Chapter 998 Playful Night


After dinner and a warm bath, I quickly went back to my bed with Aquarina, it was becoming normal for the two of us to always sleep together already... We were really like a married couple.

"I see, so she recovered some of her memories..." Said Aquarina.

I had given her a brief explanation of what happened. I told her a bit of her memories but not everything, I didn't go into details.

"It seemed that it hurt her a lot, some of such memories were of like... before she became what she is, but they were so fragmented that she had a lot of pain remembering them and seemed to have a slight identity crisis. She didn't know if this Emily was her past life, or something else."

"Hmm... It was really complicated. I'm surprised you were able to resolve it so quickly!" Aquarina was surprised, we were talking about this as we were checking old fairy tales we found in my bedroom. "You really got talent for these things, Sylphy. You know how to talk to people's hearts..."

"A-Ahahah, you're exaggerating a bit." I giggled, feeling embarrassed. "I only do my best to make others feel better... I don't like when other people feel down or sad, I would do anything to help my friends or family feel better! Nobody goes without me checking on them!"

"I love that spirit of yours... I also want to become a bit like you in that regard. Sometimes I realize I'm too blunt..." Aquarina lamented. "I was made too rough around the edges... But I'm trying to get nicer..."

"I think you're fine as you are." I smiled, giving her a head pat. "Whenever you get blunt, I know it is because you want to help and sometimes, we just need someone to tell it to us straight. Also, whenever you joke around, we know you're joking. Even when you're a bit mean to Zack, he knows they're jokes, and that the two of you are like siblings."

"Geez, see? You're doing it again; you're doing your best to make me feel better... And it's working!" Aquarina giggled, resting her head in my shoulder, the two of us were wearing our cute nightclothes already.

"You just doubt yourself a bit too much sometimes. I'm worried how you'll handle it when I'm gone for like a year or two..." I sighed. "Will you be alright without me, I wonder..."

"Hey! It's not like you're my mom or something!" Aquarina said. "I'll be fine... I've thought about in these last months, and I've made up my resolve. I'll always think about you whenever I feel lonely. Also we still got that devise to send messages every day, right? I'll send you a message every day, you better do the same too!"

"I'll do." I nodded. "I promise! And if I can't one day, I'll make sure to apologize the next one and send you lots of kisses through the message."

"Nom~!" Aquarina quickly began to suck them intensively, while her finger was playing with me below there, trying to make me orgasm quickly.

Our rule was to not touch each other's genitals for now... But she was cheating by touching over my panties!

"Ahhh~ I-I can't take it anymore..." I moaned.

"Me neither~ L-Let's finish together..." She said, quickly beginning to kiss me passionately.

She quickly lifted up my legs and started rubbing her hips with my my own, even when we were wearing underwear, the warmth produced by the friction and all the slimy stuff that we were secreting made for a really good feeling.

"Ooh fuck~ Ahh...!"

"Y-Yes, right there- Ngh~!"

We ended at the same time as she sealed my lips with a tight kiss, I couldn't help but suck her delicious tongue at the same time.

This girl is going to kill me, she's too good at this!

"Hahhh~ Oh my gosh..." I moaned, resting in the bed.

"That was so good... I love you so much..." Aquarina hugged me, resting over my breasts while giving them a few kisses as she fell asleep.

"I love you too..." I smiled, hugging her back.
