Chapter 1635: Who wants to listen to the corner

Chapter 1635 Who wants to listen to the corner

"From the long-term plan! Pull everyone out and load 5 kilometers!"

"Commander, I'll have dinner right now... Isn't it..." After Yan Hongguang finished speaking, Qian Feng was about to kneel. Seeing the meal, how could he be so neat.

"Do you have an opinion?" Yan Hongguang stared.

Qian Feng happily said, "Yes, run, you must run!"

If he dare to say yes, Yan Hongguang has to let them run 10 kilometers!

meeting room.

"Find a map of Province Q for me." Wei Zhenhui and Zhao Long did not leave. The first and second company commanders, and Su Jinlong were also called over by him.

The company commander came back soon and spread the map directly on the conference table. He also threw two red and blue pencils on the table by the way. He knew that Wei Zhenhui had a habit of sketching out maps when looking at it.

Zhao Long glanced at the map, "Where did you guys get it? Why does it have burrs on it?"

Obviously where it was torn off!

The company commander covered his mouth and said with a thiefly smile, "One night I went to Yan Hongguang’s dormitory. I saw that he had a map on the wall. There is a map in every province. I just picked it off, let’s borrow it first. Use it, give it back to him in a while!"

Zhao Long smiled unkindly, and pointed again, "Then you still bring the red basket pencil?"

The second company commander came over directly, "If he doesn't bring the red basket pencil, the commander will have to use a brush and pen, and he will not be able to pay it back then!"

Zhao Long:...

Wei Zhenhui held the table with both hands and looked around on the map, seeing the west from the east and the north from the south.

Jian eyebrows were tightly locked, there was no looseness at all.

"Do you guys have any opinions?" Wei Zhenhui dropped his pencil and sat on the chair, raising his eyebrows and asking several people.

Su Jinlong looked seriously, scratching his head for a while.

Even the long eyes were not big, at this time they were narrowed into a line.

The second company commander frowned.

Zhao Long suddenly had a flash of thought in his mind, "There are more than 30 provinces in China, and they chose Province Q alone, which means that Province Q has things that other provinces do not have."

Wei Zhenhui nodded, "Go on."

"Q Province is most famous for Lake Q, the largest inland saltwater lake. Will their goal be this?" Zhao Long finished speaking and drew a red pen on the blue area the size of a fingernail on the map.

Several other people nodded like pounding garlic.

Su Jinlong stared at a pair of sharp eyes and asked puzzledly, "They have to choose the experimental body, that is, they have to choose people. What does this have to do with Lake Q?"

A company commander agreed, "I think Xiaolong makes sense. They want to choose people, not the lake!"

The second company commander: "There are also people in other places. Why do they run from the southern side to the western side? According to you, he is still like the last time. Just choose people around here. Why go inland? ."


Company Commander blinked his small eyes, "Yes, Commander II, your IQ is finally online these days!"

The second company commander happily, scratching his head embarrassedly.

Wei Zhenhui was silent for a moment, "I think Zhao Long is in the right direction. They should be heading towards Lake Q, but I don't know what is the relationship between Lake Q and the subject."

"Brother-in-law, you can call my sister and ask! She is a medical student, maybe she can understand!"

The company commander hugged Su Jinlong and winked at him with excitement, "You kid, you can!"

A few of them haven't listened to the corner for a while, and their ears are itchy.

Wei Zhenhui pretended to cough twice, and at the mention of calling, he thought that he actually dreamed of giving his wife to...

"Besides. Any comments?"

"No!" Several people said in unison, and they waited until the head of the group called!

"You guys stand up, turn right, target, training ground, mission 5 laps!"


They didn't say to listen to the corner.

Two chapters will be published first, and the bird is still writing, it is estimated that it will be half past nine or ten! !


(End of this chapter)