Chapter 20: Xu Fang is Min

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Xu Fang is Min The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silver light over the bustling town as Li Tian and Xu Fang walked side by side. Their destination wasn't grand or extravagant—just a small, cozy restaurant tucked away from the busier streets. But for both of them, this moment was more significant than anything grander could offer. Xu Fang still felt hesitant about the idea of going on a date with her stepson, but as the evening progressed, she found herself easing into the comfort of his presence.

Li Tian glanced at her from the corner of his eye, noticing the slight tension in her posture. "Relax, Xu Fang. You look too stiff. This isn't some political gathering," he said, his tone light, teasing.

She smiled, shaking her head. "It's not easy for me to relax when I'm out with someone who should be treating me as his stepmother."

Li Tian's lips curled into a mischievous smirk. "Who said anything about treating you like my stepmother tonight? I think you're forgetting—this is a date."

Her heart fluttered at the way he said the word "date." It was improper, she knew that, but being with him tonight felt different. For the first time in a long while, Xu Fang wasn't thinking about her role within the family or the reputation of the Li household. Instead, she felt like a woman, out with a man who genuinely admired her. Seaʀch* The novel(F~) website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The restaurant was quaint and quiet, with dim candlelight flickering over the wooden tables, creating an intimate atmosphere. Xu Fang found herself relaxing more as they sat down. Li Tian leaned back in his chair, watching her with a casual smile.

"You know," he started, his voice smooth, "I never noticed how beautiful you look when you're not worrying about anything. You should let that side of you out more often."

Xu Fang's cheeks flushed at his compliment. She wasn't used to such direct praise, especially from someone younger than her. "You're quite the charmer, aren't you?"

Li Tian chuckled, taking a sip of his tea. "I'm just being honest. You deserve to hear it."

Throughout the meal, Li Tian didn't miss a single opportunity to tease Xu Fang, his words flirty and playful, testing her boundaries. At first, she would respond with light reprimands, trying to keep a semblance of decorum. But as the night progressed, she found herself laughing more freely, her responses becoming more playful as well.

"You have quite the bold tongue for someone so young," Xu Fang remarked after one of his more suggestive comments.

Li Tian leaned forward, his eyes glinting with amusement. "And yet, I notice you don't mind it as much as you pretend to."

She opened her mouth to argue, but the truth in his words stopped her. Instead, she bit her lip, shaking her head with a smile. "You're impossible."

"And you're irresistible," he shot back smoothly.

Her heart fluttered again. There was something about the way he spoke to her that made her feel... different. Like she was more than just another woman tied to the Li family's politics and power.

After dinner, they strolled along the town's quiet streets. The moonlight bathed everything in a soft, silver glow, and the cool night air carried the faint scent of blooming flowers. Xu Fang walked a little closer to Li Tian, her mind buzzing from the warmth of his attention. It had been so long since someone had made her feel like this.

"I can't remember the last time I had this much fun," Xu Fang admitted softly, glancing up at the sky. "I didn't realize how much I needed a night like this."

Li Tian smiled. "I'm glad I could help. But I think this is more than just a fun night for you, isn't it?"

She looked at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

He stopped walking, turning to face her fully. His expression was still light and teasing, but there was a seriousness in his eyes. "You've been lonely, haven't you? All these years, you've been playing your role in the family, but no one's really seen you for who you are."

Xu Fang's heart skipped a beat at his words. He was right. Ever since she had married into the Li family, she had been treated as little more than a beautiful ornament. Even her husband, Li Tian's father, saw her as something to be possessed rather than cherished. But here was Li Tian, looking at her with a depth she hadn't felt in years.

"You don't have to pretend with me, Xu Fang," he continued, his voice soft yet firm. "I see you. I know what you need."

She swallowed hard, feeling an unfamiliar heat rise within her. "And what do you think I need?"

Li Tian stepped closer, his gaze never leaving hers. "Someone who can make you feel alive again. Someone who can take away that loneliness."

Her breath hitched at his words. For the first time that night, she didn't try to deny it. She didn't pull away or try to maintain the distance between them. Instead, she let herself feel the truth of his words sink in.

"I shouldn't be feeling like this," she whispered, almost to herself. "You're my stepson."

"And yet here we are," Li Tian replied, his voice low and soothing. "You don't have to fight it anymore, Xu Fang."

As the night deepened, they found themselves standing by the riverbank, the gentle sound of the water flowing alongside them. Xu Fang felt a warmth inside her, one that had little to do with the cool breeze or the soft glow of the moon. It was Li Tian—the way he looked at her, the way he spoke to her—that made her feel alive.

Li Tian took her hand, gently intertwining his fingers with hers. She looked down at their hands, her heart pounding in her chest. It felt so wrong, and yet... so right.

"I've been thinking about this for a while," he murmured, his voice a mix of tenderness and confidence. "About us."

Xu Fang looked up at him, her breath catching in her throat. "Us?"

He nodded. "You're more than just my father's wife, Xu Fang. You're a woman I care about. A woman I want to be with."

Her eyes widened at his words. He wasn't just teasing anymore. This was real.

"But..." she started, her voice shaky, "we're family."

Li Tian shook his head, stepping closer until there was barely any space between them. "We don't have to be just family. We can be more."

Xu Fang's heart raced as she looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity there. She had spent so long pushing down her own desires, telling herself that she had to play the role expected of her. But here, now, with Li Tian, those walls were crumbling.

Their faces were close now, too close. Xu Fang could feel the heat of his breath on her skin, and before she could stop herself, she leaned in, meeting his lips with her own in a soft, tentative kiss. It was a kiss that held all the confusion, longing, and desire she had buried deep for so long.

Li Tian deepened the kiss, his hand sliding to her waist, pulling her closer as they lost themselves in the moment. Xu Fang's resolve faltered completely, and she surrendered to the feelings she'd tried so hard to deny. With every passing second, their connection grew more intense, their boundaries dissolving like mist.

Later, the night grew darker, and the world around them seemed to fade as they found themselves in a secluded spot, away from the prying eyes of the town. There was no need for words anymore; the understanding between them had already been sealed by the longing looks, the lingering touches, and the heat of their shared kiss.

Li Tian's hand brushed against her cheek, his gaze intense yet filled with tenderness. He leaned forward again, capturing her lips in a kiss that spoke volumes. Xu Fang's breath hitched, and she responded in kind, her hands finding their way to his chest as he pulled her closer. The heat between them became undeniable.

And in that quiet, intimate space, the line between stepson and stepmother vanished completely. Xu Fang knew that what was happening between them would change everything, but she didn't resist. In that moment, they were no longer constrained by titles or family expectations—they were simply two people who had found comfort and desire in one another.