Chapter 475 Heroic Deeds (Part 2)

Daimon got to know some other crucial information a couple of minutes after those guys who were targeting them arrived, night came way early to this place, that and the moon of this world is dark purple, so the natural illumination at night is really low.

With his mana sense which was way more developed than the ones of the visitors that were aiming at their necks, Daimon saw that the few people that were on the streets rushed to their homes the moment it got dark, as if they were afraid of something.

According to the information Daimon got, the night is usually dark but it gets worse during a certain period of the year, which lasts for around a month, being the worst part the last week of said month.

And that week started today, still not everyone rushed to hide in their homes, those who had some sort of confidence in their strength or some backing walked in the dark, towards some of the few locals that were still open.

Though most of the town was covered in darkness, the establishments backed by the merchants as well as the ones from the chief and other strong people had magic lamps to illuminate their nearby areas.

The reason of that is that the temperature dropped like crazy at night, so normal fire would just go off, there was a need for mana to sustain it, and only those who had enough resources could afford to keep other than their own bedrooms warm and illuminated.

Needless to say, but besides the stores, the other locals that were still open were of course places to seek pleasure, there were both men and women trying to lure the "strong" people into their establishments.

There were also some of those confident people that walked through certain alleys, just to be ambushed, silenced and killed, their corpses were then dragged into some shady looking houses, for who knows what purposes.Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

'I guess that's why Ender said it was better to stay home during this week, the order is already quite fragile normally and this darkness along with fear makes it even worse', thought Daimon as he observed some random places of the town with his mana sense.

He came out of his daze, thanks to the crazy girl who was giggling while her body shivered.

"Are you perhaps spying into those places, but there is no need, you can always have m...", she couldn't finish her sentence when Daimon interrupted her with a death serious face.

"No", listening to such a straight reject, only made Sarah lick her lips while she fought the urges of jumping onto Daimon.

Daimon sighed, the crazy girl was also skilled enough in using mana sense to practically map the whole town, just like him, what's more, she was literally following his mana sense, because he wasn't hiding it from her.

"It's dark enough, time to move, I have already marked who to kill with my mana sense... you can see the marks right?", asked Daimon.

"Hehehe, ever since the treatment I can "feel" every time you use mana sense~", said Sarah, which made Daimon think.

'Maybe this is why people say that no good deed goes unpunished'.


Outside of the inn, the atmosphere has completely changed from a few minutes ago, even when night fell, besides the temperature dropping, everything was normal.

But when that dark purple moon appeared, the overall sensation in the air became heavy and the night darkened even more, it was quite an ominous scene.

If you add to that the fact that there were fifteen people wearing black clothes surrounding the inn, as well as five on the roof which practically sealed any way of escape, then things looked worse.

"Boss, should we be really doing this, those two were seen in company of the captain of Rock Gale, Ender, with the blood moon week falling over us, isn't a bad idea to fight with another of the four prominent hunting teams?", asked one of the black clothes figures, to the one that seemed to be leading the attack.

The one was leading, a tall muscly man with black clothes and a big heavy sword in his back, which he didn't bother to hide, snorted in response.

"Rita, how do you feel?", asked Daimon, ignoring the still restrained remaining enemy, Daimon's shadow rippled before the head of the self-claimed head maid of Daimon, emerged from it.

"It's amazing, I feel way stronger than normal young ma... Gabriel, like this I would have no problem in suppressing neither of those two idiots!", she said referring to Roger and Fabio.

Daimon chuckled, it was rare to see the Rita enthusiastic for a change, she even nearly called him "young master", when she has almost fully stopped doing that, as the reward she chose was speaking to him in an informal way.

"F-Flesh eating demon, impossible we paid to purify the city!", the guy with the big sword raised his voice, naturally with Rita blocking this area with her mana, no one would hear him, this was the standard process she followed whenever she was assisting her young master.

Listening to the big sword guy, Daimon frowned, undead aren't the "zombies" that are known back at earth, sure there are some that eat humans among them, like Smiling Ghouls for example, or Skin Tailors, but most of them don't even had the need to eat, Bone Generals like Horals are a good example, they absorb nutrients from the bones of the dead, but there is no need for them to be human, in fact it's better for them to belong to magic beasts whose bones are way stronger than those of most races.

Rita originated from a Bone Sorcerer, though she did have flesh on her body even back when she was a simple artificial undead, she only fed on mana, the mana of the one with whom she had a contract.

Listening to an inferior piece of trash calling her that, in front of her young master, Rita saw red, though she knows Daimon isn't human, most human-like races don't eat each other, and despise those who do.

That's one of the breaches that had caused the war among the four galaxies, and here this idiot was calling her that, in front of her young master.

"Aghhhh!", the shadow threads tightened and all the fingers of the big sword guy were suddenly severed at once.

But then she woke up from her anger when she remembered her young master kept this guy alive for a reason, so she wasn't meant to attack him.

"I'm sorry young master, I'm willing to receive any punishment for acting on my own", said Rita as she bowed her head, only to see Daimon shaking his head.

"It's fine, return to my shadow for now, you aren't a reckless person, this place is affecting you too", he said.

"Mm", Rita who was inwardly smiling at her young master's consideration towards her, nodded and then she sank into Daimon's shadow once again.

Having taken care of that for now, Daimon turned to see the big sword guy and then smirked behind his mask.

"Now then, I have a few questions for you", he said.

The poor man felt his soul abandoning his body, flesh eating demons will never obey a human, however there is an old legend, something that the elderly tells to little children so they behave.

And that is the rumor that the king of the flesh-eating demons, looks like a human, one you would not only never suspect of being a monster, but actually find appealing to the eye by women and feared by men.

The most important thing of that old tale, is that the king of the demons has control over all of them, and is able to call them whenever he wishes so, or that would be the case if he wasn't supposedly sealed into the moon, which turns red during a certain week of the year, due to the king hurting himself by punching the prison in which he is trapped, at the moment where the seal is in its weakest moment.

'What the hell did I get myself involved into!', inwardly screamed the man, as he regretted and cursed the manager of the store from the bottom of his heart, from having offered him a nice reward if he killed the man and brought the woman to him.

"For starters, tell me where is that idiot from the store and also where is the base of the group to which that guy Omar belonged, ah, your base as well as the ones of anyone who is benefiting from the chaotic situation, I don't think I have to remind you, but if you lie, death will be the least of your problems", casually said Daimon as he slightly pierced the tip of Disaster on the arm of the big sword guy.

The man saw his arm paling and his flesh crumbling apart, and he nearly peed himself.

"I'll talk, I'll talk!!!", he shouted.

Daimon nodded and then he retrieved Disaster and then let go of it, surprisingly the sword kept floating there, next to him, which only made the fear that the poor man was feeling, increase once again.

Of course, Daimon wouldn't be playing like this if he didn't have a decent motive, normally he would have given a beating to the guy as he interrogated him, to accelerate the process, but he wanted to see if his Terror Contracts worked here, which didn't seem to be the case.

'Tsk, I guess it is to be expected from a place which was set up by another system user, whatever, we'll do it the old way', thought Daimon, as he listened to the answer of the big sword guy.