Chapter 1066: Where to pick me up

Chapter 1066 Where to pick me up

Just after it rained, the dirt road was muddy, and a few first-class people could only walk forward next to the wall.

As soon as they finished shoveling the ground, all households were idle, so Wei Zhenhui and the four of them had just arrived at the entrance of the village when someone noticed it.

"Look, it's a military jeep, four people down!"

"Hey, what's the matter, we haven't been a soldier in such a remote place!"

"I don't know why it's here, maybe whose relatives are it!"

"Let's pull it down, the hundreds of families in our village have lived together for decades, and I haven't heard of anyone with relatives serving as soldiers!"

A dozen villagers stood at the entrance of the village, and they were very curious to see four people in military uniforms.

"Master, let me find out, wait a moment."

There is a depression at the entrance of the village, with mud skin (the size and shape are like bricks, made of clay) in the middle. In some places, the water surface is high and the mud is covered.

A continuous long stride like flying, only two taps to pass the depression.

The villagers who had just been talking a lot were stunned by the skill of the company commander.

"The soldiers are different!"

"No, it's like floating on the water!"

A company leader smiled and walked to them, "Uncle, hello, I want to find out where Shan Yufen's home is?"

The old man passed a company commander and looked back a few times before he said, "You who are looking for Yufen, just walk straight along this road, about 200 meters, there is an alley, right next to the alley. But. ..."

"But what?" The company commander's heart sank, no one is gone, right.

"But Yufen seems to have gone to the fair. I don't know if he's back."

"Oh, good, I know, thank you, uncle!" The company commander was startled, really afraid they would be late.

There are only two roads in Xiaoma Village, three rows of houses in front and back, and the house of Shan Yufen they are looking for is in the middle row.

Several people walked to the Hutong. The wooden door was half-person high, and the courtyard was surrounded by half-person high stone walls.

The door was closed, it really looked like nobody.

"Is there anyone?" A company commander shouted twice.

At this time, a head suddenly appeared from the surrounding wall, "Yeah what? People are not here?" A middle-aged woman poked her head out, and saw several people wearing military uniforms and buried their heads in fright.

There are a few soldiers, she thought it was someone from the village!

It's all because she didn't see clearly just now, her voice just now didn't scare people!

Seeing that the woman hadn't appeared for a long time, Xie Changkun was about to go there, but Wei Zhenhui grabbed him.

The company commander frightened people just now, and their teacher stared again, and the woman couldn't be frightened.

He turned his head and motioned for a company commander to come forward.

He stuck out his tongue for a long time, and he was shocked just now. Okay, "Madam, you are Shan Yufen. We are here to pick you up!"

The woman squatted inside the pigpen wall, and heard a long line of words, her ears stood up, "Pick me... Where do you go?"

The company commander smiled and said in his softest voice, "First I will pick you up to the provincial capital of L province, and maybe I will go to the capital in the future."

When she heard that she was going to the provincial capital, the woman immediately covered her mouth.

My God, why Yufen has such good luck, she has lived in Xiaoma Village for almost 30 years, and I never heard that she knows a soldier!

Their family is an ordinary peasant, and they have no relatives in the provincial capital, let alone relatives who serve as soldiers.

Look at those few people, the officials are not small.

Yeah, when a woman patted her thigh, why did she forget that Yufen's son was in the provincial military district? Could it be that Xiaolong's leader came.

(End of this chapter)