Chapter 1078 Against The Mutated Yggdrasil Clone

Chapter 1078 Against The Mutated Yggdrasil Clone


The moment I destroyed the roots connected to the flowers it created, I sent waves of mana disrupting energy into its core. This seemed to have triggered something within the monster's depth internal body, the energy most likely gathered near its "jaws", therefore, it probably has some sort of internal organ.

Perhaps a crystalized mass of mana and spirit energy it uses as its own heart to pump energy everywhere else, explaining why it has such a fast reaction speed and attack power, this tree has a heart of its own! And a good way to make it stop moving, is to give it a seizure without killing it.

However, for one to last long enough, we need to get closer to the heart core it has!

"Let's go!"

We kept slashing and hacking our way through the attacks, while our parents attacked the giant tree monster together. There were attacks coming from every single direction all at once, so my parents, Aquarina's parents, Arafunn, Ninhursag, and all our friends were busy blocking the blows and cutting through them.

It wasn't as difficult as Apollo, who had that incredible barrier that couldn't take damage, and those deadly black flames, and their countless transformations, but it was sure a tough nut to crack!

Mist kept shooting her light arrows, constantly weakening the roots that were emerging from the ground. Zack and Luck attacked with physical blows themselves, slashing through any attacks with axe and claws, leaving behind trails of winds, lightning, and holy light.

Celeste, Celica, and Lara dedicated to restraining and weakening the tree. Celeste and Celica used their chains of abyss and phantasmal energy respective, alongside Celica's giant skeleton claws to weaken the foe's soul. All while her golems kept blocking blows directed at her.

Lara conjured a huge circle of rainbow spiritual light, sapping away the tree's spiritual energy and mana, the bonus stats it was gaining were being reduced rapidly. Celeste constantly pierced the tree's roots and bark with her spear, weakening it severely as well.

My father, Shade, Nepheline, and Ninhursag constantly battled the major roots, which were five gigantic and overly thick ones that had Physical Reinforcement Auras. My mother and Arafunn supported them from behind, using magic and support spells to enhance their strength, speed, and defenses.

Everyone was doing their best to keep this monster on check without killing it, it was our job to finish this thing off once and for all!


With a ferocious roar, Aquarina kicked through the dozens of spinning roots aimed at us, blue scales growing on her arms which she used both defensively and offensively, pushing through the wood. Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

"Sylphy, Pyuku! Go!"

She roared, opening her jaws to release a powerful dragon beam, charged with her Abyssal Powers and blasting through all the wood gathering around us, opening a path we ran through the moment she gave us the signal.

A single slash was all I needed, which didn't pierce through the physical core, but it reached its spiritual interior instead, piercing through physical matter and reaching the ethereal!


Countless gray colored lightning bolts exploded out after impact, the core didn't crack, the monster didn't die, but countless mana disrupting force started spreading all across its body. The creatures' movements stopped in a single second, I don't know how long this will last, but we had to make it worth it.


As I called out, my mother nodded, waving her hand as she generated several threads of life and light from her scepter, connecting to the over three hundred slimes trapped inside of fruits outside, connecting her life force with them and allowing them to sustain themselves from her own power.

"It's done! Sylphy, kill that thing!"


Without hesitating, and with Pyuku's aid, we destroyed the heart of the Yggdrasil clone and shattered it into pieces, making the entire creature lose its powers and die off slowly, groaning as it twisted its entire body...


As it groaned, we escaped its large jaws, landing right in front of it before the whole tree were to fall off, collapsing through the walls behind it and almost making the ceiling fall over us...


As it fell, the fruits containing the many slimes were quickly retrieved by Shade's "Stealing Hand" Ability, which allowed him to instantly move things through space as he focused his hands into them. In mere seconds, he rescued them all and stored them inside his shadows.

"W-We did it..." I sighed in relief, sitting down.


[You and your party have defeated [Mutated Yggdrasil Clone (Tier 9)] x1!]
