Chapter 1016 Climbing The Sunstone Plateau
"This is such a huge and relaxing place..." Said Nephilim as she calmly walked by our side.
"It is... But it also gives me this desolate feeling. This place... It feels abandoned, somehow." Pyuku commented.
"Is that so?" I wondered. "I suppose the better word would be "uncharted", mankind's hands have not reached into this sanctuary of life and nature, right?"
"Indeed." Yggdra agreed, she was sitting on my shoulders, her size reduced to the height of a little fairy. "This is my home, a place uncharted with the greedy hands of mankind, and also a sanctuary. It might feel desolate and a bit abandoned because the Gods once made of this place their home, but right now... I like it like this."
"This place was never alone, Pyuku!" Lara interrupted us. "It's filled with friends and buddies everywhere! The Spirits love it here! I'm sure the other slimes do as well!"
"Hehe, I hope so, Lara. Thanks for trying to cheer me up." Pyuku smiled gently, his rainbow eyes were very pretty to look at.
"I-It's nothing! Don't worry!" Lara smiled, suddenly making a few of her spirits visible. "Here! They said they want to accompany you, so you don't feel lonely."
Suddenly, four little guys appeared.
They were Spirits of the Land, of the Wind, and the Sun, and of the Stone. They were small and adorable, unlike the usual spirits we make contracts, they were directly connected with Nature and the Landscape.
Therefore, you can't make contracts with them, but they will help Lara because she's the Saint of all Spirits, her very presence draws them closer to her.
"Oh?" Pyuku felt surprised as they walked over his body and sat over him.
They made adorable little noises too; they were like curious children that just wanted to see the world.
Perhaps without Lara as their connection to us, they wouldn't had ever approached us to begin with... But thanks to her, they had the opportunity to greet and meet many others and learn about them.
This got to the point where they can feel our feelings and emotions and feel bad when we feel bad. They know we're Lara's friends, so they want to see us as happy as her.
"Sure! Why not?" I wondered. "How about it?" I asked my friends.
"Sure! I'm up for it! I want to make some cash, so it benefits me!" Mist was pumped up for the money for her future with Zack.
"Alright!" Zack said. "If she wants to, I'm all for it."
"Sure? I mean, beats just glancing at the view." Celeste shrugged.
"There's a lot of shiny buddies in those brighter stones, so please don't take too many, okay? Or you might upset the shiny buddies!" Said Lara.
"There are bigger spirits in those?" Wondered Luck.
"Yeah!" Lara nodded. "It is where they're born the most... So please don't take too much, okay?"
"Okay..." Mist sighed. "Maybe I was focusing too much on getting money, sorry Lara. I won't say that again..."
"O-Oh..." Lara suddenly heard the spirits talk. "T-They say you can take a bit, so you can earn for the future! They're very worried. So they said its okay, a tiny bit though!"
"R-Really?!" Mist was excited. "Thank you so much, spirit buddies!"
These two are the cutest of our group...
"Celica, let's go explore then!" Zephy grabbed Celica's hand.
"Okay~!" Celica just went with the flow.
"Shall we?" Aquarina asked.
"Alright! Let's divide and conquer then, team!" I said.
My mother also decided to explore with my parents, while they let us go on our own path. We went mostly in pairs because there were dozens of ruins everywhere...
And as we started moving...
I felt something.
I glanced into the top of the plateau, for a split of a second, I could swear I felt a brilliant, overwhelming light.
"What... was that?"