Chapter 790 -790


Anon is now sitting on his bed and he is eating Gio's berries without stopping.


Heli is looking at Anon with wide eyes as she couldn't believe how easily Anon was stuffing all of these berries inside his mouth and not even feeling a bit of pain.

She tried to warn Anon at the first two berries but after the 6th one... She knew that the berries were doing nothing to Anon.

[+3000 MP]

[+3000 MP]

'Status...' Anon spoke with a smile as he threw more and more berries into his mouth.


[Name: Anon Agreil]

[Level: 284]

[Exp: 680,0789 /996,000,00]

[SP: 7000]

[Age: 17]

[Race: Demi-Human]

[Class: Cerebraxis (Mind Flayer)]

[Mana: 800,0000/ 800,0000]

[HP: 1600,0000/1600,0000]

[Skills: 500+]

[Life Force: 2,598 Years]


'Haa... That's one status, I would love to see everyday. But, Why is it showing me as Demi-Human ?' Anon thought as he looked at his status with a Confused expression on his face.

He then turned towards Heli and used his skill to inspect her stats.

<Demonic Eyes>

[Name: Heli]

[Level: 300]

[MP: 30,000 / 30,000]

[HP: 120,0000/ 120,0000]

[Class: None]

[Race: Demon]

[Description: Totally blown away after seeing you eat all those poisonous berries.]

'Hmm.. Her HP is so high and her level too. But, Her mana is too Low. Is it because they can't use magic or is there some other reason ?' Anon thought as he continued to stare at her.

"U-Umm... Sir, Would you like me to give you something ?" Heli asked with a stammering voice.

"No, Luv. I am alright." Anon replied with a smile as he immediately stood up from his bed and went to the room's window.


Suddenly, A knock was heard on the door...

"Enter..." Anon spoke.

"Hmm...?" Anon immediately looked at the Witchcreta and his eyes went back to normal.

'Boobs... Her Boobs are Jiggling so fast.' Anon thought as a perverted smile appeared over his face.

The Queen immediately noticed this and only one thought came to her mind...

'What the hell ? He turned back to normal after looking at her boobs ? What kind of Demon is this guy ?' She thought.

"You can't understand me, Luv." Anon spoke as he looked at the Queen with a smile.

"W-What, Sir ?" The Queen asked.

"Your mind, I can read it." Anon spoke with a smile as he looked at the Queen.

"Y-You can ?" She asked with a shocked expression.

"It's good to have my body back... I can do anything I want." Anon spoke with a smile.

"Sir, Take me with you... I want to come with you and learn." The Witchcreta spoke as she stopped near the Poyo.

"Hmm... Why not ? I need some entertainment for the journey as well." Anon spoke as he immediately gave her a hand and she hopped on the Poyo's back as well.

"Now, Shall we go ladies ?" Anon asked with a smile.

"Yes..." Both Heli and The Witchcreta spoke up.

"Sir, We will wait for you here." The Queen spoke as she waved her hand at Anon.


Anon gave a swing to the leash and Poyo started running at a very rapid speed.

The poyo ran at such an extraordinary speed that Even Anon was left surprised at this.

'Hmm... Even Adeline can't fly this fast. This animal is Simply too good at running.' Anon thought as he looked ahead and noticed the Ikuya camp that he destroyed Yesterday.

"Heh..." Anon smirked as he passed through the camp and in just 30 seconds, He reached another Ikuya camp that was about 50 km away.

"Hmm...? Is that an Ikuya Camp ?" The Witchcreta asked with a confused expression.

"It was..." Anon spoke as he stood up on the Poyo's back and raised his hand.

"Rail Gun..." Anon spoke and almost immediately a big railgun appeared in his hands.

"Should I stop the poyo, Sir ?" The Witchcreta asked with a curious expression. She wanted to see what Anon was going to do with the Rail Gun.

'What is that ? Is he going to throw that at the Ikuya Camp ? oh my, It's going to be interesting...' She thought with an excited expression.

"Charge up, Luv..." Anon spoke as he pointed the Gun point towards the Ikuya Camp.


As the gun started to get charged, Anon took out a shell from his inventory, that he had made from Darksteel earlier and loaded it into the gun.


As soon as the Darksteel Shell got loaded into the Gun, The sound of charging boosted.

'Darksteel's best property... It can absorb a huge amount of mana and once that mana is released at once through an explosive enchanted shell.

It will surely get everything fucked up in 600 meters range.' Anon thought with an evil smile as the gun got fully charged.

"Don't disappoint Daddy, Luv." Anon spoke as he pulled the trigger.



The shell was launched out of the gun but nothing happened at the camp.

"Was something supposed to happ-" Before The Witchcreta could've completed her sentence, A Massive explosion happened at the camp.


"That was supposed to happen." Anon spoke with a smile.