Chapter 64

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 64: The Dungeon(2)



One of the five great elders of the Church and leader of a sect ‘The Incinerator’.

All five great elders were like monsters. Even the master class called Superhuman was just a child compared to the five great elders.

Damien fought and won against all five great elders.

If you ask him who was the strongest of the five great elders, he will not hesitate to name Cheongyeum.

That’s how great Cheongyeum was. Even Damien remembered him as a dangerous opponent.

Agnes was Cheongyeum’s direct disciple.

Direct disciples referred to those who were considered the highest among all disciples. Agnes was one of the few who received direct teachings from Cheongyeum.

“I am going to dedicate this battle to God.”

Blue flames began to spread over Agnes’s hands.

The blue flames exploded. In the blink of an eye, Agnes reached the Flesh Golem’s nose.

A series of explosions.

The explosion that started from the elbow pushed the fist forward. The accelerated fist struck the Flesh Golem’s neck.

With a clanging sound, the Flesh Golem was slammed into the wall.

Agnes moved again. With another explosion, this time she appeared behind another Flesh Golem.

Two consecutive strikes hit the Flesh Golem. Blood burst from its mouth.

‘She has already mastered Cheongyeum’s battle tactics perfectly.’

The paladins of the sect ‘The Incinerator’ could control powerful flames that could burn all things to ashes.

But Cheongyeum used this power in a slightly different way.

The power of flames did not harm the owner. Of course, the explosions were the same.

Cheongyeum invented a technique that used the power of explosions to propel him forward.

‘Although most of the attacks are straightforward and easy to read...’

Cheongyeum’s self-invented technique showed overwhelming speed and power that overwhelmed this disadvantage.

Before they knew it, all the Flesh Golems were lying on the ground. Agnes looked at Damien and said, “Damien, it’s all over...”

Suddenly, Damien rushed towards Agnes. He wrapped his arms around Agnes’s shoulders and turned his body. At the same time, he stretched his legs backward. The Flesh Golem that was about to attack Agnes was kicked away.

– Kieak!

The Flesh Golem was pushed back. With its eyes full of hatred, it glared at Damien.

– Kieak!

– Kieak!

Flesh Golems also got up and roared.

The Flesh Golems were unharmed, only momentarily stunned by the impact.

Their tough skin protected them.

“Even after getting hit by the master’s techniques, they are still fine...?”

Agnes muttered with an incredulous expression on her face. Soon after thinking something her face lit up.

“Sir Damien, please watch over me again. This time, I will burn them all.”

Flames began to burn on Agnes’s entire body.

It looked like she was going to use her divine power to reduce the Flesh Golems to ashes.

‘It seems like she has talent. But there are still too many shortcomings.’

Damien sighed inwardly.

If Agnes were to fully utilize the power of flames, she could burn these Flesh Golems in an instant.

But they didn’t know how long the dungeon conquest would last. They couldn’t afford to waste their strength already.

“Miss Agnes, please calm down.”

Agnes’s talent would be a great help to the Church.

For the growth of Agnes, Damien gave her one piece of advice.

“Quantity is not important. Quality is important.”

Damien stood up. Aura was gathered around the Holy Sword. The aura was much denser than usual.

– Kieak!

A Flesh Golem rushed towards Damien. It was the one he had just kicked away.

“Increase the concentration of divine power. Think of it as lava, not fire. Use divine power so dense that it flows, not burns.”

Damien swung the Holy Sword. The tough skin that had even withstood Agnes’s punch was cut like a piece of paper. The Flesh Golem was destroyed.

“Did you see that?”

Damien turned to Agnes. She was looking at him with wide eyes.

“Miss Agnes, you can do it too. Remember what I said and try it.”

Encouraged by Damien, Agnes clenched her fists. Blue flames started to gathered around her fists.

But the flames subsided. A faint light covering appeared on her fist.

Agnes moved forward. She rushed and struck the Flesh Golem.

The Flesh Golem’s skin shattered like a cookie. Its core crumbled and exploded.

A faint smile appeared on Damien’s lips.

She learned it so quickly. Indeed, she had the exceptional talent to be considered a direct disciple of a great elder.

Perhaps she could even reach the level of a master.

“At that moment, I believe my brother realized that he could not solve the problem with his powers, so decided to hide me in a large box in the house.”

Agnes’s expression stiffened again.

“And he gave me something in the box. Later, I found out it was a holy relic of stealth specially provided by the sect to protect talented paladins in tough situations.”

Young Agnes trembled with fear inside the box.

All she could see was the faint scenery outside through the cracks in the box.

“I kept hearing screams from outside. It was the screams of people I knew, like the neighbor Cecile and Mr. Obel from across the street. Then, I heard my brother’s voice last.”

Agnes’s hand holding the food was trembling slightly.

“I didn’t even know if my brother was alive or dead, I was trapped in the box. I was hungry and thirsty, but I couldn’t leave. My brother’s request not to come out until someone opened the the box. When my mind became hazy, and I had no strength in my body... the lid of the box opened.”

The Crusade sent by the Church had arrived.

After dealing with the undead, the Crusade discovered Agnes while searching the village.

Since then, Agnes has been under the protection of the Church. Only after fully recovering her strength could she hear the truth about what happened in the village.

A dark mage known as Corpseplay was responsible whole massacre.

And it goes without saying that Agnes was the only survivor in the village.

Agnes looked at Damien. Her eyes were as dim as a dried-up well.


“Is the meal going well?”

Margata returned a while later.

“I just discussed plans with Gamal. There are about five entrances. Should we split up or we go in one by one to be sure.”

Margata chewed on some jerky thoughtfully.

“What were your thoughts?”

“Me? I was in favor of dividing. The entrances and corridors are small, so it would be too crowded if we all rushed in at once.”

Even though Margata had seen how strong the Flesh Golems were on the way here, she was still suggesting splitting the forces without any concern.

Perhaps it was due to her confidence.

The sect’s 2nd-grade paladin had earned the right to be so arrogant.

“Sanus shared the same opinion. Gamal wants us all to go in together, but Sanus and I suggested dividing. What could he do?”

“Is it confirmed that each will enter separately?”

“Seems like it.”

“Then your role will become crucial once the forces are divided. You’re the strongest among us.”

Margata raised an eyebrow at Damien’s words.

“That’s not it, We’re lucky to have you here. Thanks to you, there have been no casualties, and we’ve been conserving our strength.”

The Flesh Golem blocking the entrance was unusual. If it weren’t for Damien, there might have been casualties.

The Flesh Golem with tough skins was the same. It almost caused significant damage to the forces because of its stealth and ability to tank hits.

“I look forward to the future.......”

Damien’s senses picked up something. He stood up with his Holy Sword.

“What’s wrong?”

Margata asked with a puzzled expression.

It was right after that. Eerie sounds began to emanate from the five entrances.

The forces immediately stood up and held their weapons. Both soldiers and paladins stared at the entrance with tense expressions.

Five Flesh Golems walked out of the entrances one by one.

They had elongated arms like monkeys, and their lower bodies were snake-like.

All five were so tall that their heads almost touched the ceiling. They were emitting a dense dark mana that made it difficult to breathe.

“These are formidable foes.”

Margata muttered under her breath, licking her lips.

“Agnus, Damien, stay still. It seems like we have to deal with them.”

Agnus reached out for her weapon hanging from her waist.

Seeing that, Damien couldn’t help but be amazed.

“Is that...Gauntlet?”

Damien had thought it was a blunt instrument for crushing, but it was actually a protective gauntlet for her fist.

Other 2nd-grade paladins seemed to feel what Margata and Damien sensed.

Gamal took out a spear for the first time. Sanus held a large axe like a guillotine.

“Gamal, I’ll attack first. You provide support.”

“Don’t talk nonsense. You’re my support.”

“Everyone, stop fighting.”

A 2nd-grade paladins of the Church.

On top of the disciples of the Five Great Elders.

Despite not raising their divine power, an indescribable pressure emanated from the three.

“Ah, forget it. I won’t fight you. I’ll fight with Sanus.”


Margata and Gamal were bickering.

Suddenly, a loud explosion erupted from beneath their feet.

At the same time, the ground where the crusade stood collapsed all at once.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]