Chapter 981 Slaying The Boss With My Girlfriend

Chapter 981 Slaying The Boss With My Girlfriend


With lightning and fire on my sword, I destroyed the metallic spears that it conjured one after another, saving Aquarina from being overwhelmed once more.

"Aquarina, focus on its joints! I'll hold on their projectiles!" I said, as she immediately nodded.

"Roger!" She quickly took out her two daggers after considering that using her fists and the trident alone wouldn't be enough. "[Shadow Dagger Arts]: [Spectral Rush]!" Aquarina roared, her two daggers overflowing with her Abyssal Aura.


The golem couldn't even follow her movements anymore, as she resembled a specter made of shadows moving rapidly, evading its hammer blows with ease as she started hitting the joints on its arms.

The elbow and the shoulders were the weaker areas, the chest, where the core was, was being protected by several layers of mithril the golem grew to protect its weakest point.

So first of all, we had to immobilize it!


Aquarina kept chipping away at the hard metal, cracks beginning to slowly appear. Our weapons were already superior to Mithril, made by the Witch of the Blue Mountain and reinforced with special Demonic Cores from powerful Demon Lords our parents defeated.

At the same time, I distracted the golem by attacking it with Petit Meteors at constant intervals. Because it was made of Mithril, however, Magic Damage was greatly reduced. This was a metal that resisted magic a lot. N♡vεlB¡n: Where Every Word Sparks Wonder.



The Mithril Golem gave several steps forward, attacking me with its hammer and trying to stomp on me whenever I evaded and moved down.


I blocked the attack with Sapphire, the shield overflowing with black flames as I released the damage she accumulated!

"[Sea Dragon Soul Summon] + [Black Dragon Flame Shield] = [Abyssal Sea Dragon Flame Shield]!"



The impact alone pierced through the golem's several layers of mithril, its core finally shattering into pieces not by the spear, but the shockwave and force alone of the mithril covering it breaking apart! Aquarina's spear was destroyed when she hit it.


The golem gave a last cry of lament before collapsing on the ground, its body beginning to fracture and fall apart, becoming a mere pile of rich and high quality mithril!

"And done!" Aquarina celebrated, standing over the pile of mithril. "Wow! Why was this so tough though?! It was just a huge golem at the end of the day!"

"Aquarina, it knew Metal Magic and had this huge hammer." I said. "A Tier 8 Monster is still a Tier 8 Monster... Though it was much slower than others, it sure had a lot of defenses. It was a good idea to destroy its arms so it couldn't fight back as much anymore before striking it down."

"Yeah, like that, it was unable to annoy us as much with its physical blows. Although the magic was still there..." Aquarina agreed. "I guess this also helped me learn more about how to confront foes like these... Last time we fought golems was in the dungeon back home, and that one only has coral golems which are weak to magic..."

"Yeah, it isn't the same." I nodded. "Anyways, looks like everyone else is here already..."

We saw our friends finally arrive, everyone had utterly massacred most golems as they came here, gasping for air and looking rather exhausted.

"W-We're here! Where's the boss at- Ah..." Zack suddenly looked at the two of us, sighing. "No way, you already killed it?! That's not fair at all!"

"Hehehe, maybe be a bit faster next time!" Aquarina giggled.

"T-That's a Mithril Golem, right?" Luck asked. "Wow, it must have been tough! Was it strong?"

"Yeah, it was a Tier 8 Monster." I nodded. "Anyways, did you hunt down the other golems?"

"Mostly." Celeste said. "Though we didn't chase the ones that started running away. Its better to leave a few of them alive. I've read Golems reproduce by absorbing ores from the environment and dividing."

"I suppose you're not wrong in that." I nodded.

"Wow, surprising for Celeste to be this considered~" Laughed Mist. "Especially about golems..."

"W-What do you mean surprising?! I'm also a person, you know Mist?" Celeste crossed her arms, blushing a bit.

"I think we got a lot of EXP out of them! My level increased quite a lot!" Celica celebrated.

"Oh yeah, it was a good harvest, especially of materials too! So many spirit crystals!" Lara was bringing with her a bag of them.

Yeah, and about EXP...
