Chapter 1038 Can't Have Infinite Everything

Chapter 1038 Can't Have Infinite Everything


Once I finished my training and everyone was done packing things up, we decided to move on. The summit was right around the corner and the ruins could be seen from all the way here.

On the way, I couldn't help but think about what Alice had told me beforehand...

"Alice, have you run some simulations yet?"

"I have run a few, yes..."


"All of them show how your Spiritual Heart breaks... shattering into pieces. If that happens, it might risk crippling the cultivation of your physique, magic circle, and psyche all at once!"

"Ah, it is way too dangerous to have infinite spiritual essence..."

"Yes, sadly... However, there might be a solution."


"Yes... If your Spiritual Heart grows tough enough to resist the pressure... Maybe, if you can raise it all the way to Tier 5, it could... potentially work, to be sure, at Tier 5, okay? Not below that."

"Tier 5... That's a long way to go. Did the simulations show you something?"

"Yes, it happened the same all the way to Tier 4, but at Tier 5, you only will have to deal with an immense amount of pain!"

"...I'm used to pain, so I guess it is not THAT bad but... Is there a roundabout way?"

"If we could somehow design a Skill to help toughen up your Spiritual Heart, then yes."Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

A Skill specifically made for my Spiritual Heart...

I guess the Lineage Skill is not completely related, it only gave me access to it, but everything else is on me after that.

And because I can't learn Skills naturally, nor modify existing ones, there's little I can for now other than hope one of the evolution branches of my existing skills could solve that problem.

"I guess there's little we can do now. Well, it is fine. I have all of you as my Spirits, I have plenty of Spiritual Essence, I don't need infinite amounts."

"I suppose you're right. It was more just me with my wishful thinking... I just want you to be the strongest so you can be safe."

"I guess we think similarly then..."

"My birthday?!" He wondered. "But that's..."

"Come on, just tell me! Big sis will give you anything you want." I winked at him.

"Umm... Okay, well..."

Zephy was wondering about that and then gave me an answer after a while.

"Big sis, can you make me a sword? One strong enough to slay bigger and meaner monsters!" Zephy asked.

"A sword, huh?" I wondered. "That would be the first time I make proper weapons... But sure! I do have a lot of materials for that! I'll make sure to make one that can hasten your Cultivation and growth somehow too."

"Oooh, really?!" Zephy got excited.

"Obviously! The best for my lil' bro." I said, patting his head.

"Thank you big sis!" Zephy said happily. "Oh! Looks like we're here!"

He pointed at the distance, as I looked in front of me. The ruins were right there, their entrance opened up, covered on many growths of sunstone.

I could feel an ominous presence from within...


And that very presence, once more, seemed to be trying to communicate with me.


The groan of countless souls echoed inside of my own mind... Until everything went back to normal, as if that never happened.

Now that I knew what had happened here, I knew what I had to do too.

"Don't worry, I'll free your souls from the cursed existences that the Gods have made you into..."

As I made up my resolve and tightened the grip of my fists, we stepped forwards with everyone.

The entrance was wide and filled with crystals, and once we stepped in, we were greeted by a huge corridor extending forwards.

"We're here, let's do this, everyone..." My mother seemed excited. "Let's uncover this place's mystery."
