Chapter 786 -786


Rain is pouring heavily and 13 wagons are walking through a dark forest with only a single lamp on the front wagon.

As Anon was going towards the Ikuya's camp... He noticed the scenery around him.

It was a dark forest and the trees are oddly shaped. It was as if they are smiling towards them.

But, to Anon it wasn't a bit scary... Instead, He enjoyed the view.

"Sir, What are we going to do with so much oil ?" The Witchcreta asked with a confused expression as she looked at Anon.

"Same Question..." Heli asked as she raised her hand like a child.


Suddenly, All the Carriages stopped and a Demon came running upto the last Carriage where Anon and the others were sitting.

"Sir, We are here..."

"Well, it's better to see... Rather than telling." Anon spoke as he stepped out of the carriage and behind him followed the two girls.

As soon as Anon stepped out of the carriage, he felt the heavy rain Falling on his body.

"Cast the second spell on the Paper..." Anon ordered as he looked at the Witchcreta.

"Yes, Sir." The Witchcreta spoke as she started casting the spell.

"Do you want to die from mana deficiency ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"S-Sir ? No." She replied as she couldn't understand what Anon was trying to say.

"Then, use the Artifact that I gave you earlier or this spell will suck out all your mana." Anon replied.

"Yes, Sir..." The Witchcreta spoke as she immediately took out the cuboid shaped Artifact from her pocket and casted the spell.

As soon as the spell was casted, All the barrels of oil, that were inside the Carriages started coming out of them.

"Woah... They are walking." Heli spoke with a Surprised and shocked expression because she has never seen something like this.

'An application of my telekinetic skill. I have attached a small piece of Darksteel in all of these barrels that was dipped into the blood of Ikuyas.

Now, these barrels will automatically walk upto the tents of the Ikuyas. I call it Blood tracking.' Anon thought as he smiled while the barrels walked towards the tents.

"Focus on the barrels... Don't let them get stacked on one place. Focus on getting them scattered throughout all the tents." Anon ordered as he looked at the Witchcreta.

"Y-Yes, Sir... But, it's very difficult to make it happen." The Witchcreta spoke as she tried to control the spell with all her might.

"That's the easiest thing in the fucking world of magic. If you can't do it, then you can't become a good Witchcreta." Anon spoke as he lit up a cigarette and started smoking it.

"How is it burning in the rain ?" Heli asked in a low voice, as she looked at Anon's cigarette.

"Demonic Fire, Luv. It burns in every condition... That's the beauty of it." Anon spoke with a smile as he looked at some the barrels and noticed that, there was a small hole in every Barrel and a line of Oil is being made on the ground.

Although it was raining, The lines of oils were still not moving from there position because it was thicker than normal oil.

"Fuuu~ They are all scattered, Sir." The Witchcreta spoke as she looked at Anon.





Everyone started shouting and running away but it didn't stop Anon from chopping off their heads.



As heads were falling down, the fear of the red Demon was increasing among the Ikuyas.

"Hello, Luv..." Anon spoke as he came across a female Ikuya... Who was holding four Ikuya babies in all her hands.

"Please, I beg you... Please leave my babies. Kill me and take my life... But, Not my babies please, Sir." She begged for her life as she went down on her knees in front of Anon.

"You dare to beg in front of another Demon when your mate is still alive ? I will kill you bitch." A male Ikuya spoke with an angry expression as he came running towards her with a big spear in his hands.



Without wasting any time, Anon cutted his head off.

"If you come in front of me one more time... I will not hesitate to kill you and the babies you have." Anon spoke as he left her alive and went ahead to kill the other Ikuyas.

"T-Thank you... I-I will never forget your kindness." The female Ikuya spoke as she immediately ran towards the other direction.

"Don't let him get to General's camp. We have to protect that thing at any cost." Some Ikuyas were standing in one corner and preparing to save something from Anon that was inside the General's camp.

"Okay, But which one is the general's camp ?" A voice came from behind.

"The one is the upper East corner but-" Suddenly the Ikuya stopped speaking as he noticed that no one was standing behind him and the voice is very unfamiliar as well.

"Thank you... For the information." Anon spoke with a psychopathic smile as he placed the sickle on his neck.

"Attac-" Before the Ikuya could've completed his sentence, Anon decapitated him in a single blow.

"Now... You guys. Let's play." Anon spoke as he rubbed his sickles together.





After Killing all the Ikuyas Anon walked upto the general's Camp and noticed one Ikuya protecting a big coffin that was made out of Darksteel.

"N-No, Don't come near me... Don't touch this." The general spoke with a scared expression as he holded four spears in his hands but he was still scared of Anon.

"I want that now. I want to see what you guys got in that box " Anon spoke with a smile as he immediately decapitated the general's head and opened the coffin forcefully.

But, as soon as he opened the coffin... He noticed something that he wasn't Even expecting to see inside the coffin.

"Hello, Me..." Anon spoke with a confused expression as he looked at his real human body lying inside the coffin.