Chapter 403 403 Struggling To Survive

Name:Release That Succubus Author:
Chapter 403 403 Struggling To Survive

Brittany, consumed by a fervent desire to break free from her restraints, faced a harsh reality; there seemed to be no escape for her. n//o/-V.)e./L-/b--I/.n

The weight of helplessness bore down on her, intensifying the emotional turmoil within, as she grappled with the impossibility of safeguarding Carol.

Zach's preparations were ironclad. Brittany couldn't escape and it was Carol's turn to face his dragon.

"Is that really all?" Zach, sporting a knowing smirk, saw through the façade of Brittany's desperate plea, understanding the depths of her turmoil.

"Did he find out something?"

As Brittany grappled with the uncertainty sparked by Zach's words, her confidence wavered for just an instant. The weight of the situation pressed down on her, making her question whether she had indeed navigated Bruce's inquiries flawlessly.

She quickly shook off the doubt, convincing herself that her answers had been impeccable.

Still, a nagging sense of vulnerability lingered, fueled by the enigmatic nature of Zach's probing.

Brittany remembered how she had clung to her confidence like a lifeline, relying on the carefully constructed narrative she had woven with the princess before the interrogation conducted by Bruce began.

In her mind, she replayed the script she had rehearsed with Carol in preparation and ensured that every detail aligned seamlessly with what they had revealed to Bruce and to Zach.

Since they had had ample amount of time to concoct their narrative, they had therefore managed to perfect the tale that they had intended to share with their new captors.

As such, she pushed the thought that Zach knew something out of her mind because it was completely impossible, not after how careful they had been.

Brittany, already struggling to move, fought to extricate herself from Zach's invisible but firm hold.

However, the pointless struggle sent her into further despair when she tried to contemplate the meaning behind Zach's hateful smirk. She wanted nothing more than to tear the bastard into a thousand pieces to keep the princess safe.

"As the princess, life hasn't been easy for you. Struggling to survive, you had to endure the lecherous gaze of several scum of human society and yet this one got away scot free just because she is a bit unattractive. Don't you think that's unfair to you who had to sacrifice so much to retain your life? Don't you want to bash her head every time she asks you if you are fine after one of your sessions? I bet you do. I bet you hate her so much that you secretly want her to suffer."

Zach was doing his best to break Brittany's mental state. This was a test of her loyalty to her princess, but Zach was also genuinely curious as to what she would choose.

The unspoken bond between them had long since transcended the confines of servitude and had bloomed into a profound connection forged in the crucible of adversity.

With heartfelt sincerity, Carol continued, "Brittany's loyalty has been my anchor, a beacon of strength in our darkest moments. Every sacrifice she's made, every hardship she's endured, it was all for my well-being. And I, in turn, am committed to standing by her side, sharing the burdens that fate has placed upon us."

A subtle smile played on Zach's lips, a calculated expression that hinted at a well-executed plan. He had orchestrated this interrogation like a masterful chess player, each move designed to unravel the truth.

Carol's unwavering affirmation had only solidified his confidence in the web he had woven.

With an air of satisfaction, Zach spoke, "Thank you for your honesty, Carol. It seems the loyalty between you and Brittany is truly unshakeable. I appreciate such sentiments."

With her answer, he was done preparing his trap. Now only the result was remaining. Carol would either fall into the trap and fail or she would be able to surprise him with her genuine concern.

Thinking of the conclusion, his upturned lips switched direction instantly and drooped downwards as if to signal the seriousness of his upcoming words.

"So, if you are truly so loyal, what do you feel exactly when you see your princess going down on a stranger just to save your pathetic life and your so-called purity? Does your heart not clench in pain as you witness some lecherous bastard stuff her face with his dick while your princess tries her best to smile while choking on it and holding back her vomit? Or is your loyalty restricted to the good times and the benefits alone?"

His words dropped like nukes on her mind and shattered her beliefs. They forced her to confront the reality she had been hiding from.

Taking it as the norm and standing behind her while she toiled away for her sake was no different from the relationship of master and servant.

It was no different from demanding Brittany to make sacrifices for her sake even though she didn't have anything to compensate her with.

Carol couldn't even come up with an answer as her whole body went into shock after hearing that question.

"I bet you only think that you survived yet another day without having to give up your purity. If it had been me, I would have been too ashamed to face her the next time. I wonder where you get the guts to call her your companion when you look the other way and leave her on her own in times of adversity. I for one, wouldn't want a companion like you even if there was no other person left on this planet."

Zach's words were the last straw that broke the camel's back. Carol's reddened eyes were close to bursting into a flood of tears, but she couldn't let Zach see her crying. She didn't want Zach to gain any kind of advantage over the two of them.

She still couldn't help but look towards Brittany who was suspended on the wall with her limbs sprawled all over. Even in this situation, Brittany was fighting against her restraints in order to save her.

Images from the past began to flash in front of her eyes as she began to recount the times Brittany had gone through hell and what she had been doing at the time, what she had been thinking about, and what she had felt while witnessing her friend being used like a cheap whore.

She tried hard and scoured all the corners of her brain to scour her thoughts at the time but there were none.