1328 Episode One Thousand Three Hundred Twenty-six: The Ultimate Demonic Armor

"I don't know... do you have any hands like that..."

Gaius protested against Carla with such expressions as heartbroken.

But Carla kicked it lightly.

"That's not true. As promised earlier."

"Promise... but I did..."

"That's the thing. Then you work hard. However, they are born parents of demonic armor... perhaps, but demonic armor doesn't do much good."

"... I guess... I'll give it a shot..."

So Satan turned up the loud voice.

"Then I'm coming! Singularity."

After Satan's loud voice, Gaius panicked and began to rearm his demonic armor.

"Whoa! Wait a minute!... I'm going to concentrate now..."

Gaius tried to calm his mind quickly, but suddenly it wasn't working very well.

Then Satan, who saw it, told Gaius, laughing.

"It's a singularity. That doesn't help us in the fight. I have to be able to activate my demonic armor from day to day. Like this......"

Satan says, let the wind wrap around his own giant.

The wind became a blast of fierce momentum as we saw it, so much so that we all had to cover our faces with arms and so on in its too much awesomeness.

But it quickly subsided.

When Gaius and his men finally lowered their arms from the front of their faces, there was Satan's giant wrapped in beautifully shiny, pitch-black demonic armor.

"... wow... looks really strong..."

Gaius raised his admiration unexpectedly.

Then Satan laughed with his thin, long mouth wide open.

"It's a singularity. This is the ultimate demon armor that's been forged."

Gaius watched closely as Satan licked his whole body around.

"... you don't seem to have a gap or anything... by the way... which way do you think I should attack you from?

Gaius shrugged his shoulders and asked Satan himself of the moment as he drew his cheeks together.

Then Satan laughed high.

"Interesting. Ask me that. Very funny, singularities."

"Hey, as for this one, it's a dead and alive issue... I'd appreciate it if you could tell me..."

Satan laughed a lot and nodded.

"Sa too. It was only since the war that I wrapped this around. I mean... I mean, I'm serious."

Gaius' cheeks drew even more heavily.

"... no, you don't have to be serious... you have to be able to win at your leisure, right? ……

"Right. But in order to work out every demonic armor, I have to wear demonic armor, too."

"... well... you know what... then I can't help it..."

Gaius continued his conversation but continued to look at Satan's entire body, trying to carefully determine if there was a gap somewhere.