1633 Episode One Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty: Negative Labor


"I can't even entertain you..."

Upak said, frightened, bending his hips wide.

said Iris, standing on eagle fried.

"No, that's not true. You relaxed a lot."

Upak was even more frightened and lowered his head to the critical limit.

"Thank you"

"Um, let's go."

That's what Iris said, prompting Gaius.

"Right. Bye, Mr. Upak. Thank you."

"Please be careful"

"Yes. Then everyone's fine."

Gaius said so and said goodbye to the face of the Polochle tribe who had come to drop him off.


The Polochles all cheered as they jumped together with Piompion.

The Gaius followed the village of Delpa with the great cheer of the Polochle.


"And you were surprised."

Gaius said as he cleverly sewed the narrow cave and flew.

"What is it?

Iris inquired about the tasteless dryness.

"No, I told you earlier that Mr. Upak couldn't even be very welcoming, and then Illis took the trouble, didn't he? That was a surprise to me."

"What. I actually relaxed inside, until I said so."

"Really? No. Well, as far as I'm concerned, I'm glad."

"Are you happy? Why are you happy?

"That's... well, didn't I bring Iris? It would be nice if that Illis could be very polite."

Then Illis unbelievably snapped his neck.

"Is that what this is all about? I don't know..."

"That's what it is. Well, you don't have to know."

"Hmm, then that's fine. More than that, if my memory is certain, it's supposed to be the blue hole that keeps the demons locked up, no doubt about it?

Gaius nodded greatly.

"Oh, no doubt about it. I've been through there many times."

"It doesn't affect anything for you to go through, does it?

Gaius traced his own memories.

"... oh, that doesn't affect me"

"But the devil has a lot to do with it."

"Yes. Especially the more powerful demons. Seems pretty easy to slip through when you're a junior demon."

"Well... then we're going to figure it out"

"Whoa! That's a reliable statement. Then the plan is going to work."

When Gaius said so, he had no heart or increased speed.