Chapter 100 100 Zach’s Concerns

Name:Release That Succubus Author:
This marriage alliance with the Elizabeth family would only end up benefiting the Luther family in the long run.

Therefore, she accepted the situation with a heavy heart and decided not to foil the wedding completely. She put all the weird and destructive thoughts that kept popping up in her head aside and focused on her family's progress instead which allowed her to distract herself.

On the contrary, Luna who had been the first to know about this development was completely unaffected. Even though she should have been the most affected by the situation because she had been Zach's first woman, Luna supported Zach unconditionally. Just that little bit of reassurance from Zach earlier had been enough for her to set all her worries aside.

In her view, her master was the most perfect person in the world and it was only natural for the women to covet him because he was so exceptional. Moreover, she knew what her position was and was satisfied with it. She had no intention to demand more from her master who had been nothing but kind to her. Therefore, not interfering with his decisions and supporting him unconditionally were the only things she could do for her master provided that her master allowed her to remain by his side forever.

Undoubtedly, the happiest amongst the group turned out to be Bruce who couldn't keep himself from smiling every five seconds or so. The smile that kept tugging on the edge of his lips made him look like an excited kid who had something to tell his parents.

The reason for his happiness wasn't Zach's upcoming wedding but the heights that the Luther family would soar to once this alliance started to operate together. He couldn't be more satisfied with this turn of events unlike his little sister who was busy sulking in her room.

Just as Bruce had expected, the trucks revealed to the public created a never ending buzz in the business community. Ever since their introduction, most of the business families who had already antagonized Luther family began to think of countermeasures they could take against the unfair advantages provided by the trucks to their employers. And those who had fortunately never gone against the Luther family or had somehow managed to develop a cooperative relationship with them became busy thinking of the various possibilities of the invention and how they could implement a business model based on the efficient transportation system involving trucks.

Most of the individuals who had seen the truck in action could not get over their awe and admiration even after they got home. They were curious as to what principle the Luther family employed in order to make that metal monstrosity move at such a fast speed. Several debates took place between the high profit conglomerates as to how they could get their hands on the secret behind the Truck. They needed to break the monopoly of the Luther family on these trucks as soon as possible if they wanted to survive in the Elizabeth city. As the situation was, it would not be long before the Luther family would have the reins of the entire city in their hands.

The reason was that all the businesses would soon become dependent on Luther family and if that happened, the Luther family would be able to change the power landscape of the city with a wave of their hands. As long as they had a grasp on the transportation network of the city, no one would be able to go against them in the city. Therefore, it was imperative that the monopoly of the Luther family be broken before the families could come up with a better means of transport to take away the business entirely.

As for now, all the business families associated with the Luther family were enjoying unprecedented profit margins in their businesses. The logistics cost had been reduced by more than 300% after the introduction of trucks. Moreover, the stock needed to be held had reduced so much that the manufacturing plants only produced products when they were demanded as transporting them over long distances had become as easy as running errands in the vicinity of their homes.

The economy of Elizabeth city experienced a boom that was never before seen in history. The wealth from other cities began to converge towards Elizabeth city as various well known families began to transport their products to far off areas and other major cities of the empire. This not only improved the economy of Elizabeth city but also improved their business image amongst the true elite business families of the empire.

The increased import into the city brought about a lot of specialties from far off areas that could not be obtained previously due to the lack of fast enough transportation means that could allow their usage before the expiry of their shelf life, especially perishable goods like food items that were previously only available for the elite could now be made available to the masses at reasonable prices.

Many families were making tons of money selling the previously luxury items at a cheaper rate which not only kept the demand of the items high but also ensured a heavy profit margin.

But the one thing that Luther family had absolute control over was the price of the trucks in the market. Zach asked Bruce to ensure that there was no resale of the trucks sold to the other families. This way no one else will be able to profit off of their product. For that purpose, Bruce announced that whosoever was found involved in the resale or an illegal purchase of their product would be shunned by the Luther family and their business associates and would never be allowed to do business with any of them. This also included the sale of the fuel that the truck used in order to operate. Since the fuel was a component of the crude oil or as the aborigines called it 'fire water' which was under the complete control of the Luther family, the resold truck would never be able to run again considering that the fuel to be used had to be bought from the Luther family.

Even though this would not have been much of a threat to any family out there in the recent past, after the release of the trucks, this was the kind of threat that could force any of the families to drop down on their knees to beg for forgiveness.

Scared of the strict policies put forth by Luther family, various elite family leaders flocked to the Luther family estate in order to secure a lower price by offering various things in return. Since the Luther family had complete hold over the sale price of their product, the other families had to make good with them or suffer.

Bruce was tired of hearing such requests over and over again. Some wanted to marry their daughters off to him all the while under the impression that he was a cripple who couldn't even walk on his own feet for the rest of his life.

He only wondered what kind of hearts these people had in their bodies or whether the girls were even their own for them to treat them like this. But then he remembered how he had agreed to the engagement of his little sister to that bastard Raisman because he had to secure a way out for his family.

Even though he didn't take any action against such people, he didn't strike any deal with them either. He carefully reviewed the business models proposals of all the guests and finalized a few deals that involved selling trucks at a lower price or the lowering of the price of the fuel to be used by the truck. This way he was able to shift a lot of his work load on to others. He had his hands full dealing with such people therefore; he was unable to pay attention to the upcoming event of the Luther family that was going to shake the very foundation of the Elizabeth city. Zach was after all going to marry the heiress of the founding family of Elizabeth city.

Zach on the other hand was neither concerned about the business matters that he had completely left in the hands of Bruce nor was he bothered about the wedding ceremony that the Elizabeth family was busy preparing for him and Christina. He only saw it as a business deal and had mostly forgotten about it. His main concern at the moment stemmed from the fact that the entire security of the Luther family was dependant on him which was not a good sign for a family aiming to rise to the top. A single man couldn't drag with him such a large group of people.

Therefore, he wanted to train a special unit that would be able to carry out tasks that even the most trained individuals of the Luther family guard would be unable to complete.

Thinking of those well trained Special Forces of the different countries from his previous world, he got the idea of developing his own Special Forces unit that would be able to engage in guerilla warfare or strategic warfare at his command and would be able to handle the modern hot weaponry to counter the mages from this world.

The reason behind this sudden urge to command a battle unit of his own was due to the fact that Luther family was currently holding a hot potato that could burn their hands any time. This hot potato was none other than the truck that they had developed and were selling to the whole city.