Chapter 191 Ultimate Skill Hellfire!

<<Your ultimate skill, Hellfire, is now fully charged and ready to use. I have successfully transferred the necessary magic essence to activate the skill into your body. However, please note that it will take some time for you to regain your full magic capacity.

As your Link with your subordinate is still active, I will prioritize allocating additional magic towards enhancing your self-healing abilities, as well as developing a few other skills. This will enable you to maximize your combat effectiveness and ensure your safety in battle.>>

"Ahhh, thank you Aril."

Sato muttered, despite his weakened state, Sato managed a feeble smile of gratitude as he addressed Aril. His body was being dragged across the ground by Jira, while his comrades, Divanchi, Yuri, and Daina, looked on from a distance.

Jira, meanwhile, wore a smug grin as he strode confidently towards the girls, his eyes reflecting a sense of pride and satisfaction at having defeated Sato, and now poised to do the same to his remaining opponents.

Suddenly, Jira felt a strong grip on his thigh, but before he could react, he knew instinctively that it was Sato, struggling to stand up against all odds.

Jira sneered down at him, taunting him with a mocking tone, "It's almost like you want me to kill you, you just had to stand up."

As Jira turned his attention back to the girls, his eyes widened in shock at the sight before him. Sato had managed to raise himself up, using his left hand for support, while his right leg was raised high in the air.


With a swift and powerful motion, Sato delivered a devastating kick to Jira's face, sending him hurtling backwards, crashing to the ground in a dazed heap.

The force of the blow was enough to leave Jira reeling, stunned by the sheer strength and agility of his opponent.

Sato landed on the ground, his eyes fixed on Jira's prone form as he addressed Yuri and the others.

"How is the war going?" He asked urgently, his concern for his comrades outweighing the pain of his injuries.

"Wait, I'm coming over.."

Before Yuri could even take a step towards him, Sato quickly shouted, "Don't come any closer! Listen to me carefully. Whatever happens, do not cross that line." He gestured towards the spot where he had fallen, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.


Yuri protested, eager to come to his aid, but Sato's tone was firm as he commanded her to stay put.

"Yuri," He said sternly, his gaze locking onto hers. "I need you to trust me. Do not move from where you are standing, no matter what happens. Understood?".

"As you wish.".Yuri nodded, her expression a mixture of sadness and concern as she watched her master change his attention back to Jira.

Jira rose to his feet with an ominous aura enveloping his body, emanating a dark and intense energy.

His eyes blazed with fury as he fixed his gaze on Sato, and he advanced towards him with deliberate, menacing steps. The air around Jira crackled with an unsettling tension, as if he was a force to be reckoned with.

Sato stood his ground, preparing himself for anything that's to come. "Aril, how long can the magic last?".

<<20 mins at most, depending on how you use it.>>

"I see." Sato uttered, a small grin showing on his face as he also began to walk slowly toward Jira.

Sato steadied himself, his heart pounding with anticipation as he watched Jira approach. He could feel the power building within him, the magic surging through his veins.

As they closed in on each other, their pace quickening with each step, the ground beneath their feet began to tremble. The air was thick with tension, the atmosphere charged with electricity.

With a deafening roar, they collided in a burst of magical energy. Their fists met with bone-crushing force, sending shockwaves rippling through the earth. The ground groaned and buckled, unable to withstand the ferocity of their attack.

The force of the impact was so great that a gust of wind swept up around them, hurling debris and dust into the air. The sound of the clash echoed through the mountains, drowning out all other noise.

Sato and Jira stood locked in combat, each refusing to back down. Blood trickled from their noses and lips, but neither showed any sign of weakness. Their eyes blazed with intensity, the magic crackling around them like lightning.

For a moment, they were frozen in time, suspended in the midst of their epic battle. Then, with a fierce cry, they both launched themselves forward once more, ready to unleash their full power upon each other.

Divanchi watched in awe as Sato faced off against Jira with unwavering determination. It was clear that he was giving it his all, not backing down even for a moment.

Yuri's voice suddenly broke the silence, her tone tinged with sadness. "Don't you think it would be faster if we all took on Jira together?" She asked, her eyes searching for an answer. "Is it that.. master doesn't trust us?".

Divanchi let out a chuckle, a wry smile spreading across her face. "We're talking about the same man who linked over 3000+ pain to his body," She replied. "He's just...selfish. He wants the glory and victories for himself, but doesn't want to suffer any loss in the process".

Daina's voice suddenly rose in a howl of encouragement. "Whoop! Get him, master!" she yelled, her enthusiasm contagious.

Divanchi couldn't help but smile at Daina's antics before turning her attention back to the battle. "Yes Master... I don't believe you know what losing is." She murmured under her breath, knowing that Sato was going to need all the luck he could get.

As the battle raged on, Divanchi watched with bated breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew that Sato was risking everything in this fight, but she also knew that he was capable of pulling off the impossible.

And as the clash between Sato and Jira intensified, Divanchi felt a surge of hope rise within her. Perhaps, just perhaps, they could emerge victorious in this battle.

Sato took a devastating knee to the jaw that sent him tumbling backwards. His head snapped back violently, and for a moment, it seemed as though he might collapse to the ground.

Jira's face twisted into a cruel grin as he advanced on his fallen opponent. "Ahh, I love it when they act tough!" He taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

But Sato was not about to give up. With a fierce determination in his eyes, he pushed himself back up to his feet, his hand clenched tightly with magic swirling around his fist.

"Encounter!!!" He roared, launching a powerful punch at Jira's chest that shattered the ground beneath them.

Despite the incredible force behind the blow, Jira remained standing, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Was that supposed to be a punch?" he jeered, goading Sato on.

Suddenly, Jira's laughter turned maniacal as he grabbed Sato by the hair, his grip tight and unforgiving. "Come on, play harder!" he bellowed, delivering a brutal kick to Sato's stomach that sent him hurtling through the air. The impact was bone-shattering, and Sato landed in a heap, his body wracked with pain.

The sheer force of the blow had torn apart the ground, sending chunks of rock and dirt flying in all directions. The air was thick with the acrid smell of magic, and for a moment, it seemed as though the world itself might crumble under the weight of their battle.

Sato struggled to his feet, his body battered and broken from the intense battle with Jira. He surveyed the destruction that they had wrought upon the land, the ground torn apart and smoking from the force of their attacks.

"I don't have enough magic left," Sato stammered, blood pouring from his wounds, "I have to end this fast."

His injuries were slowly healing, but it was a painfully slow process, and Sato knew that he didn't have much time left. His eyes flicked over to Yuri, Divanchi, and Diana, all of them looking at him with concern etched on their faces.

"Don't worry," he muttered, his voice hoarse and strained, "I will come out ontop".

A small smile played at the corners of his lips, and suddenly, his eyes blazed with a fierce determination.

"There's no way I'm about to lose to some demon!!!" he roared, his voice ringing out across the battlefield.

With a surge of energy, Sato charged forward, his body moving with incredible speed and agility. He launched a flurry of punches and kicks at Jira, each blow imbued with the full force of his remaining magic.

Jira fought back with equal ferocity, his body crackling with dark energy as he unleashed a barrage of spells and attacks. The two combatants clashed again and again, the ground shaking beneath their feet with each blow.

Despite his injuries, Sato refused to give up. His eyes burned with an unquenchable fire, and he continued to fight with every last ounce of strength he had. In that moment, nothing else mattered except for defeating his opponent and emerging victorious.