Chapter 27: The Finals Draw Near

Chapter 27: Chapter 27: The Finals Draw Near The atmosphere of the tournament had shifted after Li Tian's victory over Zhao Ren. Whispers filled the crowd about the young man who had managed to hold his own against one of the strongest competitors. Li Tian's name was being spoken with new respect, and it wasn't just the audience that noticed. The other competitors were now watching him closely, recognizing him as a serious threat.

Li Tian, however, had little time to bask in his victory. As soon as he returned to his resting quarters, the reality of his condition hit him. His body was battered and bruised from the fight with Zhao Ren, and the next match was only a few hours away. He needed to recover—and fast.

Sitting down cross-legged, Li Tian closed his eyes and began to cultivate. The energy from the rewards he had earned flowed through him, helping to speed up his recovery. He could feel the warmth of his inner qi as it worked to mend his bruises and restore his strength. But even as he focused on his cultivation, his thoughts kept drifting to the next match. This would be the final stage of the tournament, and his opponent was no ordinary fighter.

His opponent was Wei Long, a genius cultivator from one of the top great families. Wei Long's reputation was almost as fearsome as Zhao Ren's, but his strength lay in his speed and precision rather than raw power. Unlike Zhao Ren, who fought like a storm, Wei Long was like a shadow—swift, silent, and deadly.

Li Tian had seen Wei Long fight earlier in the tournament. His movements were almost invisible to the naked eye, each attack landing before his opponents could even react. This would be a completely different kind of battle.

"[Hey, you should focus more on healing yourself, buddy. No point in worrying about the future if you're still half-dead from the last fight, right?]" The system's voice interrupted Li Tian's thoughts, sounding unusually casual.

Li Tian smirked. "I'm trying, but you know it's not that easy."

"[Don't I know it. Anyway, just saying—Wei Long's a tricky one, but you've got a few things up your sleeve too. You might wanna focus on refining those techniques I gave you.]"

Li Tian nodded. The system was right. He couldn't afford to let doubts cloud his mind. He needed to focus on what he could control—his own strength, his own skills. The rewards he had received from the system over the past weeks had been nothing short of miraculous. With the right techniques, he could turn the tide against even the strongest opponents.

Hours passed in deep meditation, and by the time the signal for the next match came, Li Tian felt a renewed sense of vitality. His body was far from perfect, but he had regained enough strength to face Wei Long. As he stood up and made his way to the arena, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. This was it—the final step. Seaʀch* The Nôvel(F) website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The arena was packed with spectators, their cheers echoing through the vast space. The tournament had been full of surprises, and everyone was eager to see who would come out on top. The excitement in the air was palpable as Li Tian stepped onto the platform, his eyes immediately locking onto Wei Long, who stood calmly on the other side.

Wei Long was a stark contrast to Zhao Ren. He was lean and agile, his movements almost too fluid to be human. His piercing gaze met Li Tian's, and for a moment, the two sized each other up.

"I've been watching your progress," Wei Long said, his voice smooth and calm. "You've fought well to make it this far. But this is where your journey ends."

Li Tian chuckled softly, not taking his eyes off his opponent. "We'll see about that."

The referee signaled the start of the match, and in an instant, Wei Long vanished from his spot. The crowd gasped as he reappeared behind Li Tian, his fist already moving toward his back. But Li Tian was ready. Using his enhanced senses, he had anticipated the move and spun around just in time to block the strike.

Wei Long's eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't pause for long. He unleashed a flurry of rapid punches, each one faster than the last. Li Tian struggled to keep up, parrying as best he could, but Wei Long's speed was overwhelming. It was like trying to catch the wind.

Even with his improved strength and agility, Li Tian found himself on the defensive, barely able to land a hit. Wei Long was too fast, too elusive. Every time Li Tian thought he had an opening, Wei Long would disappear and strike from another angle.

"[Okay, not gonna lie, this guy's fast. But you're stronger. Use your qi—focus it in your legs. You need to match his speed.]" The system's voice cut through the chaos of the fight.

Li Tian gritted his teeth, channeling his qi into his legs as the system suggested. He could feel the power coursing through him, his muscles tightening with energy. As Wei Long moved to strike again, Li Tian's body responded in kind. This time, he moved with a speed that matched his opponent's, dodging the attack and countering with a powerful punch that sent Wei Long stumbling back.

The crowd roared as Wei Long skidded across the platform, his expression one of shock. "You've improved..." he muttered, wiping a trickle of blood from his lip.

Li Tian didn't respond. He was too focused, too in tune with the flow of the battle. Wei Long might be faster, but Li Tian had the strength and technique to turn the tide. With a fierce determination, he pressed his advantage, unleashing a barrage of attacks that forced Wei Long on the defensive.

The two fighters clashed again and again, their movements a blur to the onlookers. Every strike, every dodge was a test of skill and endurance. Wei Long's speed kept him in the fight, but Li Tian's power and adaptability were proving to be too much.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Li Tian saw his opening. Wei Long hesitated for just a fraction of a second, and that was all Li Tian needed. With a burst of speed, he closed the distance and delivered a crushing blow to Wei Long's chest, sending him crashing to the ground.

The arena fell silent as Wei Long lay there, gasping for breath. Slowly, he pushed himself up, but it was clear the fight was over. Li Tian stood victorious, his chest heaving with exhaustion but his spirit unbroken.

The referee raised his hand, declaring Li Tian the winner. The crowd erupted into cheers, and Li Tian couldn't help but smile. He had done it. He had made it to the final match.

But the tournament wasn't over yet. There was still one more opponent to face, and it would be the toughest battle of his life.