Chapter 18: Progress on All Fronts

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Progress on All Fronts Li Tian wasn't the type to sit idly, especially not when the system kept throwing challenges and rewards his way. Though his task with Xu Fang required patience, he knew there would be no reward until the mission was fully accomplished.

While waiting for the right moments to progress with Xu Fang, he continued to focus on his cultivation. Every night, after everyone had settled in their rooms, Li Tian would head out to a secluded spot within the estate's vast grounds, settling beneath a moonlit tree to practice. He knew there was no shortcut to power, and if he wanted to dominate both in strength and pleasure, he needed to keep improving.

Whenever he wasn't focusing on his cultivation, Li Tian spent his time with his sister, Li Xue. Unlike most of his family, Li Xue always supported him, and he enjoyed pushing her buttons with his teasing nature.

Li Xue was often found training in the courtyard or practicing her own cultivation techniques, trying her best to improve and impress their father. Li Tian would casually walk up to her, leaning against a nearby wall, smirking at her focused face.

"Why so serious, little sis?" he teased, folding his arms as his dark eyes scanned her movements.

Li Xue huffed, her cheeks puffing slightly as she kept her focus on her training. "I'm training, Li Tian. Unlike you, I don't spend my time lazing around."

He chuckled, stepping closer. "Oh? Lazing around, you say? I'll have you know I'm a man of many talents. If you're lucky, I might teach you a few things."

She shot him a glare but couldn't help the small smile that crept onto her lips. "Like what? How to waste time flirting with every girl you see?"

"Something like that." He stepped behind her, his fingers brushing her shoulder lightly as he helped correct her stance. "But I could teach you a few things about cultivation too, if you want." Seaʀᴄh the nôᴠel website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Li Xue rolled her eyes. "Right. You're such a good big brother."

He grinned, enjoying the light tension between them. Their playful back-and-forth always gave him a bit of reprieve from the more intense tasks he had to deal with. Though their bond was one of the few positives in his life, he couldn't deny the way her innocent nature amused him.

At times, he would push her buttons a little more than usual, just to see her flustered reactions.

Once, after one of their sparring sessions, he playfully ruffled her hair. "You know, Xue'er, you should smile more. Suits you."

"Shut up," she muttered, pushing his hand away, but the smile she tried to suppress betrayed her.

While cultivating and toying with Li Xue were part of his daily routine, his main focus remained on completing the system's task involving Xu Fang. He had encountered her several times since their first meeting, pretending each time it was purely by chance.

One evening, Li Tian found her in the garden, a serene and quiet place where the moonlight bathed the flowers in a soft glow. Xu Fang sat on a stone bench, looking out at the night sky, her features bathed in the pale silver light. It was a rare sight to see her so calm and peaceful. Her alluring presence sent a familiar spark through him, and that's when the system's voice chimed in.

[You're close, Li Tian. Progress a little further with her, and you'll complete the task.]

He approached her casually, his voice soft yet confident. "The stars are beautiful tonight, don't you think?"

Xu Fang glanced at him, surprised by his sudden appearance, but there was no hostility in her eyes. "They are," she replied simply, turning her gaze back to the sky.

Li Tian took the chance, sitting beside her, keeping his posture relaxed. "I never thought I'd find you here. You usually seem too busy for quiet moments like this."

She raised an eyebrow at him, a slight smile on her lips. "And how would you know what I usually do?"

He chuckled, leaning back against the bench. "I pay attention. More than you think."

For the first time, Xu Fang didn't brush him off or leave. Instead, they sat there, exchanging small talk about mundane things. Each word from Li Tian was carefully crafted—just flirtatious enough to catch her attention, but not overstepping the boundaries. As the conversation flowed, the distance between them seemed to shrink, and before long, Xu Fang found herself more relaxed around him.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Xu Fang stood up, ready to leave. Li Tian smiled, knowing that he had done enough for the night.

Later that night, as he lay in his bed, the system's voice echoed in his mind once again.

[Congratulations! You've completed the task: Progress your relationship with Xu Fang.]

[Reward: Dragon Heart Technique - Advanced Level Unlocked. Your cultivation speed has increased by 50%, and your ability to channel emotional energy into qi has reached a new level.]

Li Tian smirked, feeling the power within him grow stronger. His efforts were paying off—both in cultivation and his more personal pursuits. And now, with Xu Fang and his newly improved technique, the path ahead was looking far more interesting.