Chapter 477 Heroic Deeds (Part 4)

Seeing those strange compartments on Ismael's equipment, something clicked in Daimon's brain and a strange supposition appeared in his mind.

"What the hell are you all doing, use the ignition of your amors at once!", shouted Ismael, waking not only Daimon out of his daze, but also his thirty subordinates, who were having troubles to even breath as they were collapsed on the ground.

"No, kill them before they can move!", Ender wasn't a captain for nothing, he shouted at Tila and the two of them exploded in mana and battle aura respectively as they became flashes of light that dashed towards Ismael's subordinates.

Ender used his spear to pierce the heads of Ismael's subordinates, while Tila who was wearing metal gauntlets punched them into mincemeat, unfortunately even though they weren't immobilized by Daimon's aura, they were still slower than under normal circumstances.

So, they moved a second too late and just managed to kill ten of Ismael's subordinates, before the armors of the remaining twenty, lit up, red lines of light covered the armors, with the beast core which was embedded into their chest plates as its center.

Then they all actually managed to regain their mobility, jumping backwards to gather behind Ismael.

Daimon's eyes glowed behind his mask, those armors weren't only countering a portion of his Overlord's Pride's aura, but also boosting the battle prowess of the ones wearing them.

Daimon noticed that the moment those armors activated, the mana flow in those guys bodies accelerated, their blood also started circulating faster and their flesh was infused with vitality.

The boost wasn't able to push their realms, but they became stronger overall, it was something that Daimon hadn't seen nor heard off whether it be in the four galaxies or in Neptune.

In what magic weapons regards, there are none that directly increase their owner's powers in such a way, even Disaster can't do that, though Narasha can give some of the energy that the sword devours to Daimon if the need arises, it's more of a recovery measure than an empowering one.

On the other hand, there is a large list of alchemic products such as potions or pills that can temporarily boost one's realm, but not only they are quite expensive, but they all have downsides, going from temporal weakening to permanent damage or even death.

That's why those whose innate abilities allow them to increase their realms, are considered geniuses, because they can do something similar without having to worry about the previous, as long as their lineage is pure enough to not have a side effect of course.

"Crap, sorry Gabriel we were one step too late", Ender walked towards Daimon and apologized as he stopped next to him, followed by Tila who then said.

"Your battle aura is amazing, I have seen some control types be able to intimidate, but to actually suppress others directly like that, I guess there is always a higher mountain".

The tanned skinned woman was amazed, because she is a knight too, and even now she had to put some effort into not be suppressed by Daimon's aura, at the same time she confused Overlord's Pride as Daimon's battle aura.

She thought Daimon's life spark was control type, and focused in intimidation, in part because there was no visible explosion of energy, but the overall atmosphere was affected by it, making it similar to a mental attack to break the spirit of the opponent.

Not that she could be fully blamed, since that passive was obtained when Daimon killed the manticore who was the absolute ruler of its territory, it effect derived from the fear that a strong being's presence struck into a weaker one, of course it was modified to fit Daimon's wishes, and it was now being enhanced by the atmosphere of this place for some reason.

Still, Daimon didn't bother in clearing the misunderstand, even he didn't know what was the classification or even the name of his life spark, but it for sure wasn't control type, considering Demon Light, something fully focused on offensive is his battle aura.

Daimon was now interested in the magic technology of this place, which seems to have taken a completely different route than the one he knows off, but that could wait for later, right now he turned to see Ender before saying.

"You take care of his subordinates, leave the brother of the idiot to me".

Ender doubted for a second but he still said what was in his mind.

"It would be better if three of us join our hands to take Ismael out first, I will support from the rear and also defend our subordinates", he said so, despite being well aware that the one taking that last role will probably end up in a miserable state.

It didn't escape Daimon's eyes that Ender wasn't wearing an armor with a beast core embedded into it, the woman called Tila on the other hand was, but unlike the equipment Ismael had, hers used a Lord rank core instead of an Arch ranked one.

If he was alone Ender will be easily be able to bombard the twenty Knight Lords to oblivion, but he will have to protect his subordinates who were unable to move, and defending is harder than attacking in this particular situation.

Daimon didn't want to lose time, he just turned to see the crazy girl and said.

With a little tap of his feet, the ground below Daimon exploded as he flashed towards Ismael.

"Booom!", pieces of dirt as well as dust was raised just by Daimon using his physical strength to move, this was pure brute force without using any martial art.

"Clang!", the sounds of metal colliding as well as sparks flying all over the place was the result from the first clash.

·ƈθm Ismael blocked Daimon's slash with his tower shield, just to feel as if a mountain had clashed against him, not only he was sent backwards a dozen of meters leaving a trail on the ground, his hands were shaking and that wasn't all, he saw that there was a five centimeter's deep scar into the front side of the shield.

"No fucking way, even without using the beast ability, the materials of this shield are Arch ranked ones, you are just an early-stage Lord rank, your hands should have been destroyed by the recoil!", shouted Ismael.

But Daimon didn't bother to answer, his body was strong enough to endure the recoil of slashing Disaster around, that is an object of more than thirty tons at its lightest state, plus his own strength added to that, and with the gloves Thea gave her, it was much easier now, he could let loose and just push as hard as he wanted without any worries now.

Which resulted in him destroying the first of the three layers of the tower shield with a single slash.

"Damn it all, who the hell are you!", Ismael shouted, his battle aura exploded out of his body, this time he rushed towards Daimon, for someone using heavy armor and heavy weapons, he actually moved decently fast.

Unfortunately for Daimon, he was slow as hell, he simply slashed at his left and his sword clashed against Ismael's tower shield once again.

This time there was a difference though, he still felt his sword diving into the shield, but the depths it reached were around half of the previous one, the reason is that the core embedded on the shield lit up and dark gray lines appeared on it, which made some kind of metal scales to cover its surface.

With his sword "trapped" into the shield, Ismael's eyes which were bloodshot glowed with a vicious light, as he swinged his Warhammer which was covered in his red fire battle aura, towards Daimon's chest.

Though his battle prowess was trash, it's not like Ismael wasn't experienced, the shield was prepared to trap the weapon of the opponent, so that he could land this attack, even if the enemy dodged it will lose its weapon, which is a grave mistake in a fight.

Unfortunately for him, this tactic only worked on enemies whose either focus on agility and have low explosive power, or have explosive power but have low agility and Daimon has plenty of both.

Daimon's image flashed making Ismael felt horrified as he completely disappeared from his field of detection for a split of a second, which is normal considering he used blink and not a movement spell.

Ismael tried to turn around as he felt a huge sensation of crisis, but he was too slow, before he could take impulse to swing his Warhammer, a white flame blade pierced his back and came out of his chest from the front.

That wasn't all, a stream of white flames was shot from the sword, burning a thirty-meter-deep crater in front of Ismael.

'Oh, so I can use Comet Sword like this too, and make the power contained within it be released with each attack until it drains all its power', thought Daimon.

If he used Comet Sword like normal, a burnt crater of a couple of hundreds of meters would have appeared in front of him, but that would have reduced a part of the town to ashes, so he used the white flame sword to pierce Ismael's armor from the back and directly attack his body, instead of releasing all the energy of the sword at once.

"Aghhhh!!!", Ismael actually didn't die with that, he tried to use his own fire battle aura to fight back against the white flames that were burning his chest, and to sent Daimon flyinf away with the impact.

But his flames were immediately consumed by the white flames, and turned into fuel to produce more white flames, also Daimon easily withstood the shockwave, so Ismael's last try didn't achieve anything and he died the next second due to the explosion of white flames he provoked himself.

Daimon snapped his fingers and the white flames returned to his body, though he couldn't recover all the Demon Light he used to create the Comet Sword, around 60% of it was absorbed back into his body.

Daimon casually kept Ismael's weapons and his storage ring in the inventory and then turned to see how things were going on the other battlefield, just to see Sarah casually strolling around, humming in a land filled with melted corpses, every time she saw something that either caught her attention or survived her poison, she cleaned it with her dark poison battle aura and pocketed it.

All this while Ender and Tila looked at her with terrified expressions, as they stayed as far as possible from her, while protecting their subordinates, which made Daimon chuckle.

"Ender, we'll go kill the ones that are surrounding the rest of your subordinates, and then we'll sweep through the town to eliminate the scum in this list", said Daimon as he returned to their side, and gave Ender a paper with the list of targets he selected based on the information he had gotten, which should be the irremediable scum of the town.

Tila who now wanted some explanations from Ender, about what was happening here, couldn't help but ask.

"Who are you two?".

"Mmm, random people doing some heroic deeds I guess", casually said Daimon.

'Heroic deeds...', both Ender and Tila saw the land of death that was surrounding them, and they both bitterly smiled, but still they didn't refuse, because the places on the list were indeed the worst of the worst, what worried them was, why were these extremely dangerous people helping clean the town.