Chapter 9: Trials of Strength

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Trials of Strength The days following the family gathering were a whirlwind of activity for Li Tian. Word of his impressive performance had spread throughout the Li family estate, shifting perceptions about him among both family and servants. While some remained skeptical, others began to regard him with a newfound respect.

As he walked through the estate, he noticed subtle changes in how people interacted with him. The servants greeted him with nods of acknowledgment, and even some of his brothers offered him half-hearted smiles. Li Wei, however, was still brooding, his jealousy simmering just beneath the surface.

"Don't let it get to your head, bastard," Li Wei sneered one afternoon as they passed each other in the courtyard. "One performance doesn't mean you're strong. You'll fall back to your old ways soon enough."

Li Tian met his gaze steadily. "We'll see about that. I'm only getting started."

Determined to continue his progress, he returned to the training grounds with Li Xue. They spent hours practicing their techniques together, encouraging one another and refining their skills. Li Tian found comfort in the routine; it reminded him that he was not alone in his journey.

One afternoon, as they took a break, Li Xue asked, "Have you thought about entering the upcoming family competition?"

"The competition?" Li Tian repeated, intrigued. "What's that about?"

"It's an annual event where the family members showcase their strength and skills. The winner earns respect and can even receive special rewards from Father," she explained, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "You should definitely participate!"

Li Tian pondered this. It was a chance not only to prove himself but also to gain his father's recognition in a more substantial way. "If I enter, I need to train even harder."

"Then let's do it! We can push each other to our limits!" she exclaimed, enthusiasm radiating from her. Seaʀch* The Nôᴠ website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Li Tian doubled down on his training. Each day became a battle against his own limitations. He incorporated rigorous exercises to enhance his physical strength, and he practiced the Heavenly Flame Technique, focusing on controlling the fire's energy.

Days turned into weeks, and the competition date loomed closer. The atmosphere within the estate was charged with anticipation, especially among the younger members eager to prove themselves. Li Wei, sensing the shift in dynamics, seemed more determined than ever to assert his dominance.

One evening, as Li Tian finished a particularly grueling training session, he collapsed onto the grass, panting. His body ached, but the thrill of progress kept him going. Just as he was about to rest, he heard footsteps approaching. Looking up, he saw his father striding toward him.

"Li Tian," Li Zheng's voice was deep and commanding, instantly catching his attention. "I've been watching your training."

Li Tian sat up straighter, a mix of pride and nervousness flooding through him. "Father, I'm doing my best to improve."

"I can see that. Your performance at the gathering was impressive, but I want to see how you handle real competition," Li Zheng said, his gaze piercing. "You're entering the family competition. Show me what you're capable of."

"Yes, Father! I won't disappoint you!" Li Tian replied, determination surging within him.

"Good. I expect nothing less than your full effort," Li Zheng instructed, his expression softening slightly. "Remember, strength is not just about power; it's about strategy and understanding your opponents. Keep that in mind."

With those words echoing in his mind, Li Tian felt a weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders. He would not only be fighting for himself but also for his father's approval.

The day of the competition arrived, the estate buzzing with excitement. Family members gathered in the central arena, a grand structure adorned with banners and symbols of the Li clan. Spectators filled the stands, eager to witness the displays of strength.

Li Tian stood backstage, the sound of cheering and applause echoing in the air. His heart raced as he watched his brothers compete one by one. Li Wei was particularly flashy, displaying a mix of agility and brute strength that captivated the crowd.

But Li Tian remained focused. He had prepared for this moment, and he refused to let the pressure overwhelm him.

Finally, his name was called. "Li Tian versus Li Wei!"

As he stepped onto the arena floor, he locked eyes with Li Wei, who wore a smug grin. "Ready to lose, little brother?" he taunted, adjusting his stance.

Li Tian met his gaze with steely determination. "Not today."

The match began with a signal from the elder presiding over the competition. Li Wei lunged forward, attempting to close the distance quickly. Li Tian had studied his brother's style and knew that his aggressive approach could be used against him.

As Li Wei threw a powerful punch, Li Tian sidestepped, using the momentum to pivot and deliver a swift kick to his brother's side. The impact echoed throughout the arena, causing gasps from the audience.

Li Wei stumbled but quickly recovered, anger flashing in his eyes. "You think you can outmaneuver me? I'll show you true strength!" He launched himself at Li Tian again, unleashing a series of rapid strikes.

But Li Tian had trained for this. He used the Nine Celestial Steps to evade Li Wei's attacks, fluidly moving around him. He focused on conserving energy, waiting for the perfect moment to counterattack.

Finally, he saw his opening. As Li Wei overextended on a punch, Li Tian seized the moment. He ducked beneath the swing, then delivered a powerful uppercut that caught Li Wei off guard.

The crowd erupted in cheers as Li Wei staggered back, struggling to regain his footing. Li Tian pressed his advantage, focusing on using his training to its fullest. He moved like a flame, quick and unpredictable, landing blows that sent Li Wei reeling.

"Enough!" Li Wei shouted, his frustration boiling over. He unleashed a surge of energy, igniting the ground around him with a flicker of flames.

Li Tian felt the heat radiate, but instead of panicking, he summoned his own energy, recalling the Heavenly Flame Technique he had practiced so diligently. He focused, allowing the energy to flow through him, intertwining with the flames Li Wei had conjured.

With a powerful thrust, Li Tian unleashed his energy, redirecting the flames and creating a wave of fire that surged toward Li Wei. The explosion of light and heat illuminated the arena, catching everyone by surprise.

When the smoke cleared, Li Tian stood firm, his stance steady, while Li Wei lay on the ground, panting and defeated.

A stunned silence fell over the arena before it erupted into cheers. Li Tian's heart raced with adrenaline and pride. He had not only won the match but had also proven his strength in front of the entire family.

As he caught his breath, he spotted his father in the stands, a look of approval crossing his face. In that moment, Li Tian felt a surge of accomplishment; he was finally being seen as more than just the family's bastard.