483 Chapter 481: House arrest

"You guys! What the hell are you doing with this!

The mighty arm of the ship, Muller's anger rang indoors.

Then the gentleman standing beside Muller also raised a protest against the men in opposing military uniforms.

"Secretary Muller is right. This Valentine's Republic should be a rule-of-law state that marks democracy. Yet...... what the hell do you mean you won't have a lawyer present at the trial! What the hell do you know about the law that is the backbone of the state!

Then a man who appeared to be the epitome of the men in uniform standing directly in front of the two replied quietly to the two protests.

"… but this was an instruction from the central government… even if we were told… it would be troubling…"

The man said with a laugh even blushing his shoulders.

Then naturally, Muller's anger crept up on this rude attitude.

But Muller desperately enjoyed his two men, who would now be at an unusually extreme trial with no defense counsel or hearers.

"... shall I ask your name again..."

"Yes, I am Captain David Geppel, Army Legal Officer, Republic of Valentin"

"Captain Geppel, who is your immediate superior?

"... I have been told not to answer such questions, so it is obvious..."

"I hear who told you that!

"Even if they shout... we can't answer them."

"... whoever breathed in the Senate anyway..."

"Whatever the secretary thinks, be my guest."

Geppel continued to engage in a relaxed pursuit of Müller with such flavors as arm presses on the warm curtains.

Then Muller boiled the business and moved on a step forward.

"... you guys get out of there anyway"

"I can't do that. The Secretary has to wait here with his attorney..."

"So you're putting us under house arrest?

"There is no annihilation! House arrest, etc. … but we were instructed to stay in this room…"

"That's house arrest!

"Well anyway, why don't you just sit back and calm down for once? Whatever you're gonna do to yell, you're not gonna be able to step out of this room until the trial is over, are you?

Geppel mumbled its nature and laughed nasty.

Muller's anger then finally reached its peak and finally came to such a point as near the explosion.

"I've been licked a lot too..."

But Geppel told me to water it.

"I'm not licking it. That's why we're bringing in as many as six inflexible martial officers. Besides... your neighbor's lawyer doesn't look like he's good at martial arts, does he?

When Geppel said so, he smiled at his attorney in a sadistic manner.