Chapter 1074 The East Grasslands


After helping everyone Rank Up, it was time to move on. We swiftly packed the tent and everything else inside of Glutton and we set off into the East Grasslands. The beautiful scenery rising across the horizon as we moved to the other side of the Sunstone Plateau, leaving behind this place that revealed us so much about the past, yet only left us with even more questions than before.

It was unexpected too, but it seems this place has given me my first chance at cultivating a Divine Aspect, this Ring I now have inside my soul was a skill I inherited from Apollo. I'll make sure to use it well and avenge them and all the souls that were tortured in the past. The gods that blessed me will not be forgiven.

Nonetheless, this wasn't time to think about these dark thoughts. I should leave them behind and enjoy my life. It will be a long road towards the level of strength I need, and I am barely managing with just surviving such a chaotic world... Yeah, let's just concentrate on the present for now.

"Look, Sylphy! The grasslands!" Lara pointed into the distance.

These grasslands weren't just a bunch of grass making a green sea. No, they were much more than that, they were gigantic grass, each plant as tall as a tree, making for an enormous forest of grass.

It was very easy to get lost in here due to how close each piece was with one another. We were barely able to find any path across such a huge jungle... It's not at all like the grasslands I know!

"So these are the East Grasslands..." My mother laughed a bit. "I should had expected something out of our imagination, this is Cloudia after all! Hahaha! It is indeed a place where the gods did whatever they wanted... I wonder why's there such oversized grass here though."

"Maybe another experiment gone wrong?" My father wondered. "Anyways, to not get lost, we should walk closely together, everyone. Grasp on these threads I'll create."

My father generated threads out of his hands, made out of his very Soul, they were slightly warm, and could pass through all physical objects. They slowly touched our souls, connecting to them.

"These are Soul Threads, you can use them to connect with someone and know how their health is, and where they are." My father said. "They'll fade away after a few days though, so don't worry. It's just until we find what we can here for."

"I-I think we're halfway through?" Wondered Pyuku. "I can definitely sense them closer now!"

"Well, that's at the very least somewhat reassuring." I nodded. "Mom, should we have lunch?"

"Sure, we were feeling a bit bored and tired, so yeah. Let's eat something. The heat of the sun is truly punishing, huh? Even Tier 10s like us feel a bit overwhelmed." She giggled. "Well, as long as we don't activate our abilities and magic, that's it."

"I know you could have easily erected a barrier to protect us from sunlight, and Arafunn could have generated cold winds to help us feel fresher." I said. "But this is also some sort of training, so its better if we overcome this ourselves."

"Well said." My dad agreed. "Now, let's set a small camp..."

We set up a small camp, making sure to protect ourselves from the heat of the sun this time around, while we cooked up something tasty. I decided to help mum on cooking a big stew using the monsters we recently hunted.

There were green-scaled giant monitor lizards named Grassland Lizards, Tier 4, big fat moles with rocky scales armoring their bodies, Grasslands Moles, Tier 3, and then there were all matter of giant insects, from enormous Dragonflies to Ladybugs and Ants, which were from Tier 3 to Tier 6.

We were considering if we should eat the bugs or not... But we decided to pass for now and just try the lizard and mole meat first. They cooked really quickly and after seasoning some big steaks...

"Oh! This is good!"

Their meat was unexpectedly juicy.
