After each game, they could rest for a month. The last time Li Xi had a rest month, he spent half of it with Duan Zhen. This time, he gave half of it to Dan Zuo.

Although he was still enthusiastic about Duan Zhen, even other people could sense his change.

And so, a month passed in the blink of an eye, and their next destination was still Hewlett.

Aside from everyone’s progress in Hewlett being about the same, Dan Zuo wanted to see if they could catch another task from the system to gather more data.

Now, Li Xi was a member of Duan Zhen’s team, standing beside him, holding his wrist: “Duan Zhen, we won’t be assigned to opposing factions this time, will we?”

“It’s okay,” Duan Zhen replied briefly. “As long as we find a foolproof plan like last time.”

Moreover, it was rare for a team to be assigned to opposing factions. After all, the system bound them together, presumably not to see them turn against each other.

“Yeah, I’ll work hard too,” Li Xi grinned.

He had no objections to going to Hewlett this time, especially since the other two demon kings were probably waiting to ambush him, and his own world wasn’t very interesting. It was more fun to go to still-sleeping Hewlett.

Although his teammates from the previous world were annoying, his relationship with Duan Zhen had taken a big step forward because of it.

Li Xi was looking forward to the next world. As soon as they entered, he felt a burst of energy surrounding him. Sensing that he and Duan Zhen were not separated, he relaxed his body and let the energy enter.

Unexpectedly, that energy betrayed his trust. At first, it circled around him obediently, but suddenly it surged upward and rushed into his brain before Li Xi could react.

Li Xi frowned, using his power to stop it. However, the place where Clemens had injured him before began to ache again.

Where the energy had passed, it had torn open his wound.

This method made Li Xi feel a bad premonition. He was about to try to dispel the energy even if it meant getting hurt when someone grabbed his wrist from behind.

“Res…” Li Xi tried to say something.

“Shh.” The person wrapped their arms around him, their voice carrying a hint of amusement. “Don’t let them hear.”

Li Xi admitted that he might have been tricked. He gritted his teeth but couldn’t resist the heavy drowsiness and finally fell into darkness.

This time, the transition between worlds seemed unusually long. When everyone opened their eyes, they found themselves in a dense jungle.

“There are a total of seven people,” Sun Le quickly counted the people present and whispered to Duan Zhen, “Li Xi isn’t here.”

Even without him saying it, Duan Zhen realized the problem as soon as he woke up.

“He might have been assigned to a different location,” he said in a low voice. “I taught him to leave marks and use a mixed method. As long as he’s not too far away, we can find him.”

Aside from the four of them, the other three seemed to be a team, whispering to each other while casting wary glances at Duan Zhen’s team.

“Sorry to inquire, but are all members of your team present?” Xia Qirong approached them with a friendly smile.

“I’m not prying into your experiences, just trying to gauge the difficulty of this mission from the number of people,” he said, noticing the three pairs of cautious eyes on him and gesturing towards Duan Zhen. “You’ve probably heard of Brother Duan’s reputation. We won’t harm the mission participants.”

Among the three, one person stepped forward. “All our people are here.”

As they were negotiating, the system began to explain the background of this mission.

“This is a hunting ground in the peacekeeping country, where nobles come to hunt together on sunny days. The caretakers of the hunting ground regularly release prey to satisfy the nobles’ passion for hunting. However, the prey captured by the nobles has never reappeared. Your task is to survive in the peacekeeping country for ten days and uncover the secrets of this country to end it all.”

The background of this world was very ordinary, to the point that the mission was directly displayed.

“So, are we nobles this time?” Xia Qirong asked foolishly.

Duan Zhen didn’t look at him, just lowered his head to examine his attire, his eyes slightly darkened. “No, we are the prey.”

In the distance, the sound of hoofbeats could be heard, mixed with men’s laughter and taunts. “Andre, it’s only been half a month since you last came, look how eager you are. Be careful not to scare away the prey.”

“It’s more fun when they’re scared off,” another voice chimed in. “It’s no fun if they’re all hiding and not moving, right, Philotte?”

Duan Zhen gestured silently to Sun Le and the others, discreetly dispersing.

As he passed the other three individuals, he whispered, “Leave this.”

Given that they were all intermediate players, those few also suppressed their nervousness and quietly moved away into the distance.

Naturally, it was better to stay away from those individuals. From the information revealed by the world background, once the prey was caught, the outcome could be grim. Although pretending to be caught was a strategy, Duan Zhen hadn’t found Li Xi yet, and he was worried that Li Xi might be found by those nobles.

At that moment, the person called Philotte spoke up, “You’re right.”

His voice sounded somewhat weary, lazy even, but Duan Zhen’s movements abruptly halted.

“It’s Li Xi,” Xia Qirong gestured to him from the other side.

Of course, he recognized that it was Li Xi, indicating that this time the other party’s identity was that of a noble.

Since Li Xi was here, Duan Zhen stopped moving, letting Sun Le and the others conceal themselves nearby.

The conversation between Li Xi and the other three individuals continued, with Li Xi seeming uninterested in this hunt. Annoyed by Andre’s constant chatter, Li Xi proposed to split up.

“Some of the prey here are very dangerous. It might be better to stay together,” Andre tried to interject.

Li Xi’s tone immediately turned cold, “What, do you think I’ll be injured by the prey? Are you looking down on me, or are you looking down on the Philotte family?”

“Of course not, I’m just concerned about chaos,” Andre’s voice sounded flustered. “In that case, let’s split up and meet at the exit in the evening, okay?”

Li Xi agreed.

The three of them parted ways, with Duan Zhen hiding behind a tree. From a higher vantage point, he could see a person riding a horse towards him, confirming that it was Li Xi.

As Li Xi approached, Duan Zhen could see him wearing dark brown riding attire, with a pair of black riding boots on his feet. Holding the reins, he seemed quite relaxed, showing little interest in this journey.

His eyes casually scanned the surroundings, then suddenly, he seemed to sense something, looking up and locking eyes with Duan Zhen.

Duan Zhen could see Li Xi pause for a moment.

From this angle, Li Xi looked like a noble prince, with sunlight shining on his face, his bright eyes tinged with a faint golden hue.

“Prey?” Li Xi raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you running away?”

Realizing something was amiss from this statement, Duan Zhen quickly assessed Li Xi, not seeing any familiarity in his expression. If this was an act, it was akin to an Oscar-worthy performance.

There were two possibilities now: either Li Xi had genuinely lost his memory for some reason and believed himself to be a character in the game, or Li Xi had to play this role for unknown reasons.

Numerous thoughts flashed through Duan Zhen’s mind, prompting him to immediately change his strategy and leap down from the tree.

He moved like an agile panther, landing silently even from a height, his steps on the thick carpet of fallen leaves making no sound.

“I don’t want to run,” he said.

Li Xi looked down at him with a somewhat indifferent expression. “Oh?”

“I want to follow you,” Duan Zhen continued, slightly bending his knees, exposing his vulnerable neck and spine.

After a few breaths, he finally heard Li Xi speak, “Follow me? As prey?”

Duan Zhen seized the opportunity, “No, as an attendant.”

Li Xi chuckled softly, “Alright.”

“However, not just anyone can be my attendant,” he stroked the mane of the reddish-brown horse beneath him. “If you’re still free by evening today, find me at the exit.”

“No problem,” Duan Zhen agreed.

He then heard Li Xi say, “Look up.”

Immediately after, Li Xi rode up to him and used the long handle of the riding crop to lift his chin. After locking eyes for a few seconds, Li Xi’s lips curved into a smile. “I like your eyes. Be careful, don’t let others catch you.”

With that, he spurred his horse and leisurely rode away.

As the sound of hooves faded into the distance, Xia Qi Rong emerged from the bushes, clicking his tongue in amazement. “Was that Li Xi? He’s completely changed. Is he being controlled by the game?”

“I heard there’s a type of instance that’s immersive, where people inside forget their real identities,” Sun Le said. “But I’ve never heard of only one person losing their memory.”

Duan Zhen furrowed his brow, pondering for a moment. “His mission is the same as ours. This time, I’ll leave with him first, and you guys can find an opportunity to leave later.”

“No problem,” Xia Qi Rong slapped his chest, then turned to Dan Zuo. “Dan Zuo, stop staring at that data collector. Be careful not to get caught.”

Dan Zuo didn’t even look up, his hand holding a palm-sized device, his brow furrowed.

“Now, let’s split up. Be careful not to get caught,” Duan Zhen said. “Dan Zuo, be sure to stay hidden.”

“Got it,” Dan Zuo nodded, putting the device into his pocket.

However, doubts still lingered in his mind. When Li Xi approached earlier, the data had become abnormal again. During the break month, he had intentionally or unintentionally tested around Li Xi, deliberately seeking crowded places, but only Li Xi would cause fluctuations in the data.

Could it be that Li Xi’s identity wasn’t simple?

The author has something to say: Although Li Xi lost his memory, his ‘Duan Zhen Radar’ is still working.

Li Xi: Hunting is so boring, I want to go back and lie down.

Duan Zhen Radar: Go this way, go this way. Look up quickly, there’s a dominant on top! Congratulations on catching an obedient Duan Zhen!

Li Xi was completely outsmarted this time, coupled with his previous injuries not fully healed, so he couldn’t resist.

Oh wow, that’s a surprise for sure I wonder if Hewlett is the one who interfered at the start and caught Li Xi unaware or if it’s Clemens!

Thank you for reading