Chapter 53 Blood Test (3)

Chapter 53: Blood Test (3)

Since it was Hunter's world, his Dullahan transformation seemingly had no time limit.

Which wasn't true, as he was feeling burdened by it. Still, he could keep it up for much longer and even learned a new way to keep his strength, stamina, and blood at high stock — a method possible only thanks to his newest sealing skill, Hellmouth.

At the same time, he was continuously working with his Strength and Blood Origin, manipulating his internal sources of power to get the best results.

Standing at the front line with the Garden Of Liberation, creating a space and weapons for his use, Hunter inwardly analyzed his progress and what he had to work on.

'I need to deepen my focus and awareness around me... I'm wasting too many red roses,' Hunter glanced behind, hovering his eyes on the walls of red flowers.

Which was his current method to not waste any blood. If he couldn't properly use them to fight against ghoul monsters, he could just leave them still as tough walls, coalescing natural barriers to keep his foes busy. But in the future, it'd be better if he could control every drop of blood or at least breathe some orders to it.

'So many monsters... much more than bastards on the yearly exam, after all,' Hunter inwardly chuckled as another ghoul deer loomed over him, its head going low to scoop him up with its long and powerful horns.

Catching them up with some newly built-up experience, Hunter clenched his gauntlets and flooded his arms with the Strength Origin, his force causing cracks to pop on the deer's weapon. Soon, his much smaller form lifted the towering existence up, showcasing a difference between them.

As Hunter tossed it up, he instantly switched to his new favorite punch pose and slammed his fist at the falling muzzle, leveraging the force of gravity to his advantage.

After tossing behind the dead ghoul, Hunter proceeded further, exposing himself to more monsters and submersing himself deeper in the red ocean of madness...

Which he was fighting with his sealing skill — Hellmouth.

'My guess has been long since proved. Sealing skills create something akin to a prison within enemies or oneself,' Hunter inwardly reviewed his progress and new theories, which were proved by his new experience, 'If Miss Charlotte normally sealed Nakisha within me, I'd have a golden tattoo on myself, which would be a prison. Since she's an exalted spirit, I'd be able to borrow her power or make her fight for me, depending on my strength. But since I already have something like a prison within me, my inheritance casually snatched her. So, I seal everything in my world with Hellmouth.'

As every sealing skill had a prerequisite to seal things, so did Hunter's.

The monster or existence had to be weakened or tamed, and then, Hunter either had to snatch someone else's sealing skill and their prerequisites or drink the blood of his foes, which was quite adequate to the name of the skill.

Of course, Hunter had already confirmed that he didn't have to drink blood with his mouth, but the drawn sealing skill on his right palm.

It all boiled down to Hunter's current specialty — beating others with his punches — but with a little twist as he had to put his palm on anyone and everything he wanted to seal.

However, this concept left a few questions as well.

Basically, the crux of this matter was... where would Hunter seal enemies' power or even them themselves if he were fighting them in his own world? In the world that he didn't really have time to explore yet... quite an empty world with tall eminences waiting for their content to be cleared...

Perhaps one of the mountains was literally known as a Prison Mountain or something like that... but Hunter obviously didn't have access to it.

Which could only mean that... he was sealing the blood within himself!

'It's just a blood! If I use blood to form Garden Of Liberation, I can easily refill myself with the foreign blood and use Hellmouth to make it my own blood!'

That was the mystery of Hunter's new supplies.

It wasn't a hard concept, either, for the madness and encased blood within the main mountain were of the same origin. The tsunami wave of blood was also of the same source, so Hunter didn't even have to struggle to tame this.

Meaning that his first test was only a matter of time.

After all, he was progressing significantly over there, learning more about himself and his battle style while being supported by two exalted spirits of a profound origin!


Since the time flew differently in Hunter's world, he wasn't bothered by long hours of fighting.

Keeping his stamina and strength in check, with new experiences and skills aiding him alongside Nakisha's raw and intense strength and Brandi's immensely useful toxins, Hunter could polish his style and form for hours and hours.

He was also learning a lot from Nakisha's movements, as her form carried years of experience as well. She was throwing herself from a ghoul to a ghoul, beating the shit out of them with her punches and claws. There was also a wild dance of her long legs and flexibility that rivaled Aimee's concise and noble style.

"Show me more of your legs, Nakisha!"

"Hmm? You want to get kicked straight in the face, mate? That's your fetish?"

"You can try, but at most, you would only give me a good view of your nether region... which I can't refuse... do you have any panties, to being with?"

"I don't."

"Feel free to kick me as much as you want after this blood test! I'll block them all."

"You'd love for me to lock you in a guillotine choke hold. You know about it?"

"I think I know what you mean. Alright, I can't wait for our close combat fight after this!"

"I'm more excited for a second round!"

And it was coming to them with big steps as the trio was perfectly clearing the first blood test, with its ending just around the corner as domination was only on one side.