Chapter 956 Meeting Yggdra After Years

Chapter 956 Meeting Yggdra After Years


"I'm so happy you're back... With my child as well..."

Yggdra's voice echoed into my mind, as I felt happier the more I heard her gentle voice, which had not changed at all ever since the moment she grew from that little seed.


Naturia happily hugged Yggdra with her tiny arms made of branches and roots, the two connected their wavelengths of Spiritual Energy, connecting and sharing their emotions.

"You've sure grown stronger and bigger than ever before, little Naturia." Said Yggdra. "I can see that Master has taken good care of you."

"Yeah! Sylphy has been a good master foo!" Naturia said happily.

"I'm so glad!" Yggdra giggled. "Master- No, Sylphy, you've grown so strong. And... you've also aged a lot, your appearance... I can still see the face of that innocent girl, but you seem to have gained a lot of experience, you look stronger, not just physically or magically. But mentally as well."

"A-Ahahaha, I guess... But well, you're the big one here! Look at you! How long are you? Like... over two hundred meters?!" I asked. "I guess I can't really take you with me anymore... I was planning that, haha..."

"In a way, I'm always with you. Naturia here is not only my child, but a part of my soul and body. As long as she's with you, I am with you too." Yggdra explained. "However, I would like if... it's possible, to create a proper Contract. So I can become your Familiar."

"Right, we never did a proper one, right?" I wondered. "Would making you my familiar help you come along with me?" N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

"Perhaps not physically, but I could come along through our connected Souls, a manifestation of my powers and my soul could come with you, and perhaps also strengthen Naturia too." Yggdra explained.

"I see..." I nodded. "I wonder, can you soul appear in my Soul Scape?"

"I don't know... but it is worth giving it a try." She seemed to be rather excited herself, her gentle and soothing voice changing rhythm as she spoke.

"It's a big tree, I wonder if we can climb it?" Asked Mist. "Hey, Zack, let's climb it!"

"A-Are you sure? Won't Yggdra get angry?" Zack asked.

"You children are free to climb me if you want, but be careful, my body goes very tall..." Yggdra's voice echoed within everyone's minds.


They were shocked of something so obvious! These guys are sure clueless sometimes...

"Of course she can talk, dummies." I crossed my arms. "Anyways, I'm going to make a contract with her, so for now, step aside..."

"A contract? Wait, she's going to become a familiar, a tree?" Asked Celica. "That's a thing?"

"Of course it is, if it can talk and all, why not?" Aquarina asked, nodding. "The stronger Sylphy gets the better too! Make that contract asap!"

"Though, can she even bring the tree along though?" Wondered Zack.

"Nah, that's not possible for now. I can't bring her physically with me, but with a Familiar Contract, it might be possible to bring her ethereal manifestation with me." I explained with a gentle smile, caressing Yggdra's wood.

"Even with that, it would be incredible! She's an amazing source of Spirits..." Said Lara. "With her along, you could help me get a lot of Natural Spirits!"

"Oh? I guess that's something that could be possible." I nodded, analyzing the pros of the contract. "Well, without further ado, let's begin this, Yggdra!"

"Very well Sylphy." Yggdra said with a soothing and happy voice. "I will extend my soul through rivers of spiritual energy, catch them with your own soul. This process might be slower than usual for you..."

"Got it, leave it to me." I nodded, touching her wood while closing my eyes, trying to fully concentrate.

