Chapter 55

[Translator – Kie]

Chapter 55: Jacques Noiré (1)

As the sun set, Damien halted the carriage and prepared for camping.

“Everyone, come for the meal,” he called out.

Victor had prepared the evening meal. After filling their stomachs with Victor’s cooking, the group retired to their sleeping quarters.

In preparation for any contingency, Olivia slept inside the carriage, while the remaining three laid out sleeping bags outside.

It was deep into the night when it happened.

A dark shadow approached the camp silently, moving so discreetly that not even the sound of footsteps could be heard.

No one in the camp noticed the intruder. They were all immersed in deep slumber, unaware of the impending threat.

The assailant slowly unsheathed a dagger, its white blade ominously gleaming in the moonlight.

Before swinging the knife, the intruder counted the people lying in the camp—one in the carriage, two outside.

... Two?

“I was getting bored waiting.”

A voice echoed from above. The intruder quickly looked up.

Someone was sitting on top of the carriage.

“Jacques Noiré, did you really want to kill me that badly?” Damien Haksen mocked, framed against the night sky.

“How did you know I was coming?” Jacques spoke with a calm tone, seemingly unfazed despite being caught off guard.

“Trying to easily reveal others’ secrets isn’t a good habit.”

“Smart. There’s nothing to gain from exposing yourself to others.”

Jacques nodded, and Damien felt a sense of perplexity.

“It’s strange. I thought you’d be angry and ready to attack as soon as you saw my face.”

“Why should I be angry at you?”

In response to the unexpected question, Damien replied with a puzzled expression.

“I got you chased by the organization, remember?”

“Oh, that. I did get annoyed as you said, but I decided to forget about it. It’s a hassle being wanted by the organization, but I can change my face and escape to the outskirts of the continent.”

Damien’s brow furrowed slightly.

Speaking so casually about abandoning one’s name and identity was unsettling.

From his breath and tone, it seemed like Jacques was genuinely speaking the truth.

It felt like Damien was finally understanding the identity of the discomfort he had felt since their first encounter.

Jacques was a person lacking something essential as a human.

“So, why did you follow me?”

“To obtain the artifact you possess.”

“...Artifact?”NEew stories at novelhall.comien’s expression tightened even more. He found the statement absurd.

“No matter how much you hide it, it’s useless. You undoubtedly obtained the item left by the master. Through the memories and knowledge stored in that item, you’ve become so much stronger.”

“I haven’t done anything like that.”

Damien responded with a face expressing utter disbelief.

“Even if you lie, it’s futile. How else would you explain your rapid improvement in skills if not for the artifact?”

“I’m just a bit of a genius.”

A brief silence hung between the two.

Jacques licked his lips briefly.

“It’s impressive how thoroughly you conceal your flaws. Intelligent. Almost irritatingly so.”

“No, really?”

“I initially considered sparing you if you handed over the artifact willingly, but... with you being like this, I have no choice. I’ll have to kill you and take the artifact.”

Jacques discarded the dagger and slowly drew the sword hanging at his waist.

Unlike a regular sword, its blade undulated like waves.

“A treasure should be in the hands of someone worthy.”

Jacques spun the blade once. With a bizarre sound, the afterimage of the blade lingered before disappearing.

“So, peacefully hand over the artifact.”

“I told you, I am a genius, remember?”

Damien said, tapping Jacques’ shoulder with the sharp edge of his sword. During the battle, Damien had already discerned the intervals of Jacques’ stance and magical flow, recognizing the Phantom Sword technique.

“If you understand it well, it’s easy to block. Just rely on senses other than sight.”

“What are you thinking?” Damien asked as Jacques remained silent.

“I get it now.”

After much contemplation, Jacques Noiré nodded slowly.

“The knowledge obtained through the conduit was indeed remarkable. Although you’re in the Low-Class stage, You’ve reached a Mid-Class level in terms of technique.”

“Still on that topic?”

“You must have gained significant knowledge. I’m curious about the kind of conduit you have.”

A smile appeared on Jacques’ face, but it felt forced and unsettling.

“I haven’t felt this excited in a long time. Show me the conduit you obtained.”

Jacques Noiré raised his magical power. The aura of his sword was starting to be enveloped by an aura.

“Do you know the decisive difference that separates a Low-Class knight and a Mid-Class knight?”

The aura of Low-Class resembled a lion’s mane.

The aura of the Mid-Class knight was much denser, almost like being surrounded by smoke.

“It’s the crystallization of aura. Beyond manifesting aura, it’s about transforming and shaping it. That’s the essence of a Mid-Class knight.”

Jacques moved forward. Numerous afterimages remained where he passed. Surprisingly, the afterimages didn’t stop at their initial positions.

They dashed in various directions – some left, some right, and some even leaped into the air.

The departing afterimages didn’t stop but dispersed in the air after moving a certain distance.

Jacques circled around Damien. Dozens of afterimages surrounded Damien, leaving no visible escape route.

“Let me show you my ideology.”

One of the afterimages charged towards Damien. Damien didn’t rely on his eyes; he used his other senses to judge.

Activated senses confirmed it. It was not an illusion but real.

Damien raised his sword, blocking the attack. A powerful impact struck him.

However, what Jacques believed to be real scattered away.


Before Damien could react, another afterimage attacked from behind. Once again, his senses confirmed its reality.

Turning his body, Damien swung his sword. However, this time, too, it was an illusion.


Damien couldn’t hide his fascination. He didn’t expect his senses to be deceived so easily.

In his past life, he had encountered various swordsmen, but none with such a peculiar Phantom Sword technique.

“It’s impressive, isn’t it? I’ve spent a lifetime perfecting this sword technique.”

Jacques’ voice echoed through the gaps between the afterimages. The constantly moving afterimages mesmerized Damien.

“All these are fakes, yet real. With your senses, you won’t be able to tell what’s real.”

The afterimages simultaneously aimed their blades at Damien.

“This is the end.”

Dozens of afterimages rushed towards Damien simultaneously.

Observing the spectacle, Damien couldn’t help but smirk.

“It’s amusing, but nothing special.”

People encountering the Phantom Sword for the first time would inevitably be overwhelmed – captivated by the mystifying technique that turned illusions into reality.

However, in reality, the Phantom Sword was not such an extraordinary blade. It lacked the destructive power compared to a strong sword and was slower than a swift one. Its main focus was on thrusting attacks. That was the essence of the Phantom Sword technique.

Coincidentally, Damien possessed a technique that could counter the Phantom Sword effectively.

“It seems you take great pride in that sword technique.”

Damien swept his hand over the Thousand-Mile Sword. The sword began to vibrate, emitting a resonating sound.

“Let’s shatter that illusion.”

Damien flicked the Thousand-Mile Sword with his finger.

Dark Blade – Merciless Slaughter.

The piercing sound of the sword seemed to tear the air apart.

[Translator – Kie]