Chapter 520 Know your place (part 1)

Chapter 520 Know your place (part 1)

Daimon's eyes glowed behind his mask as he carefully observed the corpse of the mermaid dissolving into light blue particles, even after her whole body dispersed, Daimon didn't hear a notification, until he heard Evangeline's saying.

'Humph, you think you can just discard your incarnation and call it even after trying to cajole my host, leave something behind for being a presumptuous bitch!'.

Daimon then felt a strange sensation coming from him, it was hard to pinpoint the origin, but it felt as if his existence had become a black hole, different yet slightly similar to when his lazy ass magic core decided to do something. n0ve(l)bi(n.)co/m

Followed by that, a scream that only Freya and Daimon could heard, echoed through the whole area.

"Aghhh, Freya you fucking psycho, I'll get you for thissss!!!", to Daimon's displease the mermaid seemed to have survived, but as if to contempt him, the good old system gave him a reward.


[You have obtained "Siren's Black Heart (fragment)", the host isn't compatible with the obtained item, processing...]


[Do you wish to trade the item through the System for a skill of equal value (the skill will have a similar effect as the item used to exchange it for) Y/N]

'Eve, what is this?', asked Daimon, this is the first time the System offers him a deal, also he got to know that the monstrous mermaid was actually a Siren, apparently the pretty ones with melodious voices were mermaids, and the ones that tricked and ate humans were called Sirens.

Despite being from Neptune where races that had characteristics from sea magic beasts, or even cases of sea magic beasts taking human form existed, neither Jasmine nor Sarah have seen or heard of a race with the characteristics Karla had, in her two forms.

On the other hand, they weren't from the Mermen Sea, so probably Annete or Vincent might have information about the legendary race which are the mermaids, but that could be left for later.

'Well, you needed something else besides that bolt to truly kill her, but you managed to destroy her incarnation and a part of her existence, I just helped you clam what you damaged from her as a punishment for insulting the System, since she tried to snatch my host...'.

'Hey Eve, isn't this what humans call "jealousy", I could tell you got really angry when she tried to convince Daimon to become her host~', Narasha's words made Evangeline change the subject.

'Ahem, don't worry about the trade that the System is offering you, you have no use to it, unless you are first of all, a woman, second an administrator and third, someone with a water oriented attribute, so this will be more beneficial to you, also it will be good for the System, she said.

Daimon nodded, getting the message between lines that Evangeline gave him, if he got something from the System and also benefitted the System, he would be gaining twice, of course there is a chance that she was lying, but he trusted her not as the administrator of the System, but his friend Eve.

Also, getting a useful skill is not easy, in part because he himself set the bar too high when he killed the manticore back then, on the other hand, the skills he got from that, were worth it.

Overlord's Pride, Sixth Sense, Mythic Vitality, those three skills laid the bases of what Daimon has achieved nowadays, the first was the base for his Terror Contractor skill, the second helped the creation of the infinity eyes and the last one helped his Demon Light become what it is, since vitality is the main ingredient of Battle Aura, besides one's life spark, not to mention his insane vitality is also the reason as to why his body is able to endure a crazy technique such as Core Synchrony without him exploding.

Daimon accepted the deal and the sweet sound of a notification ringed in his mind, on the spot.

[A new skill has been created due to a specific action <!>]

[Mythical Regeneration (Incomplete) (Passive): Any wounds caused by beings on an equal or lower level of existence than the host won't be fatal, healing will require a source of energy (stamina, vitality, mana or battle aura, if the host can't supply for it after one minute, the effect will be nullified)]

As Daimon read the skill, he felt the urge to curse, that skill was a partial immortality, and that also explained why that woman didn't die though she had zero vitality left, she still had mana, but she used most of it when she helped Adam make his hero comeback, so then she couldn't supply for the energy needed to recover from being beheaded.

'Level of existence, is that one's realm?', wondered Daimon for a moment, before he put the thought at the back of his head for now, that skill went along with him amazingly well, he already has "Mystic Vitality" and while the effect is more noticeable for his soulmates, his vitality is strong enough to heal wounds and increase his recovery ratio, but he would die if his vitality reached zero or if his body was destroyed, like others.

Well, maybe his System could interfere, like Adam's did for him, but he wasn't stupid nor arrogant enough like the light idiot as to let his life or death be decided by "fate", he has experienced the result of that once, and it will never happen again.

Daimon immediately tested out his new skill, the slight cuts and burns that Adam's all out attack, before he was knocked out the first time, were still there, his monstrous body was healing them, but the process was slowed down, probably a part of the abilities of that sword, but now...

Daimon just guided some mana towards the wounds, and not even a second later, they disappeared without a trace, and he just used a small amount of vitality, it was perfect for him, whose insane vitality recovery rate was the cause of him healing overtime, he could now use that excess for instant-healing, without any side effects.

He then noticed Freya suddenly getting wary of him, she probably felt a similar sensation from him, as to when Karla used the effect of her Siren's heart, since those two obviously had some history together.

"I didn't accept her offer, so take it easy", he said to which the silver armored woman nodded.

"If she doesn't come out of that crystal after Rita brings all those things, then you'll have to do it without her, okay?", as Daimon finished speaking, he took out the trident of the storm and handed to Jasmine, though he didn't stop stepping on Adam's neck.

"Mm, thanks Daimon~", she said with her mellow voice, as she accepted the trident from Daimon, to kill him properly they still needed a System weapon after all.

Daimon nodded and then gazed at Freya before saying.

"We'll leave out conversation for when we leave this battlefield, until then you are free to do as you please", the silver armored woman had made a soul contract that bound her to answer his questions to the best of her capacities, so she couldn't leave until that, though she didn't seem to be in a hurry to part ways with Daimon.

Surprisingly, against Daimon's predictions, Freya didn't leave, instead of that she sat down cross legged on the ground and placed the white cross bow next to her.

"If you don't mind, can I keep this cross bow... until you leave Kerrol?", she asked, to which Daimon nodded, it's not like the cross bow triggered anything from the System, nor it really had any use to him since it is currently broken, but it seemed to have personal value for Freya.

"Sure", with a single word, the silver armored woman seemed to cheer up, as she observed Kerrol while lost in her thoughts.

Leaving that aside, turned around just in time to see Rita returning with a giant black cube floating behind of her, the walls of the cubes waved a bit from time to time, due to the ones trapped inside trying to escape, but nothing else happened, Rita's shadow element could be both ethereal and dense, even the bone general couldn't escape from Rita's restraints in a short period of time after all.

"Hold your hand!!!", as Rita returned to Daimon's side, an angered scream came from above the clouds, as they were blown away.

"Booom!", a few kilometers away, Antonio who was missing an arm as well as the male elder from the church whose previously white hair was now stained black, landed on the ground, they were coughing and trembling as they tried to recompose.

Then a pillar of black and red light came down to crush them, but old Ben appeared in front of it and deployed his domain in rush, managing to barely block the attack preventing the other two from being turned into meat paste.

"Watch out kid, he suddenly got stronger!", shouted old Ben at Daimon, what happened earlier cooled down the good impression the old man had of Daimon, his grandson died after all, but what they were facing right now was a possible extinction as a race, and he as an Adjudicator had the duty to prevent that from happening.

Not like Daimon really needed it, he was aware of what was coming from above the clouds, according to Rita, not all the ones who received that dark energy from Karla went mad, there were a few who were actually able to keep their rationality to a certain extent, namely the remaining Archdukes, who were fighting against Jeanne and Emily at the other side of the battlefield, Paula who was guiding the Ghoul army while clashing against the female elder from the church and of course Archbald.

Though the Blood King got Adam's sword confiscated by Karla earlier, he received Karla's dark energy to make up for it, and now that the Siren couldn't control him, he was finally able to fight at his strongest state.

He took old Ben and the others by surprise, wounding Antonio who was in charge of defense, and also poisoned the male elder from the church, as for old Ben he was forced to defend his teammates, so Archbald was now unrestrained.

That being said, Daimon didn't blame them, because Archbald had surpassed the level of Kerrol, judging by the size of the Battle Avatar that was coming down from the sky as well as the pressure radiated by it.

A little lesson regarding Battle Avatars, their size varies depending on how strong it is, in a ratio of a hundred meters per minor stage of the Arch rank, from early to peak, there are nine stages, that means a nine hundred meter Battle Avatar, after that, there is no guideline, since the half Stellar realm and above varies from each person, which is why someone can't guide another person to breakthrough, also there is no need to reach the maximum size of Battle Avatar to advance, nor it is easy to do so.

As a proof of he previous, Horal's Battle Avatar, the last time Daimon saw it, was still five hundred meters size, but it is worth mentioning that the bone general was a middle stage Archknight until not too long ago.

The previous is knowledge from the four galaxies, in Neptune they don't know about it, because not only just a few manage to obtain either a Domain or a Battle Avatar, but they tend to manifest it for the first time, at the middle or peak Arch rank or even until the half Stellar rank, only people with really high talents like Vincent, Aurora and the others, obtained the trait of the Ach rank at the early stage and still, their limit is around half of what it is recorded back at the four galaxies.

Well, in Kerrol they were even worse, despite having knowledge of even the traits of both the Lord and Arch rank, not only most weren't able to get them, but their limit was around a third of the one of the four galaxies.

And so, Antonio's Battle Avatar who barely reached 350 meters of height with the help of his beast equipment, was overpowered by Archbald's Battle Avatar who has surpassed the five-hundred-meter mark thanks to the dark energy he got from Karla.

Seeing the giant black knight shaped Battle Avatar of the Blood King coming their way, Daimon nodded at Rita who snapped her fingers.

Countless of spikes and thorns appeared on the cube, which were then absorbed into it, making screams come out of it, Daimon chuckled, that spell Rita used looked quite a bit like his dual element spell "Demon Coffin" the one with which he one-shot Alexander back then, with the difference that she adapted it to her own element instead of using lightning as she didn't have that affinity.

The result was also quite similar, the cube broke and a few dozens of hundreds of corpses of Ghouls who were turned into irrational abominations, fell from it, just as Jasmine said, their corpses dried as black wisps of energy flowed out of them, just to be forcefully dragged towards Sarah, making the crystal's black tone darken even more.

The other result was the Blood King going mad at the sight of his subordinates being massacred, despite him ordering the masked youth to stop, it's not like he cared about them, but he was going to sacrifice them to advance to the next level, now that he had a taste of this power, he of course wanted more.

"Aghhhhhh!", Archbald whose eyes were bloodshot, used the right arm of his Battle Avatar to punch at the volcanic rock where Daimon and the others were, just to be stopped when everything within his frontal field of vision was covered in darkness.

Luckily for Archbald, or not, he didn't have to look too much to find out what was happening, as he heard a woman's voice coming from within the veil of shadows that was blocking his attack.

"A mere pawn dares to bare its fangs against my young master, know your place!", the giant mass of darkness then changed its form, until a familiar black armored figure appeared in front of the Blood King, it was... a perfectly detailed Daimon shaped shadow

puppet of a kilometer of size.

Now imagine Archbald's expression when that giant "Daimon" extended its right arm, and grabbed his Battle Avatar to then smack it against the ground, making it sink into the ground, until the magma that laid below the surface, erupted, burning the Battle Avatar too.