Chapter 8

Name:ReLife Player Author:
Chapter 8

[The Enthronement of the Fairy (2)]

[The players guarding the altar are the Twelve guardians, all of whom will become the swords that will defend Korea in the future!]

Twelve players guarded the altar.

They were all different in age and appearance, but the black cloak they wore created a sense of unity.

Candles engraved in the center of the cloaks fluttered in the wind, resembling twelve candles shining bright in the night sky.

These players were recognized as the best in the industry and their presence alone could not be hidden.

By recruiting these players who were acknowledged by everyone, Im Ga-eul had revealed the value of a fairy who would lead Korea in the future.


She stopped in front of the stairs guarded by the twelve guardians.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

The players guarding the altar kneeled down all at once.

Instantly, the wind stopped. The flickering candles subsided.

No sound was heard. Not even the propellers of the helicopters hovering above.

It was the old man at the head of the line who spoke out of the soundless world.

[I, Moon Joon, Minister of the Korea Mana Management Agency and the head of the Twelve Guardians, greet you, Fairy].

The enormous old man, no longer even in his mid-twenties, bowed respectfully to her.

Im Ga-eul nodded quietly.

As she took a step forward, the old man next to her tapped the floor with a spear longer than her height.

[I, Nam Gung-seong, Director of the Special Forces of the Korea Mana Management Agency and one of the Twelve Guardians, will be the spear that protects this country].

Another step.

A middle-aged man with a build and height to match the two elderly men muttered to himself.

[I, Baek Seo-jin, Director of the Surveillance Division of the Mana Management Agency and one of the Twelve Guardians, will be the brilliant darkness that dispels the darkness of the city.]

As she walked to the stairs, the Twelve spoke their own words of pledge.

[As the sword that defends our homeland, I swear to destroy any enemy].

[I will be a lamp to light our homeland in the future].

In a world where monsters run rampant, conventional governments and laws have lost their power.

To survive in a world that has already perished, one needs power money, authority, and mana, a power that turns the unreal into reality.

Those with power commit crimes with impunity. They commit crimes.

The only thing that could stop them was someone with the same power.

If the opponent was a player, then it was another player who had to stop them.

But the Korean Mana Management Agency had no power over players.

While players were supposed to be under the control of the Mana Management Agency in name, the majority of powerful players formed clans, which meant that the number of people in the organization was vastly inadequate.

It was unlikely that the players who had gained the upper hand early on would want to give up what they had and join or be controlled by the Mana Agency.

In the end, the Mana Management Agency was nothing more than a famous but powerless government organization, and the clans flourished as organizations that needed to impose sanctions.

Here, Im Gaeuls ability was remarkable.

As a successful actress, she carried an unbeatable public opinion and selected the top players in the player industry, who were said to be the best, one by one.

Players who become Twelve Thrones while still in a clan wield not only the power of the Mana Management Agency, but also the power of their clan, becoming a controlling force in the player industry.

[I will look forward to it from now on.]

With that, all of the Twelve finished their pledges.

Gaeul, who smiled softly, climbed the last step towards the altar.

On the altar was a large crystal ball.

On the surface, it was just a crystal, but it was an intricate work of art, inside it was a complex ritual known as Cocoon.

When she infused the crystal with platinum mana, magic would unfold in a radius around the crystal.

And the cocoon, embodied by the mana of , had the property of preventing the ubiquity of mana within its range and dispersing the mana present on the cocoons outer walls.

Gaeul gently stroked the crystal ball.

It took only a moment for the crystal to respond to her mana, and it glowed white from within.

After confirming the light, she calmed her breathing. Then, she unfolded the letter with the seal.

[December 14th, Year 0 of the Yusei era,

Fairy Im Gaeul humbly reports to the heavens and earth.].

Once again, and again.

A voice that doesnt disappear but lingers.

[As I contemplate,

The heavens and earth have a great balance,

Inspecting all things with wind and rain,

Truly, it is not the power of wind and rain,

Some people had been so focused on killing monsters that they hadnt paid attention.

he was sorry he didnt.

But thats it.

I had regrets about the past, but that was it.

I had regrets, but I didnt want to live my life with regrets.

Moreover, it was my second life. I didnt want to live this life with regrets about the past.

A lot of things are going to change now.

Mm? What did you say?


Euna tilted her head.

Eunha, who was muttering, lowered his head.

It wasnt an exaggeration to say that Koreas history was divided into the period before and after the End of the Century Destruction, when the world was said to have ended once.

And the history after the End of the Century Destruction had gone through many upheavals, starting with the inauguration of the Fairy Goddess Im Gaeul

He looked up at the night sky and summarized the events that would occur in the world that was about to change.

Most important to him were the events of the coming year.

The year is almost over.

The year he would turn six.

He had lost his family then.

He couldnt do anything about it.

It was too difficult for him to understand what had happened, he was only 6 years old.

He just didnt have parents. No sister.

On the verge of losing his mind, the last thing he remembers is a bubbling world.

And Eunas voice, hugging him tightly.

Its okay, Your sister will protect you

He spent time like an autistic person. It took years to get out of the memories of screaming people and family members who were washed away like floodwater.

Even when he regained consciousness, he was tormented by helplessness, unable to do anything.

So I spent my life killing, killing, killing. Whether it was monsters or people.

I couldnt shake off my helplessness without killing something, and I couldnt find a reason to live without purpose.

I killed to live, and I killed to die.

But this life will be different.

I dont know what Im supposed to do. I dont know what I can do.

I dont have any answers as to why I still live.

But I do know one thing,

Im not going to lose my family in this life.

I wasnt going to suffer helplessly anymore.

Ill pray too. Euna, lets pray together.

Eunha took her hand and leaned against the railing, clasping his hands like everyone else.

The white silver that had colored the night sky was fading. Now even the outlines of the cocoon were melting into the night sky.

Eunha looked back.

Both her mother and father were now praying for a ray of hope.

He wondered who they were praying to.

What are they praying for?

Lost in thought, he soon joined the others in prayer.

God does not exist in this world.

God is dead. When the world was destroyed once.

And yet he prayed to a godless world.

Hopefully, in this life, he could protect his family.

Please let my family be happy.

He heard Euna, who was praying next to him, say.

Yes, may my family be happy.

Eunha prayed earnestly.

He wanted to live happily with his family in this life.

The year changed, year 1 of Seonkyeon.

Eunha entered kindergarten.