Chapter 157 Surgery

She just wanted to tell the algebra teacher today that the chances of a successful operation on Saturday are great!

"I know, thank you, Su Mian. I didn't expect that in the rest of my life, I could become a patient of my own student. Don't worry, Su Mian, I will adjust myself." Of course, Wang Yuzhu knew that Su Mian was enlightening him, but I don’t know why. After listening to her words, the mood is really relaxed a lot.

Su Mian is indeed under great pressure, she is afraid of failure. At this moment, she is deeply aware of the lack of her medical skills. If she concentrated on her medical skills in her previous life, with her talent and Zhao Bo's cultivation, she would definitely shine in surgery.

As a result, she personally ruined her bright future for Jiang Yi and her own face.

In this life, she must take every step steadily and never fall into anyone's calculations.

Su Mian returned to the dormitory in a low mood. Su Mian only told Wei Min about Wang Yuzhu's condition, but also said that he was an assistant to Dean Li.

Wei Min patted her shoulder to comfort, "Su Mian, don't put too much pressure on yourself, just do your best!"

Su Mian is holding Wei Min, yes, there are so many regrets in life, just do my best to have no regrets or regrets.

This night, Su Mian fought in the space for another night. The inside night was equivalent to three times the time outside. She had been reading the information, copying the entire operation process, and thinking about the countermeasures for possible problems in each link.

Early on Saturday morning, Su Mian arrived at the county hospital, and Dean Li was ready.

The operation lasted for four hours, and Su Mian was engrossed every minute of the operation, not daring to be careless. Liver cancer removal surgery is more difficult than their organ removal, which is why Su Mian has been worried.

During the operation, liver cancer cells are highly nauseous, cancer tissues grow rapidly, and liver blood supply is abundant, so cancer cells easily invade the blood vessels of the liver and then metastasize to other parts through the bloodstream.

Therefore, during surgical resection, the operation strength must be appropriate. Excessive squeezing will cause cancer cells to enter the blood vessel and metastasize. If the strength is not enough, it is difficult to completely remove the lesion.

Su Mian's concentration was highly concentrated and his brain was operating at a rapid pace. The eye-catching eyes were playing an irreplaceable role throughout the whole process. Finally, the algebra teacher's lesion was completely removed, and the other parts were intact. The cancer cells did not transfer to the blood vessels. Su Mian finally relieved.

She gave the finishing work to Dean Li. She is very weak now, and she doesn't have the strength to deal with the following tasks.

If you look closely, you will find that Su Mian's face is much paler than before the operation.

But at this time, anyone was concerned about the patient's condition, and Su Mian did not notice any physical changes.

The door of the operating room opened, and Wang Yuzhu's two sons and daughters-in-law immediately surrounded Su Mian and Dean Li.

"Su Mian, Dean Li, how is it? How is it?" The eldest son grabbed Dean Li's hand eagerly, his voice a little hoarse.

Dean Li took off the mask to replace the tiredness just now, and then smiled lightly, "Relax, the operation was a success!"

The two sons hugged each other tightly, tears in their eyes.

What is more important than the life of a loved one in the world?

After the operation, the patient will have some adverse reactions. Dean Li suggested that Su Mian stay and continue to observe for two days.

Su Mian agreed that she was really worried after the algebra teacher had just finished the operation. Although she was uncomfortable, she chose to endure and adapt.

In the afternoon, Su Mian went to check the ward twice and checked the various physical indicators of the algebra teacher. He was in good condition. Although he was a little weak, he had a clear consciousness.

(End of this chapter)