Chapter 810 -810

"Hmm... That means his heart is blocking mana, huh ?" Anon asked with a serious expression.

"Oi, You guys coming or not ?" Guki spoke from a distance.

"I don't know... But, when we got him checked by a Royal WitchRoul, he couldn't determine the problem clearly and gave him the magical necklace." Kolis spoke.

"Let's go and meet your dear Mother." Anon spoke as he started walking towards Guki.

After travelling for about 5 minutes, Anon and the others finally reached in the Royal Hall.

As soon as they entered inside the Royal Hall, Anon noticed that the Royal Hall was covered with large torches and except that, there was no other source of light in the Hall.

The Queen is sitting on the middle of the Hall with a Buttler standing besides her.

"Hello, Mother." Guki spoke with a smile as he entered inside the Hall.

"Guki Li Pol, Don't try to talk sweet to me." The Queen spoke as she took Guki's full name. T/his chapter is updated by nov(ê(l)

"W-Wow... It's been a while since I heard my full name." Guki spoke with a weird smile.

"What did I not give you ? What happened That you had to take her side instead of mine ?" The Queen asked as she looked at Guki with a sad expression.

"Mom... I-" Before Kolis could've said anything else, The Queen showed her the finger to stop talking.

"I don't want to listen to a word you are saying. Just stop talking and stand there quietly, I will come to you in a while." The Queen spoke with a serious expression.

"Y-Yes, Mom." Kolis spoke as she quietly stood there.

"Guki, I am giving you one last chance... Leave her side and I will give you anything you want except the Army General's Position." The Queen spoke as she looked at Guki.

"But, Mom-"

"Just demand the thing. I will even give my life for you, if that's what you want but... You have to leave her side." The Queen spoke.

"We will purpose for the Duel." Anon spoke up from behind.

"Hmm...?" The Queen looked at Anon with a serious expression.

"Is that so ? I want to here it from her mouth." The Queen asked as she looked at Kolis.

"Y-Yes, Mother... We will purpose for a duel against sister Ymer." Kolis spoke as she closed her eyes and looked down.

"Fine... Who is purposing ?" The Queen asked.

"I am purposing." Anon spoke as he stepped up and looked at her with a smile.

"The terms of your loss are pretty clear. You will become the empire's slave until the end of time. This meeting is over, You can go now." The Queen spoke as she stood up from her seat and started leaving.

"Wait..." Anon's voice came from the back.

"Hmm...? What ?" The Queen asked as she halted her steps and looked back at Anon.

"If I loose, I will serve the empire until the end of time but, What will happen if I win ?" Anon asked with an evil smile.

"What do you mean ? Your partner will become the Queen." The Queen replied.

"It only applies if Kolis challenges for the duel. Either she will loose her Royal status or become the Queen.

But, when Guki challenged... He stated his terms because once Ymer get's defeated, Kolis will be the only remaining candidate of the Queen's throne and that's why the other challenger's winning terms can be different." Anon spoke with a smile.

'He is not some Dumb incubus.' The Queen thought as she looked at Anon.

"Fine... What is your term, Mr. Rasputin ?" The Queen asked.

"I want a Succubus as my sex slave, If I win." Anon spoke with a perverted smile as he looked at the Queen.

"Yeah ? Just that ? I will arrange it." The Queen spoke with a smile as she started to leave once again.

"Not any other Succubus... It has to be you." Anon spoke with a smile as he pointed towards The Queen.