Chapter 945 All The Systems Want Attention

Chapter 945 All The Systems Want Attention


With only four months left before the end of the year, we finally managed to reach one of our goals, for everyone that got the System recently to reach Max Level and Rank Up their Classes to Two Star Rank.

And about me? Well, I've been growing stronger slowly at my own pace, some of my high-level skills need a lot of proficiency, so even practicing every day won't yield quick results, and it might take months or over a year to see some changes without doing something drastic.Trace the roots of this material to n0v★lbin

I've been accumulating a nice amount of EXP as well, which I've been mostly saving so far, while constantly practicing all my Skills as much as I could on my free time. My Void Wielding Arts and Spider Queen Thread Creation Skills have gained a level each since then, but aside from those little techniques, it still rather hard to control these Skills properly.

My Illusory Mist has hit Level 2 as well, and... that's about it I think. I could probably use the EXP I have accumulated to forcefully level up more of my Skills, but I would rather save those points and let the Skills level up over time.

To celebrate today's achievements, we moved with my friends towards a restaurant, one where we had helped their chef once, and had a big feast of all kinds of tasty meals over there, which utilized the seafood we gathered and sold to them to make wonderful plates.

The day went by rather quickly after that, from eating to laughing, to talking and then exploring a bit of Agartha again before going back home. Mom and dad were busy preparing things for the end of the year, and my little brother had accompanied us to the trip to the restaurant and went immediately to sleep after that big feast.

And once I was back to my room, I decided to quickly open a Dungeon Gate and enter my Dungeon, to check how things were going. Today was the day we were going to open the fourth floor!

The beautiful greenery of the first floor greeted my sight, which had slowly expanded even more in size ever since its creation. There was an even larger lake, several rivers spread everywhere, and the Beast Forest had expanded into a gigantic forest, covering almost half of the entire landscape.

All the plants I've been planting here and helping grow have became much larger now. Wisdom Fruits had been harvested for a few days now, Man Fruits, Spirit Leaves, Yggdrasil Crystal Branches, and also all the fruits and vegetables my Harvest Familiars could produce, which after consuming them, would generate buffs.

I was still considering if I should sell these, so I've been mostly accumulating them inside my Inventory and saving them for personal use, and also for my mother to cook in our meals.

I think they might be a bit too strong to just sell around, their buffs are amazing and because I can easily replicate them, they could become a problem in the future... Hell, an enemy could one day use these buffs against us.

Or maybe I am being too paranoic? Well, I might take a different decision in the future.

Nonetheless, things were growing rapidly, and aside from these plants, I had also planted many other rare fruits and vegetables to sell off into the Merchant Union, which were growing rapidly.

[The [Dungeon System] greets their Master, saying that they're very excited about today's activities!]

[The [Dungeon System] nods happily, quickly bringing up the Dungeon Type Options for the Fourth Floor!]

[The [Quest System] has woken up, wondering what you're up to this time...]

"Well, would you look who is awake now..." I crossed my arms.

[The [Quest System] apologizes for not having been done too much lately, but there hasn't been any big things to incentive your growth, Causality is also required.]

[However, there might be new chances to get Quests as long as a greater connection with the [Dungeon System] can be made...]

[The [Dungeon System] says that the [Quest System] should just shut up and stop stealing attention from them!]

[The [Quest System] glares at the [Dungeon System] with disbelief, they were just trying to help!]

"Okay, okay, don't fight." I laughed.


[The [Dungeon System] is giving you three options!]

[What do you want the third Dungeon Floor to be?]

[Option 1: Desert Type Dungeon]

[Option 2: Cave Type Dungeon]

[Option 3: Volcanic Type Dungeon]

Huh, these options seem a bit hard...
