Chapter 348 New Connections

Name:Restart:Untalented Man Author:

The conversation with Alexander concluded on a positive note.

His initial frustration towards Ryntum had ebbed away, replaced by a more thoughtful contemplation of the possible motives behind Inver's actions.

Alexander recognized that Inver's manipulations could be aimed at sowing discord between Ryntum and Inverloch.

Given the historical tensions between the two nations, Riz understood that the current situation was like a smouldering fire, waiting for the right spark to escalate into conflict.

As Alexander took his leave, Theodora gracefully stepped in to join the conversation. Her presence was a welcome interruption as she introduced a new individual to Riz.

"Riz, let me introduce you to Lady Vivienne from the Kingdom of Lesparia." Theodora's words were accompanied by a warm smile.

Lady Vivienne executed a graceful curtsy, a subtle pinch at the sides of her dress preceding the elegant movement. The delicate gesture added a touch of uniqueness to her greeting, a personal flair that spoke of her individuality.

"Congratulations on your marriage, Your Majesty. It is an honour to meet you," Lady Vivienne addressed Riz with a respectful nod, her posture radiating poise and grace. Her voice carried a musical quality, a sign of her refined upbringing.

"I've heard a myriad of stories about you and your kingdom from the travelling merchants and wandering bards," she continued, her words imbued with a sense of intrigue.

Riz's lips quirked into a lighthearted smile at her words. "I hope the stories they told are the good ones," he responded, his tone carrying a warm undertone.

Lady Vivienne's lips curved in response, mirroring his smile. "Indeed, they have spoken highly of you, Your Majesty."n.-0veLbIn

"I'm glad to hear that my efforts have left a positive impression," Riz acknowledged with genuine appreciation. "What can I help you, Lady Vivienne?"

"First of all, I would like to apologize on behalf of the royal family for their inability to attend your wedding," Lady Vivienne began, her tone respectful and her words carefully chosen. "Please understand that their absence is by no means a sign of disrespect towards you. Instead, they have sent me, a Duke's daughter related to the royal line, as their representative."

Riz's expression remained composed his demeanor understanding. "I appreciate your presence here, Lady Vivienne. Their reasons are their own, and I hold no ill feelings."

A sigh of relief escaped Lady Vivienne's lips, her posture relaxing slightly. "That's good to hear, Your Majesty. Your understanding is greatly valued."

Riz's attention remained focused, his curiosity piqued by what Lady Vivienne had to convey. "Back to my question, Lady Vivienne. How can I be of assistance?"

"Lesparia seeks to establish a trade agreement with your kingdom," Lady Vivienne explained, her words carrying a note of importance.

"Trade agreement, you say?" Riz's curiosity prompted him to inquire further.

"Yes," Lady Vivienne affirmed. "We are interested in discussing the reduction of trade barriers, such as tariffs, and the potential increase of quotas. This pertains mainly to goods like fertilizer, glass, and fabrics."

Riz leaned back slightly, his hand unconsciously rubbing his chin as he contemplated the proposition.

As Riz's thoughts danced through various scenarios, he realized he wasn't entirely clear about what he sought from Lesparia in return.

Noticing his contemplation, Lady Vivienne gracefully stepped in. "If I may, Your Majesty," she began, offering a suggestion. "Lesparia is renowned for its dye industry. The quality and variety of dyes we produce are well-known throughout the realm."

"Dye, huh?" Riz mused, his interest piqued.

"In Lesparia, our dye industry is one of our proudest achievements," Lady Vivienne continued, eager to share. "We have an array of sources for natural dyes extracted from plants and flowers to insects and minerals. These dyes yield a vibrant spectrum of colours that are highly sought after."

Riz nodded thoughtfully. While his own kingdom might eventually develop the expertise to establish a dye industry, he recognized that the process was time-consuming.

Importing dyes from Lesparia would not only expedite the availability of such materials but also provide his kingdom's textile industry with an immediate advantage.

"It sounds intriguing," Riz acknowledged. "Lady Vivienne, I will pass your request to my minister of trade and industry, Gerald. He will discuss the details with you. My only concern is whether Lesparia is capable of producing dye in large quantities or not. Perhaps we should collaborate in increasing the production first."

"That sounds likes a great idea, Your Majesty." Lady Vivienne replied with a nod.

As the conversation with Lady Vivienne concluded, Riz found himself engaging with several other foreign guests who had come to honour his wedding celebration.

One such guest was Lord Alistair from Tormia. His purpose for attending was clear.

Just like Lady Vivienne, he wished to establish a trade agreement.

He expressed a strong desire for steamships, coals, and pocket watches. The latter seemed to particularly captivate his fascination, making Riz chuckle at the specificity of his request.

Another guest he meets with is Lady Isabella from Ingnynes who has a seemingly simpler purpose.

She had brought a letter of friendship from her king.

However, her intentions evolved as she observed the extensive collection of books within Bideford during her tour around the city.

Witnessing the literary abundance and its accessibility to the people, she dared to make an additional request for Riz to consider exporting books to her kingdom, mainly the one that targeted young noble ladies as an audience.

Ingnynes's envoy was astute. She recognized that requesting academic books could ruffle the feathers of traditional nobles, leading to potential discontent.

The kingdom's old noblemen might scorn the introduction of knowledge that could affect their governance over the peasants.

As such, she understood that more lighthearted offerings, such as novels or tales of fantasy, might more easily pass through the cautious scrutiny of these discerning nobles.

Riz welcomed Lady Isabella's suggestion and saw merit in her proposal.

Aside from market expansion, he perceived this move from a strategic angle to employ literature as a form of soft power to influence the young nobles.

Overall, their conversation only revolved around the surface level. Just like the rest of the guests, he pushed the discussion about the details to Gerald to work on.