1962 Episode One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Nine Unexpected Appearances

As Gaius and the others were enjoying their meals, the tune suddenly changed dramatically.

And after a while, the grand fanfare rang out into the spacious large hall.

Gaius and Dove wondered what was going on and looked at each other.

But the two of them will soon know what the fanfare means.

An unexpected figure emerged from the entrance at the foot of the orchestra playing the lofty fanfare.

Gaius looked at the person's face and raised his voice with surprise.


It was the little but even more gorgeous and poor Delkia the man who emerged from the entrance coloured with the magnificent design of the Great Hall.

Delchia wandered through the centre of the Great Hall with a large crotch of purple velour and headed straight for the seats of Gaius and the others.

And after a while, we finally got there, or we complained quickly.

"It's too big! What is this stupid big castle! I was just passing by on the way, I couldn't get my open mouth blocked! What are you going to use for this huge space? You're just gonna look at it like it's getting huge? If so, it's a really stupid idea! This is gonna take a hell of a while to see!

Though Gaius thought Delkia's protest was really legitimate, he thought it would be hard to get in tune with it, and he tried to calm it down here for the first time.

"Just calm down. And I'm surprised. I can't believe Delkia's here."

Then Delkia hummed her nose, revealing her displeasure.

"He called me. Something tells me something."

Delkia said as she pointed her finger at Satan, who would sit ahead with Gaius pinched.

But Satan didn't say anything but sneer and grin.

For this reason, a blue-blue muscle rose in Delchia's temples, making a noise.

"Have you bothered to summon me to this place and no greetings!

Gaius stood up in a hurry, waving his hands in front of his face and trying to manage Delkia.

"Wait a minute! Let's just calm down. First of all, just sit here. So, have a cup of tea and calm down. This tea is delicious. And the food is delicious."