Chapter 1978 Dulong

Zhao Long nodded, he was there every time he moved, and he knew all the battle plans.

It was Commander Luo who always marginalized him when he arranged tasks.

This time, he has directly become the main force, and the identity of the son-in-law has been affirmed by several leaders, presumably Army Commander Luo will not have any more moths.

Both battalion commanders are happy for Zhao Long.

"Commander Zhao, you are a daughter-in-law for many years and become a mother-in-law. In the future, Commander Luo has to rely on you!"

"That's right, this time you yourself have the right to give orders and see how he can pinch you!"

Zhao Long laughed restrainedly and did not answer.

What's going on in the future can only be said later, now Commander Luo sees him, and he is still bitter, as if he had taken Luo Fang away!

"By the way, will it be dangerous for the informant to go back this time? We will kill the viper." Zhao Long said, drew a sketch on paper, "this time the viper lost almost 100 brothers, he I will definitely not let it go."

Wei Zhenhui nodded.

He had thought about this issue a long time ago, and the informant would not withdraw until the power behind the Shanri organization was discovered.

"This time the informant did not participate in the operation, it should be able to help him get rid of some of the charges. However, the poisonous snake is cunning and suspicious, I hope the informant can get through it!"

A battalion commander narrowed his eyes, "Isn't the informant very dangerous?"

The second battalion commander nodded repeatedly, "Why don't ordinary people become undercover agents? You see, we are promoted. He is alone in the enemy, and he has to be cautious in his words and actions. If he is not careful, his life will be lost!

What the two guys said this time was true, and Wei Zhenhui couldn't help but glance more.

"The informant has rich experience, we have to trust him!"

At this moment, someone knocked on the door outside.

A battalion commander went to open the door, and someone handed over an encrypted document. The battalion commander knew it was used by the informant every time.

"Teacher, good news, the informant is okay, and we are passing news again!"

A battalion commander handed over the document, Wei Zhenhui opened it, and Qingjun's face was also stained with a bit of joy, and then handed it to Zhao Long, "You are responsible now, you see for yourself!"

A battalion commander stuck his tongue out.

The teacher is really black-bellied, knowing that the leader Zhao is in charge, he also read the news, and then gave it to them after reading it.

The second battalion commander glared at the first battalion commander.

"What, do you have an opinion? Why are you staring at me?"

"I stare at you flattering, why don't you give the file directly to Head Zhao, now Head Zhao is in charge!"

Yeah, it's not!

Zhao Long took the document.

Information from the informant indicated that the Viper will conduct arms trade at the border of China next month.

"Go back and make arrangements. Remember, the insidious and cunning viper, the plan must be thorough and thorough!" Wei Zhenhui has been dealing with the viper for more than a year, and he has a certain understanding of his behavior.

"Okay, I know." Zhao Long put the documents away and remembered one more thing, "Jiang Yi called on the third day of your injury and said that you let the poisonous dragon Ge Yun he was staring at go out to country Y."

Ge Yun has great ties with the Shanri organization.

This time he went to country Y, and 80% of them were recalled by the poisonous snake.

As soon as the poisonous wolf died, the cyclops were arrested, and the poisonous snake was now a little weak.

"The poisonous dragon, pay attention to him, his relationship with the poisonous snake is not simple. It may be the next successor of the poisonous snake training!"

Wei Zhenhui gave a detailed introduction to Ge Yun's resume that they investigated.

Zhao Long wrote the word "Poison Dragon" on the white paper, and then drew a circle.

(End of this chapter)