Chapter 3351 looks at you

Wanting to understand all this, Jiang Tong's eyes curled toward Ji Changfeng and smiled, Ji Changfeng's mind shook.

He didn't expect Jiang Tong to be so obedient. With his understanding of Jiang Tong, this aunt was not such a good master to surrender.

As a result, for her fiance, who had sacrificed for more than four months, this girl was willing to give up.

Jiang Tong took a few steps to open the window, then hummed a song and walked out with a bucket and a rag.

Ten minutes later, the whole room was wiped spotlessly by Jiang Tong, even the legs of the seat were wiped beautifully.

Ji Changfeng sat on the leather chair, stretched out his long legs and stared at her for a few seconds.

"I can't tell, the housework is not bad!"

Jiang Tong supported his desk with both hands, narrowing the distance from him, her clear eyes turned into crescent moons with a smile, "Correct, this is a big cleaning, a city that has gone to elementary school."

When the girl was talking, the sweet breath entangled, and Ji Changfeng's breath suddenly missed a beat.

He got up and leaned on the back of the seat without a trace, "Do a big cleaning, look at your air?"

She has an air?

He can take her for a cleanup, so she is so proud?

Not to know the circumstances of Xu Sihan's case.

"The season squadron, sanitation has also been done well, now you can always talk about it."

Jiang Tong hasn't forgotten why she wants to give someone such a high standard treatment. She doesn't clean up her own doghouse every day.

When Ji Changfeng didn't answer her, he raised his hand and looked at his watch, "Tsk, I haven't eaten breakfast yet, Jiang Tong, don't you go to the cafeteria and buy me some back."

Jiang Tong bit his lip angrily and stared at Ji Changfeng with big eyes.

No matter how long her reaction arc, she now sees that Ji Changfeng is deliberately making things difficult for her.

How do you feel that Ji Changfeng came back from the provincial capital like a different person.

The season squadron, who was deserted and unwilling to take a second look, suddenly had an enemy with her?

She did something wrong the other day and offended him!

Jiang Tong rubbed his claws on the table, "Did you mean it?"

The man replied calmly, "What? I came out at five o'clock in the morning, and I did not eat."

He said that he was wronged, his face looked even more tired.

This is the case for the whole night, and then rushed over without taking a break, just to tell her about Xu Sihan's case?

Inexplicably touched!

Jiang Tong felt that if he didn't buy him breakfast, he would die of crime.

She stood up and looked at her watch. At 8:40, the cafeteria just closed.

Jiang Tong gritted his teeth, "What do you eat, I'll go outside and buy it for you!"

Anyway, it was all because of Xu Sihan, so she would wait on him again, and when Xu Sihan's revenge was taken, she would not know Ji Changfeng.

Ji Changfeng touched his nose. This is his habitual thinking movement.

He has a good nose, tall and straight, as if it has been cushioned, not worse than those stars!

"Youtiao tofu brain is fine, I won't pick it!"

Don't pick your sister!

Their city management is strict, and you can buy fried dough sticks tofu nao at least one kilometer away.

"Why? No?" Someone asked inadvertently, holding his shoulders.

"Yes!" Jiang Tong grinded his teeth and turned and walked out.

"I'm going to eat it before 9:30!" Someone's unkind make up, completely unaware of Jiang Tong's darker and darker face.

Ji Changfeng, your uncle!

Jiang Tong went downstairs and ran away.

When Jiang Tong came back after running 3 kilometers, and passed the fried dough stick tofu brain, he was still steaming!

Ji Changfeng looked at his watch and couldn't help but praise, "It's a shame not to go to the special forces for this achievement!"

"Eat or not?"

Ji Changfeng didn't tease her anymore, and took over and started eating breakfast.

(End of this chapter)