Chapter 397 Captured

Name:Restart:Untalented Man Author:
Chapter 397 Captured

?Then, their ears heard the soldier shout, "Stop that wagon! The Ferron was on it, hiding among the gunny sacks!"

His shout was loud and clear, attracting the attention of all in his presence.

Without further ado, soldiers sprang into action, driven by the urgency to halt the high-speed wagon by any means necessary.

The soldiers scrambled to mount their horses, aiming to give chase and intercept the runaway wagon.

However, their efforts proved futile as the wagon safely crossed the border, leaving a trail of dust in its wake.

They gritted their teeth while watching the fading silhouette of the escaping wagon, disappearing into the darkness of Turtevekesia.


Back at the border, the situation for the remaining wagons took a turn for the worse.

So far, only four out of the seven wagons had successfully exited the kingdom.

The rest were still stranded in line.

Surely, they won't have an easy time crossing the border. The soldiers would definitely take their sweet time checking every cargo they had.

Not only the soldiers would find the Ferrons but also the children.

Panic slowly crept into the hearts of the drivers who remained in the queue.

Nervousness and uneasiness painted their faces. Beads of sweat formed on their foreheads.

They are bound to get caught if they do nothing.

Moreover, simply exiting the line would be enough to make them look suspicious.

'What a bad luck I had tonight.'

'Why do I even take this job?'

'This is why we should also induce the sedative to the Ferrons!'

Regret and self-reproach swirl in the drivers' minds as they find themselves trapped in a tightening noose of suspicion.

In the fleeting moments before their descent, the drivers, faces marked by an indomitable will, disembarked from the wagons.

Though the soldiers might have perceived their action as compliance with their command, beneath the veneer of submission, their eyes did not show a sign of defeat yet.

In do or die situation, the drivers are willing to take a gamble in their lives. They wait patiently for soldiers to come closer.

As the soldiers continued their advance, the drivers sprang into action.

With a sudden burst of speed, they lunged toward the soldiers, a desperate bid for freedom.

The soldiers, taken aback by the unexpected aggression, fumbled to respond. It was a chaotic spectacle, bodies entwined in a frenzied dance of evasion and pursuit.

Recognizing the severity of the situation, they were forced to resort to their last option.


The unmistakable sound of gunfire shattered the night.

"Arghh!" A cry of pain echoed through the air as a shot found its mark, piercing the tight of one of the drivers.

The moment froze in time, the wounded driver now a focal point of everyone there.

His hand instinctively reached for the source of pain. Then, he staggered before crumpled to the ground.

While the injured driver clutched their wound, the soldiers came close to him.

They swiftly restrained the wounded man. The treatment meted out was harsh and devoid of empathy.

"Stay down!" barked one soldier, pressing their knee against the driver's back, ensuring compliance through physical force.

The injured driver winced, the pain from the gunshot blending with the strain of being forcibly subdued.

But the soldiers, unswayed by the driver's pleas or the anguish etched across his face, remained resolute in maintaining control.

Another soldier came and secured the driver's hands behind their back. "Stop whining, you bastard! Not so smart, eh?"

The driver, though physically subdued, remained silent. His gaze was no longer fixed on the path of escape but on the events unfolding around him.

His eyes darted furtively, searching if his fellow driver had managed to evade capture or not.

Unfortunately for him, no one successfully escaped.

Good, at least he didn't have to suffered this fate alone.