Chapter 16: A Glance from Afar

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: A Glance from Afar Li Tian strolled aimlessly around the estate, his mind filled with thoughts about recent events and the paths he could take in this life. The grandeur of the Li family estate didn't faze him much anymore, though he admired the peacefulness it offered during his walks. As he turned a corner, his eyes caught sight of a beautiful woman gracefully moving through the living room.

He paused, watching her from a distance as she arranged some books on a table. Her long, silky black hair flowed down her back, and her figure was captivating, her posture elegant yet relaxed. For a moment, he couldn't place her. Who is this beauty?

Then it clicked. This was one of his stepmothers—Xu Fang. They'd interacted only a handful of times, and their relationship was distant, almost nonexistent. It was more like they were two strangers who happened to live under the same roof.

While admiring her from afar, a familiar chime sounded in his head, and a system window appeared before his eyes.

[New Task: Strengthen your relationship with Xu Fang. Most of your family hates you, but she holds no ill will toward you. It's time to progress from this neutral ground.

Task Reward: Dragon Heart Technique ]

Li Tian raised an eyebrow at the task. A neutral relationship, huh? He had to admit, the system wasn't wrong. Xu Fang didn't despise him like some of the others in the family. But she also didn't go out of her way to talk to him, treating him with indifference, like someone you'd seen in passing a couple of times.

He smirked. This could be interesting.

He approached the living room slowly, making sure his footsteps were loud enough to announce his presence. Xu Fang turned around, her expression calm as her eyes landed on him.

"Oh, Li Tian," she said, her voice as composed as ever. "I didn't notice you there."

He gave her a light smile, his mind already calculating how to approach this. "I didn't mean to interrupt. I was just passing by and saw you. It's rare to see you around."

She nodded, her gaze flickering back to the books in front of her. "I've been busy."

Li Tian could feel the distance between them like a wall, but the system's task echoed in his head. If he wanted to change things, he would have to make a move now.

"You know, it's funny," he said, leaning casually against the doorframe. "We've lived in the same house for years, but I feel like we barely know each other."

Xu Fang glanced at him, her eyes narrowing slightly, though not with hostility. "Is that so?"

"Yeah," he continued, letting a slight playful tone slip into his voice. "Maybe it's time we fixed that."

Xu Fang blinked, clearly caught off guard by his approach. There was a flicker of something in her eyes—curiosity, perhaps? But it was brief, and her usual calm demeanor returned.

"We've never had much reason to talk, have we?" she replied, her voice neutral.

"Well, maybe that's the problem," Li Tian said, stepping closer, his confidence growing. "We never gave each other a chance to really get to know one another. Why don't we change that?"

Xu Fang tilted her head slightly, clearly pondering his words. She wasn't cold toward him, but her usual guarded nature made it clear that she wasn't someone who opened up easily.

He wasn't expecting an immediate breakthrough, but the task was clear—progress their relationship. And if there was one thing Li Tian was good at, it was persistence.

Xu Fang studied him quietly for a moment, her sharp gaze betraying her thoughts as she assessed his sudden approach. Li Tian knew she was a cautious woman. She wasn't quick to trust or engage, but that only made this challenge more intriguing.

"Well, Li Tian, I'm not one for idle conversations," she finally said, her voice smooth but distant. "What exactly do you want from me?"

Her directness surprised him, though he found it somewhat amusing. "Straight to the point, huh?" He chuckled lightly, taking another step closer. "I'm just trying to bridge the gap between us. It's a bit strange living in the same house and barely being acquaintances." Seaʀᴄh the nô website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Xu Fang raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. Her expression remained neutral, but there was a slight twitch at the corner of her lips, as if she was trying not to smirk. "It's true, we've never interacted much. But that's not uncommon for families like ours, is it?"

Li Tian smiled. "You're not wrong. But still, we don't have to be strangers."

The system chimed in again, reminding him of his task. A faint grin tugged at his lips as he thought about the reward.

As Xu Fang turned back to her books, Li Tian decided it was time to act. With a light tap of his fingers against his side, he silently activated the upgraded Minor Charm Technique. The subtle aura of allure began to emanate from him, something most people wouldn't even notice consciously, but it would pull them in subconsciously, stirring their emotions ever so slightly.

He moved closer, standing beside her now, but keeping a respectful distance. "So, what are you reading?" he asked, glancing at the books on the table.

Xu Fang didn't respond immediately, her attention still on the pages in front of her. But after a moment, she spoke, her tone softer than before. "These are just some family records. Boring work, really."

Li Tian smirked inwardly. The charm was working, albeit slowly. He knew better than to push too hard; Xu Fang wasn't the type to fall for obvious tricks. She needed to be handled delicately.

"Well, even boring work can be interesting with the right company," he said, his voice smooth and casual. "Maybe I can help you out, or at least keep you company while you go through it."

Xu Fang glanced at him, and this time, there was a subtle shift in her expression—just a flicker of warmth, quickly masked by her usual composure. "You're unusually forward today," she remarked, her lips curving slightly.

"I like to think I'm just being honest," Li Tian replied, his eyes holding hers for a moment. "We both know life in this family isn't exactly simple. Maybe it's time we started supporting each other, don't you think?"

Xu Fang's gaze lingered on him, as if she were trying to decide whether to trust his intentions. After a brief silence, she gave a slight nod. "Perhaps you're right."

Li Tian took her response as a victory, no matter how small. The tension between them had eased, and though Xu Fang remained guarded, the wall she kept between them was starting to crack. He could feel it.

Before he could say anything more, the system chimed in his head again.

[Relationship Progress: Step 1 complete. Keep building the connection.]

He smirked at the message, keeping his thoughts to himself as he turned his attention back to Xu Fang. "Maybe we could talk more later, over tea or dinner?" he suggested, his tone light but filled with intent.

Xu Fang looked at him, the guarded expression returning briefly before softening again. "Perhaps. We'll see."

With that, she turned her attention back to the books, effectively ending the conversation for now. Li Tian took the hint and stepped back, giving her space. But as he walked away, he could feel the shift in the air between them.

It wasn't much, but it was progress.

As Li Tian left the living room, his mind already buzzing with the possibilities of what could come next, the system chimed once again.

[Task Update: Progress made. Minor Charm Technique upgraded. Keep pushing forward.]

He smirked, satisfied with the outcome. Xu Fang may be difficult to win over, but Li Tian wasn't the type to back down from a challenge. And with the system's help, he knew it was only a matter of time before things began to shift in his favor.