Chapter 538 that thorn

But what can be done?

He could only stare at her from a distance as before.

When Lu Chun saw that the next person to shake his hand was Cao Wei, his eyes were round and bright, and the palms of his hands were sweaty. He quickly grabbed two of his clothes before reaching out, "Hello Captain Cao!"

Cao Wei smiled generously, "Lu Chun, good performance."

"Thank you Captain Cao." After finishing speaking, I was a little embarrassed to be stared at by Cao Wei so close, but she still asked her heart, "Captain Cao, I don't know when we will meet next time?"


Cao Wei had an impression of this little boy. When performing the task that day, he carried herself on his back, but that was all.

"I will meet you by chance, work hard!" After Cao Wei finished speaking, she patted Lu Chun on the shoulder. Of course she knew what the excited light in Lu Chun's eyes represented. She had seen it a lot. How many men show this kind of affection to her.

However, she refused, because there was only one big demon in her heart.

Cao Wei's words made Lu Chun excited and immediately gave a military salute, "Thank you, Commander Cao, for your encouragement!"

Indeed, he fell in love with Cao Wei from the first time he saw her. He was attracted by her beautiful appearance, her capable temperament, and her pair of talking eyes.

These days, Lu Chun didn't want to see Cao Wei again. That day, the military training competition could only look at it from a distance, instead of saying a few words like today.

Therefore, he must ask what he has been asking about these days.

He also knows that there is a big gap between himself and Cao Wei, so he will work hard to get closer to her.

Several platoon commanders over there watched their battalion commander grasping his wife and did not let go for a long time, and all these platoon leaders were very happy.

"The battalion commander misses his daughter-in-law so much, why don't you hold it loose?"

"Look, the classmates at the back of the family still want to shake hands with him. He holds his wife in this way and does not give others a chance!"

"No, you see how disappointed the classmates behind them are, they walked far and wide, and look back!"

After hearing the words of several platoon leaders, Zhao Long turned around, and there were several platoon leaders between them.

Wei Zhenhui is a person who is usually so deserted and serious. Now he is holding Su Mian's hand with a smile in his eyes. He doesn't know what he said to Su Mian in a low voice, making Su Mian stare at him fiercely.

Wei Zhenhui didn't feel annoyed, so he looked down at Su Mian seriously, not caring about the eyes of others.

It is said that the big demon king is a mad demon who spoils his wife.

Seeing the affection of these two people, Captain Jiang just wanted to make a horizontal stroke and couldn't get in.

But Camp Commander Jiang is also a wicked one. Ever since I met Su Mian, all of the previous Yingyingyanyans cannot be remembered. Talking to him every day, Zhao Long was convinced that he would be abducted to Su Mian in the end.

This girl Su Mian is really good, and no matter how many years of practice, her military quality may not be able to find an opponent in the military area.

Then, the figure of a tomboy suddenly appeared in his mind, heh, he must be crazy, how could he think of that thorn!

"Instructor Zhao, thank you for your advice!" At this time, Luo Fang walked to him and offered his hand.

Zhao Long's face is a little unnatural, but fortunately, his face is always in the iceberg, and most people can't see it at all, "You're welcome, good performance!"

In fact, he rarely praised people, especially women, and he was shocked when he finished speaking.

"I'll go, Company Commander Zhao, you are completely cured if you hate women!"

"Company Captain Zhao, do you have to invite us to dinner to cure the stubborn illness that has plagued you for many years!"


(End of this chapter)