Chapter 1206: We Are Doomed!!!

To William, it felt like the golden spirit was trying its best to control things out there, trying to regain control over the disarrayed attack storm outside. And yet it proved to be futile to do this.


The entire place echoed with an ear deafening rumble first, then the screen showed four dark silhouettes flashing out from the chaotic storm. It felt like something pressured over the storm, pushed it outwards, clearing everything. And there William and the golden spirit saw the four enemies standing, freed from any entrapping attack.

"They are out," William slowly muttered.

"We are doomed," the golden spirit added. The four spirits they tried their best to contain for the past hours were now out.

"At least they are wounded," William could tell they got many wounds, even the ox spirit got one of its arms chopped off. He couldn't tell what went wrong, but it seemed for the ox and the other three to get freed, they got to pay a price for that.

"Not enough to stop them," the golden spirit didn't agree with William, "this is bad, this is terribly bad..."

William's mind exploded while trying to find a way to solve this situation. From the start, they were on the passive side. Even if his attacks ended up leaving wounds on the bodies of these spirits, it wasn't enough to save their lives.

He didn't get how to kill a spirit yet, and that golden spirit kept its lips shut. William didn't need to have any foresight element or technique to know what was about to happen.

He could already envision the four spirits teaming up, taking down the protective shield no matter how long it'd take. And then they'd come for the two of them, and running away wouldn't be an option.

The rumblings returned, and when the golden spirit regained its activity again, things were too late to rewind back. William could see cracks at the world he was in, and lots of dust trails kept flowing from many spots.

It was apparent that this place wasn't going to handle the pressure, and the shield would get opened at any given moment. Even when the two regained their former teamwork, nothing new changed.

The four spirits were well aware of the current progress of their assault, and they'd never stop at such a stage. They ignored William's attacks and kept bombarding the shield with everything they got. Even when they got surrounded by the attacks, the ox used its powers to crack this storm of attack clean.

There was no result of their efforts, and that is what made the golden spirit drop the towel and admit defeat.

"We need to leave this place before they'd come in," the golden spirit stressed when he spotted William standing in his place, continuing the barrage of attacks like normal.

"Don't know, but something tells me we won't fall here..."

"Stop daydreaming," the golden spirit shouted, and yet his voice came quite weird with its weakness and exhaustion.

Before William would say anything, an ear deafening roar came from everywhere around. "We are doomed, I am doomed," the golden spirit muttered as it already expected the outcome. To it, death was near, and it closed its eyes and senses, prepared to fall down here.

And yet at such a critical moment, and with such a response, the golden spirit missed something grand! A new change happened, something that even it forgot totally about.

"They are here," William said what the golden spirit already was aware of, and yet something was strange about this statement. William's tone wasn't anyway depressed or burdened with fear. Instead, it felt like William was joyfully shouting, celebrating a victory or something.