Chapter 311 Imperial Prince?

Name:Restart:Untalented Man Author:




As the conversation unfolded, a series of sudden and urgent knocks resonated through the door, attracting the attention of all three people in the office. Riz raised an eyebrow, his focused expression momentarily replaced with curiosity.

"Enter," Riz said, his voice projecting authority.

The door creaked open, revealing a figure standing in the doorway. The staff then entered the room, her face apologetic and slightly flustered. "Apologies for disturbing you, Your Majesty," she said, bowing respectfully.

The king waved his hand dismissively. "No worries. What seems to be the problem?" he inquired, his voice carrying a reassuring tone that sought to put the staff at ease.

"We receive a report that there are thousands of prisoners who just arrived at the capital," the staff informed the king with a sense of urgency in her voice.

Riz's brows furrowed, intrigued by the unexpected news. "Where did they come from? Who sent them here?" he inquired with his authoritative tone balanced by genuine curiosity.

"Apparently, they are prisoners of war that were captured by Mayor Samuel Lazo in his campaign in the south," the staff member explained. "The arrival of such a large number of prisoners has caused a commotion among the people. What should we do with them, Your Majesty?"

Riz furrowed his brow, deep in thought. He glanced at Admiral Stormrider.

The admiral seemingly understood the meaning of Riz's glance, "Your Majesty, do you wish for me to make the necessary arrangements to transport them to the prison island?" he asked, his voice projecting confidence and readiness to execute the king's decision.

"Yes," Riz replied firmly. "Prepare the fleet, admiral. We must send them to the island immediately." Turning to the staff, Riz inquired, "Where are the prisoners of war currently held?"

The staff member replied, "They are being held on the outskirts of the city, in an area with sparsely populated people."

Deciding that he has some time to spare, Riz wants to see the situation firsthand, "Let us go and inspect the prisoners."

Leaving the admiral to make preparation, Riz, together with Levi's officer and the staff, made his way to the location where the prisoners of war were being held.

Upon arriving at the location, Riz was greeted with a sombre and tense atmosphere. The prisoners, weary and dishevelled, were huddled together in a makeshift encampment. Their clothing was tattered, their faces and hands dirty from the hardships of captivity.

The conditions in which they were being held were far from ideal. The encampment lacked proper shelter, and the prisoners had to endure the elements with little protection. Many looked gaunt and malnourished, evidence of the scarcity of food and provisions during their captivity.

The expressions on the prisoners' faces varied greatly.

Some wore looks of despair, their spirits seemingly broken by the ordeal they had endured. Their eyes were hollow, reflecting the toll that war and imprisonment had taken on them.

Others appeared defiant, refusing to show any signs of submission despite their dire circumstances. 

Among them, there's one particular young man who suddenly shouts at Riz as he and his entourage approach. The man's gaze locked onto the monarch and a look of pure animosity.

Despite his unkempt appearance and tattered clothing, his eyes filled with an unyielding fire.

"You!" the young man spat, his voice dripping with contempt. "You think you've won, don't you? Your kingdom may have defeated us now, but know that the amount of force Hector brought was just a minuscule of our true number. The Inverloch Empire will never let it slide. We will return with several folds of soldiers and raze you to the ground."

His voice rose, and his words reverberated with intensity, drawing the attention of his fellow prisoners. They watched with wary eyes as the man's anger seemed to fill the air, charging the atmosphere with palpable hostility.

Levi's officer stepped forward, his expression stern but composed.

However, the same couldn't be said for the rest of the personnel present there. The insult that escaped the prisoner's lips was enough to send a collective surge of fury through the ranks of Ryntum's soldiers.

"Enough!" Levi's officer thundered, his voice resonating with undeniable authority. "You either address our king with respect or don't talk at all."

But the young man paid no heed to the officer's warning. He continued his tirade, his voice growing louder and more vehement with each word.

He cursed Riz and his kingdom, unleashing a torrent of vitriol that seemed to pierce through the very walls of the prison. His fervour was unyielding, fueled by a deep-seated hatred that even Riz himself is left wondering what is wrong with this man.I think you should take a look at

"You're nothing but a mere speck of dust in the eyes of the empire!" the young man mocked, his voice filled with disdain. "Your insignificant achievement are inconsequential against the might and power of the emperor!"

His words hung in the air like a dark cloud, charged with animosity and scorn. The intensity of his outburst sent a ripple of unease through the crowd, even as some prisoners began to whisper among themselves, unsure of what to make of the young man's brazen defiance.

Riz remained composed despite the provocation. His face show no sign of anger or irritation, and he chose to listen to the man's outpouring of bitterness.

He stepped forward, making his way closer to the young man. Meanwhile, Levi's officer stuck close to the king, ready to take action if the man attempted anything hostile.

Eventually, Riz came to a halt right in front of the young man. He looked down at the chained and kneeling figure, meeting the young man's eyes with a calm yet penetrating gaze.

His eyes gazed thoughtfully at the man before him. A faint hint of nostalgia touched his features as if the young man's insults had triggered a distant memory from his past.

Contrary to the young man's expectation, Riz's response caused his face to twist in confusion. His insults seemed to have little to no effect on the king, which was unexpected.

"It's been a while since someone insulted me. I feel somewhat nostalgic," Riz remarked, surprising both the young man and his own officers with his peculiar sense of nostalgia.

Feeling somewhat amused, Riz decided to defuse the tense atmosphere. "You certainly have a way with words," he said, his voice calm and collected. "Looking at you, I believe our age is not far apart. What's your name?"


The man's spit landed on Riz's face, shocking everyone on the scene. 

"You!!" Levi's officer stepped forward, his anger evident in his voice. Levi's officer and the rest of the soldiers immediately bristled, their hands reaching for their weapons as if ready to pounce on the disrespectful prisoner.

"Your majesty, allow us to butcher this man into pieces," said one soldier, while others nodded in agreement.

Riz raised a hand, gesturing for his soldiers to stand down. "Now, this is new," he said, wiping off the spit from his face calmly. With a smile still visible on Riz's face, and seemingly unfazed by the disrespectful act. "You've got quite the aim," he remarked with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

There was a glint of something almost playful in his demeanour as if he found the young man's audacity somewhat amusing.

But then, without any warning, Riz made a sudden move. With lightning speed, he landed a swift strike, driving his knee right into the young man's face.

As Riz's knee connected with the young man's face, a sudden, sharp pain surged through him. The impact was forceful, and the man's head snapped back from the blow. His nose started to bleed, and he let out a pained yelp.

His defiant expression wavered for a moment, replaced by surprise and agony.

The soldiers around Riz were caught off guard by their king's sudden move. Their eyes widened in surprise, unsure of how to react. But, none dared to intervene, knowing well not to question Riz's decisions.

Similarly, the prisoners, who had been watching the exchange were also bewildered by the unexpected response from the king.

Riz's actions seemed to be a swift response to the man's disrespect, asserting his authority and reminding the young man of his place.

As if that wasn't enough, Riz followed up with a swift kick to the young man's cheek. The force of the blow caused blood to be spat from his mouth. 

He groaned in agony, clutching his face.

Riz's expression remained unchanged, still carrying that glint of playfulness as if he had merely dealt with a minor inconvenience. "Now, where were we?" he asked, "Ah, yes, your name. What is your name?"

The young man, now visibly shaken, managed to stammer, "K-Kaelio, Your Majesty... Kaelio Inveria."

Riz raised an intrigued eyebrow. Not just him, but the rest of the people present there too.

His eyes met those of Levi's officer, who looked equally surprised. "Inveria?" Riz repeated, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Isn't that the name of the imperial family?"

"Yes," Kaelio nodded, acknowledging the connection.