566 Lesson 564: Four Lies

"At least it's clear they're lying to us."

Shester said as he narrowed his eyes sharply.

Then Rodemul nodded quietly at it.

"Yes, all four of you, because this shouldn't be your first time here in Tulka"

Shester smiled slightly at Rodemur's lucid answer.

"Exactly. Tarka here is Gaius, the town you disappeared from, so it can't be the first time."

"Yes, according to Karmis, before Gaius disappeared here in Tulka, he said he was joined by all SS. So the same should be true for the four of us."

"That's right. Yet they behave as if they were visiting Tarka here for the first time..."

When Shester said so, he put his right fist under his chin and began to think quietly and deeply.

Then Rodemul quietly spoke his own thoughts with a low calm voice so as not to disturb Shester's thoughts.

"I have yet to say to all SS that Master Gaius is the next head of the Schneider family. So I'm guessing the boy demon mentor they met here in Tulka doesn't even dream of being."

Shester nodded lightly in agreement with Rodemul's idea.

"Hmm. Gaius, I didn't tell them about your case because it was extremely dangerous as far as Carmis was concerned..."

"Yes, Master Gaius' enemies, as far as you can tell, are probably homogeneous to those we met in Dallas. And Elle's enemies are probably homogeneous... so they're not our enemies."

Rodemur said as he remembered the dreaded enemy who had once himself turned his back and fled desperately.

Then Shester was deep and big, and I let him try to nod at it.

"Oh, he's out of Elle's control. It is impossible for us to be human beings. So all we can do is gather information. I also wanted to go there when I visited Tarka here, and I did my job not telling them"

"Yes. But why were the four lied to?

I asked Chester as Rodemur had come up with a fuss.

Then Shester answered quietly as he did his right fist under his chin again.

"Well... you just don't trust us, or..."

Then Rodemur took over Shester's words.

"Does it have anything to do with that enemy...?

Shester said as he narrowed his eyes sharply to Rodemul's answer.

"Oh I guess one of those two..."

When Shester said so, he began to circle his thoughts as he nodded in small pieces many times.

Rodemull was quietly rethinking and silently rethinking himself for a while, but eventually he couldn't think together and asked Shester, who was afraid, after a certain amount of time.

"... which is it? So I have to change this strategy a lot, too?

Then Shester answered Rodemur's question quietly.

"Oh right. But unfortunately, we can't judge by the materials we have at present. There is one thing here… isn't it about seeing how things are going?"

When Shester said so, he slowly raised his mouth angle and laughed.