Chapter 186 Set Sail!

Name:Restart:Untalented Man Author:

As both the rebels and the kingdom came to an agreement, Barlia enthusiastically celebrated the positive development of war achieved by Lieutenant General Sarika Klover.

There's a mix of reactions with many praising her for her leadership and accomplishment whilst male members of her family weren't so happy. They fear that it will solidify her position as an heir of the duchy. 

With the news of Sarika's successful capture of two towns in the south spreading to the neighbouring Blande, the urgency for preparation become palpable. The United Republic of Blande can no longer afford to leisurely take its time.

The impending sense of competition is now evident as both nations are vying for land on a first come first serve basis. The once relaxed pace of preparation came to a halt as Blande's army kicked into high gear making all the preparations required for their voyage

Every moment counted.

The longer they wait, the less land would be available for them to grab.

At the Port of Vellmar, the sky was cloudy with grey clouds circling overhead. The air was brisk.

The port was surrounded by rocky cliffs, which provided natural shelter from the rough seas. It was bustling with activity.

Many ships of different sizes and shapes anchored in the harbour, bobbing up and down with the waves. They mainly come from northern countries like Barlia and Tormia.

Despite the chill in the air of the northern winds, workers on the dock and sailors were unperturbed. They were occupied with their tasks. Some were unloading cargo from ships, while others were loading supplies onto them. The port was filled with the sound of clashing metal, creaking ropes, and shouted instructions.

General Braun stood on the dock and oversaw the activities around him. Currently, his men are loading supplies onto the ships for their voyage to the south.

Unlike any other campaign, this expedition becomes the focus of businessmen. The government had recently passed a law allowing them to purchase the land obtained during the war.

No matter how someone looks at it, the prospect of buying land for a cheap price caused a frenzy of speculation and anticipation for thousands of people.

Blande has mustered a sizeable army, made up of thousands of soldiers from all walks of life. Thanks to the generosity of the rich people in the republic, all of the soldiers were equipped with brand-new weapons to increase their killing rate and the chance of survivability. 

To transport thousands of soldiers across the Levianic Sea, the army had amassed a substantial fleet of ships, mainly from ultra-rich families who give it as donations.

According to their words, it was their duty to use their wealth and resource to contribute toward the common good and the prosperity of the nation.

A total of twenty large warships, about the size of galleons, were prepared.

Although General Braun had mixed feelings regarding the involvement of business people in war, he can't deny that the ship they give is excellent in terms of durability, speed and carrying capacity. Moreover, they also received a fleet of smaller ships to serve as logistical support.

"Sir, we've prepared a month's worth of food, water, ammunition, medical provisions, and other essential supplies. However, I do have some concerns about solely relying on islands for resupply." said one of the officers in charge of logistics.

Blande doesn't really need to bring tons of supplies from the north as they had islands territory closer to the south.

General Braun nods as he listens to the report. "I understand your concern but you've nothing to worry about. Although the cluster of islands in the south was controlled by the House of Hagen, I'm absolutely sure that they'll give full cooperation since this campaign isn't just the will of one republic, but for the collective good of all seven republics."

It is a well-known fact that the united republic was controlled by seven powerful families in the shadows. These families had amassed wealth and power over generations way before Blande become a republic.

Be it key natural resources, key businesses or key industries, they hold significant control which is hard for a newcomer or upstart to break through.

In government, they possessed a great influence over the decision-making process to shape policies in their favour. 

Despite what seems to be a concentration of power in a hand of a few, there's nothing the people of Blande can do. Those who dare to speak out against the seven families are subjected to harassment, intimidation, violence and eventually death. A highly efficient intelligence network owned by them is working around the clock to silence any opposition.

The officer looks slightly relieved, "Understood, sir. Just to be safe, we will make a contingency plan in case anything goes wrong. Our army can't afford to be left stranded in enemy territory without supplies."

"Good. You can continue with your task. I have a strategic meeting to attend."

As the days of departure approached, strategic planning was done in-depth by General Braun and his subordinates.

To learn more about the strength, geography, and defences of the enemy in the south, they pored over the maps and analysed intelligence reports. Based on this information, they devised tactics and formulated strategies.

While staring at the map spread out on the table, his subordinates said. "Sir, since our ally has taken the eastern part, we should focus on the western part to avoid any conflict with them. Unlike Barlia, our first hurdle would be Tetherswest City. I believe it is widely acknowledged how extensively fortified this city is."

"Should we consider the possibility of Ryntum joining the war once we attack the city?" General Braun voiced his concern. The close relationship between the two nations is well known to all.

"Most likely." He shrugged. "But what else we can do except move fast? The faster we act, the less time they had to prepare. If we can capture Nedideters, we will have secure access to the Gulf of Napuna."

General Braun interjected, "Without ships, there's nothing we can do." 

"Well, let's leave that problem to the navy to think."


On the day of departure, General Braun stood at the forefront of the gathered troops, looking at them with a stern expression. The soldiers were in a standing position, their weapons and gear shining in the early morning light.

While Braun addressed the troops with some speech and reminders, the logistics personnel made a quick double-check on their equipment, supplies, and provisions before they sailed.

After a boring speech, the soldiers boarded the ships with a sense of eagerness.

"Good day, Wagner," General Braun greeted, extending his hand for a firm handshake with the naval commander as he boarded the flagship.

Braun and Wagner have a long-standing friendship despite one being in the army while the other being in the navy. They share a mutual respect for each other's abilities and often rely on each other for advice and support.

"Braun!! It's been a while since I last saw you. I trust the army has been keeping you busy lately?" Admiral Wagner responded with a smile when he see his friend.

Braun laughed, nodding his head. "You could say that." 

"I guess your troops are ready for the journey, right?" Wagner asked. 

"Of course, they are. We have made all necessary preparations." Braun firmly replied. "What about the navy? Have you guys made preparations as well?"

Wagner replied in a casual tone, "Our preparation is in progress but a bit slow. We're mainly been patrolling the seas, keeping our trade routes safe and secure."

"Aren't the navy involve in the operation as well?" Braun asked with concern.

"Yeah. But since we'll move a bit later than the army, we still have time." 

"I see," Braun replied, nodding his head in understanding.

Shortly thereafter, all the troops boarded the ships. With his voice overpowering the sound of the waves, Admiral Wagner gives the order. "Set Sail!"

The crew immediately got to work, raising the anchor and hoisting the sails. The ropes creaked and groaned under the strain.

The wind caught the sails, filling them with air and causing them to flap noisily. Slowly but surely, the ship began to inch forward, propelled by the force of the wind against the sails.

As the ship gained speed, the water beneath it churned and frothed. The waves slapped against the hull with a rhythmic sound.

To make sure that the sails were properly aligned with the wind, the sailors scurried about the deck, adjusting ropes and pulleys.

Soon, the ships started to sway and rock from side to side which cause the sailors to struggle in keeping their footing on the slippery deck.

All other noise was drowned out by the sound of the wind in the rigging and the waves pounding against the hull.

Gradually, the ship moved further and further away from the port, the outlines of the buildings and the pier becoming smaller and smaller in the distance.