Chapter 350 Lights Off

Name:Restart:Untalented Man Author:

Finally, the landau completed its journey by traversing the vibrant business districts, a significant conclusion to the procession.

The cheers of the crowds gradually faded into the distant hum of commerce.

As the sun cast a warm golden hue across the city, the royal couple's expressions remained composed yet slightly weary from the extended journey.

Theodora's fingers brushed against the fabric of her dress, and Riz adjusted his posture as they shared a quiet moment of reflection.

With a last glance at the bustling streets, the landau turned onto the familiar path that led back to their residence. The soft clip-clop of the horses' hooves accompanied them, creating a soothing rhythm as they retraced their steps.

"That was fun, wasn't it?" Theodora's voice carried a lighthearted tone as she turned toward Riz.

Riz smiled in response. "Yes, it was. It's kind of surprising how much they genuinely celebrate us."

As the landau continued its journey back to the mansion, Riz's thoughts drifted.

The warm smiles, the cheering crowds, and the festive atmosphere that had enveloped the procession were undeniably heartwarming.

Yet, he was acutely aware that the capital's sentiments didn't necessarily represent the entirety of their kingdom.

The joyous celebration he had witnessed today might not resonate as strongly in the more remote regions of their kingdom.

He knows as he himself was once an ordinary person, living at the bottom of society.


Upon their arrival at the mansion, the guests were beginning to leave the back garden, making their way inside to continue the festivities within the banquet hall.

The atmosphere retained its spirited energy, with laughter and animated conversations lingering in the air.

Inside the banquet hall, a multitude of candles had been carefully lit, casting a warm and inviting glow across the space.

The flickering flames danced upon the walls, creating an almost magical ambience that complemented the celebratory mood.

Though not overly ornate, the room still exuded an air of elegance, with rich tapestries adorning the walls and the gentle scent of floral arrangements wafting through the air.

Riz and Theodora smoothly rejoined the gathering. Their presence prompted warm greetings and congratulations from those who crossed his path.

A hushed anticipation settled over the guests as the music began to play from within the hall.

The soft and harmonious melodies indicated the transition to the second part of the banquet, a more intimate and relaxed phase of the celebration.

The atmosphere shifted subtly, mirroring the transition from the open garden to the cosy hall.

Tables were arranged more sparsely this time, allowing for greater interaction among the guests.

The food served was lighter, reflecting the desire to prolong the festivities without overwhelming the palate.

As the melodies continued to weave through the air, the eyes of the guests naturally gravitated towards the newlywed couple.

There was an unspoken understanding that a moment of celebration was about to unfold.

Unbeknownst to Riz, the floor in the middle of the hall had been cleared, creating an impromptu space for dancing.

Among the guests, Stuart Steven, Riz's teacher and Minister of Education, caught his eye.

With a knowing smile, Stuart approached his presence a reassuring presence in the midst of the crowd. "Your Majesty, I think you're smart enough to recognize your cue," he remarked with a subtle twinkle in his eye.

Riz exchanged a glance with Theodora.

He let out a resigned sigh, knowing well what was expected of him. "I know, Stuart."

A few weeks ago, Riz had sought out Stuart, someone he was comfortable with, to give him some dance lessons beforehand.

His old teacher, who was well-versed in both academics and the art of dance, had imparted a few basic moves to help him navigate this situation.

He had hoped to avoid this part, believing that the guests wouldn't notice and thus sparing him from public dancing.

However, it seemed that his hope shattered the moment they looked at him.

With a deep breath and a confident smile, Riz stepped onto the cleared floor, offering his hand to Theodora.

The soft melody of the music embraced them as they began to dance, moving in rhythm with each other.n(-0vεlbIn

Inwardly, he was trying his best to avoid any missteps that could lead to accidentally stepping on her foot.

Fortunately, Theodora seemed to sense his unease and skillfully covered some of his mistakes, making the dance flow more smoothly than he had anticipated.

As they danced, a quiet conversation unfolded amidst the music and the gentle gliding.

"I'm surprised that you're doing so well after only a few weeks of preparation," said Theodora.

Riz couldn't help but chuckle softly. "Do you really wish for me to fail in front of all these people?"

She gave a slight grin, "Maybe just a bit. You're always so confident all the time. Sometimes, I just wish to see you fail even for a moment."

He raised an eyebrow. 'That's a bit twisted,' he thought to himself.

Their lighthearted exchange continued as they gracefully moved across the floor.

Despite his initial apprehension, Riz found himself enjoying the dance.

As the music gradually came to an end, Riz and Theodora slowed their movements, their steps becoming gentle sways.

With a final, graceful twirl, the dance concluded, and the room erupted into a round of applause.

The relief that washed over Riz was palpable as he observed the warm and appreciative response. Amidst the clapping and smiles, he exchanged a brief, proud glance with Theodora.

As the applause gradually subsided, the bustling atmosphere of the banquet resumed.

Another melody filled the air, however, Riz and Theodora chose to gracefully retreat from the centre of attention, allowing other couples to take the floor.

The two of them seamlessly blended back into the crowd, continuing to engage with their guests in conversations and shared laughter.

The night progressed and the hands of the clock moved steadily towards midnight.

The banquet, a culmination of celebrations and well-wishes, began to wind down.

The guests, their hearts full of joy and their spirits lifted by the festivities, gradually took their leave.

Riz personally saw off each departing guest, expressing his gratitude for their presence and participation in the day's events.

With the departure of the last guest, Riz found himself breathing a sigh of relief. "Finally, they're all gone," he muttered, his voice carrying a hint of exhaustion as he stretched his arms up in the air, seeking to ease the tension that had built up throughout the day.

As he glanced around the now-empty hall, his attention was drawn to the maids who had begun the task of meticulously cleaning up the remnants of the celebration.


Riz made his way to his room, his steps a touch heavier now that the weight of the day had started to catch up with him.

However, as he pushed the door open, he was met with an unexpected sight. Theodora, waiting for him...on his bed.

His mind momentarily froze before the realization struck him. "Oh yeah, I'm married," he mused aloud.

He quickly entered the room, closed the door behind him, and walked over to the nearby candles.

"Puff!" With a gentle exhale, he blew the lights off, allowing the room to be engulfed in a soft, comforting darkness.

[End of Volume 3]