1732 Episode One Thousand Seventy Twenty-nine: Space and Space Narrow


I accidentally told her to scream reflexively.

But Nerva was silent.

Iris said angrily, again.

"Where do you think you are? Answer me!"

Then I answered this time.


Iris' anger reached its pinnacle.

"So I'm telling you where it is! I thought you were here!

When Elise cried out, she shuddered in anger.

But Nerva meditated in his eyes, as if nothing had happened.

Then Astalot, who had previously put his arms together and had done his hand to his chin to think about it, opened his mouth.

"I'm here... Nerva, you affirm that, don't you?

Then Nerva answered again.


Astalot nodded and said, rubbing his jaw again and again.

"... well. Are you here... So you think Lucifer's watching us?

Nerva quickened up the edge of its long mouth.


Astalot nodded greatly.

"Right. Iris, he's watching, isn't he?

Shaken by a lid, Illis glanced at Astalot.

"What? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Really? He's here, but not here. That means…"

Astalot opened up plenty between them.

Then, as a matter of course, Illis was irritated.

"I'm telling you not to mess around! Just say it!"

Astalot blurred his shoulders and smiled bitterly.

"Right. Shall I say it? It's simple. He's just disappearing."

Then Iris' eyebrow root narrowed cuddly.

"He's disappearing. So?

"Yes, apparently he can manipulate the space."

"I have no idea. What do you mean, manipulate space?

"I guess he'll let himself in between space and space. I can't see it from us there, but I can see this one from him. Isn't that what this is about?

With that said, Astalotto saw Nerva for confirmation or not.

Then Nerva nodded heavily.

"Exactly. He doesn't always do that, but he does now."

"Does that mean he usually shows up?

"That's right. But this is how they hide themselves and keep an eye on us."

Then Astalot's eyes narrowed sooo thin.

"Surveillance... Lucifer says you've been watching dragons for a thousand years, right?