Chapter 5: Making Progress

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Making Progress The morning light streamed through the small window of Li Tian's room, illuminating the space in a warm glow. He felt invigorated, the essence of energy coursing through his veins. His first day as a cultivator had begun, and with it came a newfound sense of determination.

Li Tian stood up, stretching his limbs, feeling the strength that had blossomed within him. The basic body refinement technique was only the beginning, but he could already sense a shift in his physical capabilities. He had a long way to go, but he was ready to embrace the journey.

He could already envision the steps he needed to take: refining his body further, learning to harness the spiritual energy more effectively, and of course, finding ways to counter the bullying and disdain from his family. The thought of his brothers—especially Li Wei—made him grimace. They were powerful, but he would find a way to turn the tables.

After tidying up his room, Li Tian decided it was time to leave and explore the estate. He needed to familiarize himself with his surroundings, gauge the strength of his family members, and perhaps overhear some gossip that could aid his future plans. With a quick glance in the mirror, he made sure he looked presentable, then opened the door and stepped out.

The Li family estate was vast, sprawling with gardens and training grounds. As he walked through the corridors, he could hear the sounds of various training exercises—the clang of weapons, the shouts of cultivators honing their skills. Each sound reminded him of his current status as an outsider in this powerful family, but he didn't let it deter him.

He wandered toward the training grounds, where he could see several of his half-brothers practicing their skills. Li Wei was at the forefront, swinging his sword with a confidence that could only come from years of training. Li Tian watched from a distance, studying his brother's movements. He had always been a natural fighter, and even from afar, Li Tian could sense the spiritual energy swirling around him.

"Look who decided to come out of hiding!" a mocking voice called out. It was Li Jian, another of his brothers, who stood not far from Li Wei. "Is our little bastard finally ready to show his face?"

The other brothers snickered, and Li Tian felt the familiar sting of humiliation. They were all so quick to belittle him, to remind him of his status as the family's outcast. But he wouldn't let their words affect him today. He had a goal, and that was all that mattered.

"Just came to get some fresh air," Li Tian replied coolly, his voice steady. "Training hard, I see."

Li Wei paused, turning to face him. "Training? You wouldn't know the meaning of the word, brother. You've spent more time hiding than honing your skills."

"Maybe he thinks hiding will save him," Li Jian sneered. "Too bad it won't help when the time comes to face the real world."

Li Tian felt the tension rising but kept his expression neutral. Instead of engaging with their taunts, he took a deep breath and turned to walk away. As he did, he felt a sense of calm wash over him. They could mock him all they wanted, but they didn't know what he had begun.

"Run away, little brother!" Li Wei called out, laughter ringing in his voice. "We wouldn't want you to get hurt!"

As he walked away, Li Tian clenched his fists. They didn't understand that he was on a path to transformation. This was only the beginning. With the system's guidance and his determination, he would grow strong enough to make them regret ever underestimating him.

He made his way toward the quieter parts of the estate, where he could practice undisturbed. Finding a secluded area, he sat cross-legged on the grass and focused once more on circulating his spiritual energy.

[ Task: Continue Body Refinement ]

[ Progress: 0% ]

Once again, he began to draw the energy around him, allowing it to flow through his body. He recalled the sensations he had felt during his first training session and sought to replicate that experience. With each breath, he felt the energy intertwining with his muscles and bones, reinforcing the foundation he had just begun to build.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, and as Li Tian trained, time slipped away. He lost himself in the rhythm of his breathing, the energy flowing more freely with each cycle. Hours passed, and he could feel himself growing stronger. Seaʀch* The website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

[ Task Progress: 50% ]

[ Continue refining your body to complete the task. ]

Li Tian felt a rush of excitement. He was making progress faster than he had anticipated. The system was right; consistency was key. The world around him faded, leaving only the focus of his cultivation and the sensations of energy weaving through him.

Finally, as he reached the peak of his concentration, he felt a breakthrough—the energy surged through him, and a wave of warmth enveloped him.

[ Task Completed: Continue Body Refinement ]

[ Reward: Increased Physical Strength ]

[ You have unlocked Body Refinement (Stage 2) ]

Li Tian opened his eyes, exhilarated. His body felt alive, as if every muscle and fiber was awakened. He stood, stretching out his limbs, feeling the newfound strength coursing through him.

"Not bad," he muttered to himself, a grin spreading across his face. This was the power he had sought, and it was just the beginning.

But as he turned to leave, he heard voices approaching. The laughter and shouts of his brothers carried through the air, and he quickly ducked behind a tree to avoid being seen. Peering out from his hiding spot, he watched as Li Wei and a few others strolled into view, chatting animatedly.

"Did you see how pathetic Li Tian looked?" Li Jian laughed, shaking his head. "He thinks he can hide from us forever."

Li Wei smirked. "Let him play the coward. We'll see how long that lasts. Once Father sees him, he'll have no choice but to acknowledge us as the true heirs of the Li family."

As they continued to walk past, Li Tian's heart raced. They had no idea that he was becoming stronger, that he was no longer the weakling they remembered. He listened intently, gathering information, their words a reminder of his purpose.

Once they were out of sight, he stepped out from his hiding place and headed back toward his room. His mind was spinning with thoughts of power and revenge. The Li family had always underestimated him, but that would soon change.

As he entered his room, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. He needed to formulate a plan, a way to grow stronger and turn the tides in his favor. He recalled Li Xue's unwavering support, and it strengthened his resolve. He wouldn't just cultivate for himself; he would protect her too.

With a deep breath, he began to write down his thoughts and goals. His first priority was to master the Body Refinement technique. Next, he would need to explore other forms of cultivation and expand his knowledge.

[ New Task: Explore Different Cultivation Techniques ]

[ Reward: Hidden Knowledge of the Li Family's Ancient Techniques ]

He grinned at the new task appearing in his mind. This was an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

The rest of the day was spent in fervent study and practice. He trained his body relentlessly, pushing himself beyond what he thought he was capable of. With every moment spent cultivating, he felt himself getting closer to the strength he desired.

Nightfall came quickly, and as the moon rose high in the sky, Li Tian lay in bed, exhausted but exhilarated. He could already feel the changes taking root within him. Each task completed was a step closer to becoming the man he had once been—and more.

With a heart full of ambition, Li Tian closed his eyes, ready to embrace the challenges that lay ahead. The path of cultivation was fraught with dangers, but he was determined to walk it.