Chapter 54 Hunting.

"Students are still mounting the horses their fathers brought according to what I saw on the compound, when we were strolling along the balcony. Maybe your father is waiting in their midst". Ava uttered.

"I hope not". Aiden said.

Oliver and Ava glanced at him the moment he made that statement. Then Oliver voiced out,

"You hope not?".

"Yeah, I really want to go hunting with you guys".

And at that moment, a smile appeared on Oliver's face due to what Aiden said. Aiden really wanted to go hunting with them, he liked that. They dismounted all the staircases until they arrived at the compound, then Aiden's eyes began scanning around at that moment to see if he'll sight his father.

For the seconds he scanned around, he didn't sight, Ethan. He scanned around once again, but couldn't still sight him. So he glanced at Oliver and Ava and said,

"I don't think my father has arrived yet, I can't find him. Let's get out of here fast before he arrives".

The three of them increased their walking pace until they got out of the school compound and began walking in the village square.

"He'll be really worried when he gets there and can't find might get scolded once you get home". Ava said to Aiden.

"Yeah, I'm aware of that. But I have to do this, wouldn't it be better if I learn to go home by myself now though I'm still a small boy?". Aiden voiced out.

Ava said nothing more, she just nodded her head. Then Aiden glanced at Oliver and said,

"Just so you know, we are following your lead now".

"Yeah, I'm aware of that. We are heading to one of the forests right now, that's where we'll hunt". Uttered Oliver.

The three of them kept strolling as they passed different people. The people that saw them didn't know they were heading toward a forest currently to go hunt. They just took them like students that were coming back from school...and their destination was home.

"I hope the forest isn't too far from where we are right now". Ava said to Oliver.

Oliver glanced at the both of them and uttered, "Haven't you guys been to a forest before? Aren't you aware of any forest in this kingdom and how long it would take to get there?".

Aiden and Ava just kept mute, a single word didn't flow out of their mouths as they kept sauntering. Then Oliver's voice resounded again,

"Don't tell me you guys haven't visited a single forest in this kingdom. Like, going there for a reason, even if it's a foolish one".

"We don't go hunting like you, we aren't hunters, so what should we be doing in a forest? And a person can find dangerous things in a forest, mostly animals. Do you think I'll tell my parents I want to visit a forest and they'll let me?

My parents aren't like yours. They allow you visit forests sometimes, that would never happen with my parents. I guess your parents are allowing you visit them 'cause they know you know how to survive there. If my parents find out about this, that I went to a forest to hunt, they'll be really angry". Ava uttered, all she said was could they allow a little girl to be visiting forests?

Oliver nodded his head at that moment. Then Aiden voiced out as well,

"The same case for me, my parents don't allow me visit forests. And I don't have a reason to go there...I never did".

But Aiden had seen what a wilderness looked like, he had partially been to a forest before. And when was that? When those assassins tried to capture him as a baby...they entered a forest.

"That's understandable. If you guys have been to a forest, then you should be able to tell how long it would take us to get to one. Don't worry, it wouldn't take too long for us to get there". Oliver stated.

The three of them kept strolling still passing different people. They sauntered until they got to an area where a few people were, the number of people they were seeing had reduced greatly. And the ground was sandy.

..According to what they had discerned, they were getting close to a forest.

It got to a point where they couldn't even see anyone anymore, they had gotten closer to the forest. As they strolled, they could now see little grasses on the floor. Within about a minute more, they had made their way into the forest.

Everywhere was covered with trees and leaves. And Ava's voice had to resound at that moment,

"Oliver, are you sure this is a good idea?".

"Yes, don't worry, nothing bad would happen to you. This is one of the forests I do visit a lot, and I haven't sighted a single dangerous thing in it apart from grass cutters and all that. I feel they'll appear at dusk, but in daylight like this, you wouldn't get to see them". Oliver stated.

The three of them were still sauntering further into the forest, then Aiden inquired of Oliver,

"So, how would you notice a grass cutter?".

"You just have to be scanning around. When you notice one, you have to try not to make any sound. Then you aim and fire". Oliver retorted.

"So, we'll use those bows and arrows to aim and fire, right? Those are what we'll use in hunting down grass cutters, right?". Aiden threw another question.

"Exactly, do you know how to use them?". Oliver inquired of Aiden, he knew the answer would be no...but he still asked anyway.


"You guys would have to watch me and see how I'll make use of them, and from there, you can learn". Oliver stated.

Then he took off his bag, opened it, brought out the mini-bows and quivers, handed one bow and quiver to Aiden, and took one for himself. Aiden watched as Oliver placed the quiver of arrows in his back tying the rope attached to it around his chest...then Aiden did the same.

The both of them were holding the bows in their hands and the quivers well placed in their backs. But as for Ava, she was holding nothing, she just stood there. Oliver glanced at Ava and said,

"I gave Aiden the bow and quiver 'cause I feel the boys should hold them, you've got a problem with that?".

"Not at all". Ava uttered.

With that, Oliver faced front and began moving slowly as Aiden and Ava followed him. At this moment, it felt like they were learning from him, he was gonna teach them how to hunt down grass cutters.

"So the plan now is to sight a grass cutter, right?". Aiden inquired.

​ "Yeah, that's the first plan, then hunting it down would be the next". Oliver retorted.

The three of them kept sauntering and glancing around. Aiden and Oliver were in front, while Ava was behind them.

..Three kids of 7 years old were in the forest trying to hunt down grass cutters. Wasn't that dangerous?

After sauntering further into the forest, Aiden finally set eyes on a grass cutter. Now, this was his first time hunting, he had never seen a grass cutter before, entering forests wasn't his thing...but he had eaten lots of meats gotten from grass cutters.

But the moment he set eyes on one, he knew this was a grass cutter. It was just standing there with its gaze fixed on the front. Immediately, Aiden informed Oliver that he had sighted one. He did that by tapping him a little...cautiously.

..Any little sound, the grass cutter would take to its heels.

After grabbing Oliver's attention, he directed his gaze to where the grass cutter was standing. And at that moment, Oliver glanced at Ava and placed one of his fingers on his lips meaning, 'Keep quiet, don't make any sound'.

Then he glanced at Aiden and gave him the look of, 'Watch me'. And at that moment, he drew out an arrow from his mini-quiver, placed it in his bow, aimed, and fired. The arrow flew straight to where the grass cutter was, and before it could take to its heels, the arrow penetrated its body.

..It still ran anyway, but it didn't go far, it didn't run for long before was dead.

And at that moment, the three of them ran over to where the grass cutter was lying, then Ava voiced out,

"Wow! That was nice, you're a true hunter".

A smile appeared on Oliver's face at that moment, then Aiden uttered as well,

"That was cool, the arrow headed straight to the grass cutter and penetrated it".

"Yeah, that's what they call aiming and firing". Oliver stated.

..They were standing in front of the grass cutter currently, and Oliver didn't waste time picking it up.