Chapter 883 Playful Aquarina


As I was trying to process all the gains I got from the last battle, which put us against a literal goddess on the flesh, Aquarina entered my room, instantly bursting into tears and jumping over my body.


She fell over me with a loud thud, if it wasn't because I had a strong physique she could had quite possibly broken a few bones, she's as tough as a rock herself!

"Ouch, Aquarina don't be so rough...!"

As I shrieked in pain, she quickly stopped hugging me desperately, apologizing while rubbing her face over mine.

"Sowy... I was just very happy; you've been asleep for two weeks! You don't know how worried I've been!"

"I-It's okay, I understand... But calm down a bit." I sighed. "I'm fine, I was just a bit tired..."

"Still..." She sighed, as she started adorably rubbing her nose with mine. "Give me a few kissies at least, alright?"

"Fine, fine~" I giggled, caressing her long and white hair. "Thank you for taking care of me until I woke up."

She began lovingly kissing my entire face for a little while. She was really worried; I can tell by the intensity of her kisses.

"I missed these!" She held up her tears while cuddling with me in bed. "I gave you a few while you were asleep but it wasn't the same!"

"I-Is that so? Can you let me go now?" I wondered, trying to be freed from her strong Amazonian bear hug.

"Nuh-huh! We'll cuddle until I am satisfied!" She said with a playful giggle.

"Eeehh...?" I sighed, but at the end I left her have her way with me.

After around half an hour of kissing, hugging, and cuddling, she finally let go of me, as I started stretching. My body felt incredibly sore after being in a bed for two weeks.n(.o--V./e(-l-.b.(I.-n

"Ugh... So how's everyone so far?" I asked, while stretching, Aquarina was sitting on my bed while giving a rather adorable smile.

"They're alright! Luck and Lara had gotten a bit more used to the life in the city. And the Anima people we found had already been moved here, they got housings and all~" Aquarina yawned. "It has been a really peaceful life, if it wasn't because you've been sleeping for so long, things would had been as good as always. Sometimes... It makes me feel like all of those battles didn't even happen."

"I guess it is a well-deserved peace, we fought for so long, and at the end we finally managed to defeat all these threats..." I sighed. "Ugh, eating that goddess soul made me sleep for two weeks, probably."

"W-Wait, did you really ate her soul?! What sort of power is that?" Asked Aquarina. "I thought you just sealed it or something, that's what your parents said."

"I guess it sounds really crazy that way, huh?" I sighed. "I can't blame them if they cannot believe something like that. It is part of a Curse I inherited from Furoh. Do you remember why he couldn't transform back then? It was because he had a curse he had acquired, an inherited Curse from the Demon Continent."

"A-A curse?! And you decided to just get it yourself?" Aquarina was shocked.

"I know it sounds crazy, but it is a curse that has yet to even do anything bad to me, it has helped me absorb dark energies and souls, it was the key to defeat Lolth." I sighed, as I finished stretching, sweating all over. "It is a [Curse of the Demon King] or something, I modified it so it only gives me benefits now, hehe."

"T-That's hard to believe, honestly. But if it's you, it must be true..." Aquarina wondered. "After all, you're the one that gave me this crazy System Power that has allowed me to grow so fast already... I'm missing only a few more levels to Rank Up again, in fact!"

"Yeah, at this point its sometimes better to not think about it too deeply." I crossed my arms.

Well, I do know a lot about the curse, its origins, and the different forms it had taken, now that it has become a Familiar now, it is a sentient being and all... It is a much more complex existence.

Although he acts tough and "normal", Curse is something else, perhaps a power an Ancient Demon King created not just to get revenge on the Heroes, but perhaps an ability that might even damage the gods.

One of the many tools to create a powerful enough weapon to slay Gods, something no mortal has been able to do until now.

And even now, I can't really say I slain Lolth, she's still alive somewhere else, it's just that half her soul is now missing, she's probably too weak to even move.

"Well, glad things are moving forward and are fine. I'm relieved, honestly." I said. "I'll go take a bath before having breakfast! Hm, what hour is it now?"

"Oh, it's around eleven in the morning." Aquarina got up and hugged me tightly.

Then, slowly, she coquettishly whispered to my ears. "Let's take a bath together then~"

"Hm? Ah... Well, if you want to-"

But she wasn't done yet, slowly beginning to touch my legs, and spread her hands across my butt, gently grasping it! Sheesh, isn't this teenager a bit too eager now?

"A-Aquarina?" I asked nervously, feeling my heart racing.

"I was just thinking something~ Mom and dad are always touching each other. I've seen daddy touching mommy's butt a lot. I was wondering how it felt..." She giggled mischievously. "And yours is so plump, Sylphy~"

"Uwaah! Y-You're getting a bit ahead of yourself!" I quickly moved her hands away from my butt. "No touching! Don't be a perv now."

lightsnοvεl.cοm "Eeeh? But we are brides now, can't we touch a bit at least?" She pouted. "You also kind of liked it, you were blushing like a cute little pie."

"T-That's... Well... Ugh, let's just go take a bath first! We're too young to do that kind of stuff, and you know it." I said, reprimanding her.

"Geez, fine~ But still, let me wash your body at the very least~!" She followed me to the bathroom.
