron shook his head at Eldrina’s complaints.

“I don’t think Siriel is a frivolous child who can’t wait even ten days. I believe she will wait patiently.”

Shiron confidently responded and slipped the ring box back into his pocket.