Chapter 1151 Creating A City Palace

Chapter 1151 Creating A City Palace

1151 Creating A City Palace



[You have exchanged 5.000 Dungeon Energy.]

[You have finished the construction of the City's Palace!]

[Your Civilization has acquired the Building: [Eden's Royal Palace (D+)] x1!]

[The City's Palace is where the governors and politicians of your Civilization will gather. Governors and Royal Family can live inside, while other politicians can only temporarily visit for special meetings to decide the fate of your Civilization.]

[The higher the Rank of your Palace, the more benefits you can gain from it. As of right now, with a D+ Rank Palace, you gain the Civilization Trait: [Starting Politics (E+)] and +50 Government Stat.]

[Your Citizens and governors will now gain greater insight about their ideas of how to make a proper society. Those with great talent for politics will soon arise, make sure to find them and recruit them!]

[Your Civilization gained 50 EXP]

[Congratulations! You have completed the Civilization Task: Build a Palace (1/1)!]

[You received the following Task Completion Rewards: [200 Civilization EXP] [1.500 Dungeon Energy] [Random Civilization Trait Ticket] x1]

[Congratulations, your Civilization has reached Max EXP requirements, and has Ranked Up!]

[Your Civilization: [Village of Eden] Rank has increased from [Rank 0: Small Village] to [Rank 1: Large Village]! The next step is becoming a small city state!]

[All your Civilization Stats have increased by +50 due to the Rank Up!]

[Your Civilization has reached Rank 1, you have unlocked more Tasks, Bonus Stats, and also the Civilization Shop.]

[Complete more Tasks to earn more rewards, and spend Dungeon Energy to buy new Facilities, Traits, or even other Items in the Civilization Shop.]

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"A-Ah, right." I nodded. "My children, I hope that you continue growing, working together, and praying every day. I love you all, and I will come back once more to see you in some time." I flashed out of existence, though I just used some stealth spells to escape and wear my usual clothes.

Good thing is that everyone only knew me from my big Draconification appearance, which made me glow a lot. So this made it so most of the new population had no idea of my real appearance. Making it more of a surprise whenever I appear like this.

"Wow... Sylphy, I had no idea you liked doing that." Aquarina was shocked. "D-Do you like being treated as a goddess?"

"I really don't! Please don't misunderstand, I was DYING of cringe!" I cried, rubbing my face on her chest. We were currently behind the church, nobody was around. Ivy and Selene were preparing us some tea while flirting with one another. These girls are hornier than us.

"Really?" Aquarina raised an eyebrow.

"Really!" I sighed. "Look, I have to do this, so they get happy, and I gain this Faith Stat. It's better to keep them happy, right? And well, I also gain bonus stats form this now, so I got much stronger."

"Huh, alright my goddess~" Aquarina said, deciding to not overthink it. "It's your dungeon, so you do you. I guess its fine as long as they're happy. And you grow stronger so you're happy too. Win-win situation, right?"

"Y-Yeah!" I nodded. "I think? It's better to not overthink it for now."

"Agreed." Aquarina nodded. "Hey, you two horny girls, come on, let's drink tea already."

"I-Ivy, enough..." Selene moaned a bit as Ivy was kissing her neck.

"Come on, let me kiss your soft lips again." Ivy was playful.

"W-We are in front of the Goddess, enough!" Selene suddenly fought back a bit before her overbearing girlfriend. "Please, behave, okay? I like you but you need to behave!"

"E-Eh? Okay, don't get angry now..." Ivy was surprised. "Sorry! Sorry, I'm sorry, okay?"

"Hmph, if you're sorry then sit down and behave like an adult." Selene sighed, sitting down and serving us tea. "S-Sorry for the delay, Goddess Sylph, Lady Aquarina."

"It's fine... Glad you told her that. She's a bit cocky." I laughed.

"Ivy, you better behave." Aquarina teased the goblin girl.

"Ugh, I'm behaving! This is my behaving face." Ivy was very grumpy after that, but at the same time a bit scared. I think she got scared Selene would leave her after her reaction to her overbearing attitude.

Never thought I would see drama between cute plant girls I summoned in this Civilization that appeared out of nowhere inside my Dungeon, but here we are.

Anyways, let's use the Random Civilization Trait Ticket and see what we get.